What Can Casual Players Be Bad-hearted

Chapter 150: "Strong aid" arrives?

It seems that the technique of catching the sleepy period is not suitable for everyone.

Rin Yu self-examined.

Because the object of his communication now is a person who struggles to communicate even when he is awake.

The main reason is that the other party's Chinese expression is a little bit obstructed, and they often don't understand what they mean, and sometimes they make big misunderstandings because they don't understand the meaning.

Not to mention that, just over a year ago, KK Ada opened a world plot, which triggered the invasion of the Dark Track Refuge Polar Devouring Beast, which led to the repeated deaths of thousands of trumpets born in Dark Track at that time... and the reason It turned out that they misunderstood the meaning of the NPC.

Moreover, it is not that one person understands it wrong, but three people understand it wrong at the same time.

As a result, a mission that clearly ought to save the Dark Track Refuge was just done by him to almost destroy the Dark Track Refuge.

The entire server was stunned.

No one can believe that, as the top second-tier hunting team in the Asian server, such a magical mistake can be made-any hunting team that can enter the game can normally make such a mistake.

As for why Rin Yu was so impressed with that incident?

Because at that time, his most important deputy commander, Wang Fu, happened to be reincarnated and returned!

The birth point happens to be the dark track!

The sudden attack of the Extreme Devouring Beast in the evening resulted in the destruction of the players sent by two teams to **** Wang Fu, and Wang Fu himself died three or four times.

It was really a catastrophic night.

The spirit cage has been in operation for more than ten years, but it rarely happens that the safety zone is attacked by the Beast Devourer. Therefore, Lin Yu even suspects that the KK Wilderness Hunting Group caused this incident deliberately, which is unhappy to Wang Fu. .

If you change to another team leader and get stuck with the reincarnation of an important player by KK, you may just declare war!

However, Lin Yu still adhered to the principle of not making mistakes, and sent someone to investigate first.

As a result... because of the **** incident caused by a line comprehension error, it made him dumbfounded.

Since the other party didn't do it on purpose, then Lin Yu couldn't look for things just for the sake of trouble, and forcibly declare war, right? Well, he also asked the KK Wilderness Hunting Group to ask for a little donation as compensation, and casually added a little immortal material and a heavy stereo as Wang Fu's personal spiritual loss. Even if the matter was settled peacefully.

The "peace" between the two parties has continued for a long time since then-the kind of absolute peace that has not produced any high-level dialogue for more than three months.

"Well, it's like this." Lin Yu rubbed his aching head, tried his best to use simple vocabulary and clear expressions, and said to KK Ada, "In view of the last Mitasul incident, I didn't work with you successfully. So I will give you a compensation. You are squatting like the task of the science education contact person of the dragon hunting group, ready to find the right time to snatch, right?"

"Yes, the task is "Under the Nest"." KK Ada did not hide Lin Yu, after all, since the other party called, the cause and effect must have been investigated.

"Oh, you'd better hurry up, because their mission is about to fail." Lin Yu didn't lie to anyone, so he said the truth, "The metamorphosis double-headed rattletail in the sunset swamp has been destroyed. After more than ten or twenty rounds of them, the main fighters may be considering retreating. So, if you want to grab a mission, now is a good time."

KK Ada rubbed his eyes, and his mind slowly cleared up: "What does the metamorphic double-headed rattletail in the sunset marsh have to do with the task under the covering nest?"

They have fought the double-headed rattles more than once.

You can't fall out of Mr. Mo, why do you want to provoke him like a dragon?

"Then I don't know. I can only make sure that Rulong is almost fully deployed, and that it is related to the task, but how can you know where it is related if you don't play it?" Lin Yu asked.

"Hmm..." KK Ada was thinking.

"What's the matter? It was difficult to **** Rulong a two-headed rattletail in the past?"

"It's not difficult." KK Ada struggled to put on his clothes, "but what good is it for you if we go to grab the monster like a dragon?"

"I want the tailbone of the rattletail, I'm just two short here." Lin Yu said readily.

"Understood. The deal." KK Ada agreed with one bite.

KK Ada's call was disconnected in seconds.

Lin Yu threw away the phone and put on her pajamas.

Then, he saw a message on the phone, which was sent by Wang Fu.

"Brother Lin, how is it?"

"Oh," Rin Yu replied, "From 3 to 5 this afternoon, neither KK Ada nor the core main force can be online, let alone interrupting Boss No. 1 in Ye Cemetery."

"Okay. Then we directly use the'sundial' to hit the No. 1 Boss?" Wang Fu replied.

When all the hunting groups were unable to win the No. 1 Boss of Broken Night Cemetery, their lighthouse quicksand hunting group got a prop called "Sundial", which could suspend the No. 1 Boss action for 10 seconds. Repeated use 10 times, the only problem is... this item is not only effective for them.

It is valid for the No. 1 Boss in all dungeons at the same time.

In other words, after they turn on the sundial, all the teams that are playing the No. 1 boss can enjoy the effect of this timeout.

Lin Yu didn't worry about other dungeon teams.

Neither Sirius nor Nighthawk entered, and Dark Fire was almost half giving up.

The only problem is KK Ada. Everyone in their dungeon team is very strong and has more experience with Boss No. 1. If the difficulty is reduced at the same time, it is very likely that the first kill will not be their lighthouse quicksand. Up.

"Speaking of which, how do you convince KK Ada to not be online this afternoon?" Wang Fu asked.

"I didn't persuade him not to go online, I just persuaded him to change his work and rest a little bit. Oh, by the way, I also asked him to ask for two pieces of tailbone that you said last time that the weapon was missing." Rin Yu smiled, "rest early, three in the afternoon. Point collection."

"Well, I'll see you at three o'clock." Wang Fu didn't understand how could he get something by the way?


Sunset over the swamp.

8:15 am in the three-dimensional time.

The number of people in the hunting group’s resident has decreased, but none of the players fighting in the sunset swamp has decreased. The battle that was originally scheduled to be resolved between 6:30 and 8:00 has already been delayed by 8 o’clock, and, moreover, they participated in the battle. Everyone died at least one level!

Many people said they were going to go out at eight o'clock, but when they looked back and saw their teammates were still fighting, they still stayed.

Today, I don’t know how many people have asked their leaders or teachers for leave.

"What is the picture?" The candlelight splashed around and he stayed, but he was puzzled, because from the perspective of a strategy designer, with their abilities and cooperation, they would definitely not be able to defeat this metamorphosis double-headed rattle. Beast...

The candlelight has been splattered and the plan has been adjusted.

They can all return to the shore now, as long as they wait for Mr. Mo to be captured from the animal husbandry side, and the moment they come up, they can figure out a way to lead away this metamorphic polar-chewing beast!

It doesn't matter if you fill in human lives.

After all, he had never made a plan similar to "must be killed" in his strategy.

But whether it was the Purple Sweet Potato Dumpling, Concubine Yun, and even his few friends in the Raiders group, they still attacked the metamorphic polar-chewing beast again and again.

"Even if we can't beat it this time, at least we can prepare for the next one." Seeing the candlelight in doubt, the purple sweet potato dumpling smiled and patted his shoulder, and then rushed up again.

"Well, I really like what gentleman Qianqian said..." Concubine Yun said.

"What?" Nuomi Dumpling asked.

"At that time, after a game was over, a kid asked him, saying, I can't even fight a pan-generic elite monster, but what should I do if I want to play on the field in the future?" Concubine Yun said with a smile, "Gentleman Qianqian told him. He, then start with the ordinary mobs and fight, at least there is still a little chance, but if you sit in a chair and don't move, you will always be an audience."

If you sit still, you will always be the audience.

They are also the same now. Although they can't beat them, as long as they keep trying, they will have the opportunity to stand still on the shore.

Candlelight splashed and lowered his head: "Well, then I will try again. With our current configuration and strength, how can we adjust it!"


Chen Qian knew that the purple sweet potato dumplings had been fighting in the swamp above his head.

They were waiting, they and Xiao Yan brought Mr. Mo up.


Mr. Mo is really not an easy master to take!

Crazy for money and trajectory have been killed one after another.

And they were the only ones in the audience who hit Mr. Mo.

Life is like tea and white paper, one near and one far away, guarding two NPCs named Milis and Fogo.

In this seemingly empty and quiet space, a figure flickered.

The flashing is not terrible~www.readwn.com~ The terrible thing is that she makes a single shot once!

Chen Qian’s guess was correct—she never thought about running away. Such an extreme person, when he was about to be arrested, not only was going to die, but she also wanted to kill the few who were hidden here by her. NPC.

She never communicated with Chen Qian and the others from the beginning to the end. She only said a word to the two NPCs named Milis and Fogo: "Stand up, take up your guns, the dignity of science cannot support you. Spine? We are going to stand and die!"

Millis was already terrified.

And Mr. Mo's combat effectiveness is really not a joke.

Especially when she was determined to die and didn't go out at all, but wanted to die with them, the fighting power she burst out was simply unreasonable.

Now, including Crazy for Money and Locus, they have four dead.

You know, they only got down ten people.

The pistol in Chen Qian's hand had been replaced with luminous paint bullets-this was ready when they knew that Mr. Mo had the ability to be invisible.

Mr. Mo's speed is too fast.

Chen Qian has shot twice in a row!

Although [Yuhui] is just a decoration, so far, no matter whether it is in the boss battle or on the field, no one has allowed him to shoot twice in a row.

Silence won't work!

Chen Qian's spirit has completely tightened.

The decisive factor in the battle with Mr. Mo was his shot!

It depends on whether he can hit Mr. Mo first with this shot, locate her location and movement route, or whether Mr. Mo kills everyone present first!


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