What Can Casual Players Be Bad-hearted

Chapter 160: Grab it, grab it if you have the ability

Captain Enge led three teams and rushed to the town of Tocalina in full gear.

Because, although Mr. Mo is not on the list of science education, he has a very high rating. He is proficient in old-world retro firearms. He has a large private collection. He can fight and modify. He has extreme personality, crazy consciousness, and extremely inconsistent behavior. Sex.

Such people are generally referred to as mental patients for short.

Moreover, this is still a mentally ill person with high fighting.

But when he saw Mr. Mo in the self-herd, it was completely different from the description he knew.

Mr. Mo hung her head and sat on the ground, like an old man with a white head all night. Her eyes were dull, her hands and feet were weak, where did she seem to have any fighting power? Let alone the three teams, Captain Enge can take her back alone.

"Captain, here." Chen Qian called Captain Enge aside and handed him the three guns of Mr. Mo. "I don't doubt Captain's ability, but... I would like to remind you that this person has a strong The reason for her self-destructive tendency, waiting until now, I think there may be a bomb or something in her body. She wants to wait until it penetrates into your interior and then detonates the bomb, which may take more people away."

"Well, the brain is good." Captain Enge put his hand on his shoulder, "However, we will also go deep into her first, check it clearly, and then take her back."

"Uh... isn't this bad?"

"Anatomy first, then suture, what's the problem?"

"..." Chen Qian waved his hand, "Let's go."

With the current medical technology, it is indeed not a problem to first dissect and find out the dangerous items in the body, and then sew it back, but with the conditions in the field, how long you can live after suturing is not known.

However, Captain Enge should not care too much about this detail.

Chen Qian wished Mr. Mo a good time.

And the life hiding in the car is like tea and a few other teammates, and they pay attention to Chen Qian in a row.

The task of others is to find NPC.

They turn in the task is the NPC to come to them?

"I thought you were laughing." Life is like tea when Chen Qian came back to the car, with a dogleg look, "Captain Enge was actually called by you when you called him. Handle right?"

Chen Qian smiled.

What handle can you hold?

But it was when Elsa went to rescue Ningyuan before that the fishy orientin infection broke out when he hit Deputy Captain Amon, and after Captain Enge killed Amon, he left him with a final reputation and dignity?

Of course, it also prevented a large-scale panic in the net wood source.

"Then we are finished?" Life is like a tea stall, "Large-scale waste hunting mission, are we really finished?"

"Well, wait for the reward." Chen Qian is not the first time he has done such a large-scale task, so he doesn't have much feeling about it, but life is like tea and many players in the hunting group. This is in the true sense. the first time!

The task rewards have not yet been released, and the team channel has already begun to take the rhythm...

"Head of Baichuan, it's a bit unreasonable if we don't have a celebration this evening?"

"It just so happens that a lot of brewing materials have been produced on this double-headed rattletail, as well as a cocktail jar. I don't have to drink isatis root and glucose tonight?"

Chen Qian didn't respond yet, Xiao Zhen replied on the team channel: "Is the level full? Have the world missions been done? Have the free attribute points been found? Are the weapons immortal?"

"..." There was a sudden silence in the team channel.

"None? I just want to eat and drink if I don't have it. What's the difference between the pursuit of life and salted fish?" Xiaozhen said, "However, it's not impossible to celebrate..."

"Hahaha, we know that the leader is the best." Concubine Yun brushed a row of likes.

"Tomorrow morning at 6:30, go online on time to celebrate?" Xiao Yan said.

"...Farewell." The hunting group channel was full of expressions of surrendering with hands raised up.

Although that is said, for the players who have to light a bonfire to celebrate Monday, the celebration has already begun directly in the waste hunting group's resident.

Chen Qian first nodded his head with satisfaction and revealed his aunt's smile, but when he saw Xiao Yan's gaze turned, he immediately pointed to the watch seriously and said, "They are too shameful."

"My brother is the best, my brother is the most powerful!" Xiaozheng tweeted on his face happily.

Life is like a petrified tea.

He pointed at Chen Qian for a long time, staring at him, and cursed: "Beast!"


The strategy team on the KK waste hunting team finally combined the information of the clue card and the description of Mr. Mo in other missions to find out important information-she likes a red berry wine produced in the sunset swamp. Named "Sunset Poisonous Scorpion", this wine contains extremely small amounts of orientin-like toxins, which have hallucinogenic effects on the human body, but at the same time it can also bring happiness. The most powerful thing is that this berry toxin can last for 24 hours. After being metabolized by the human body, only a very small part is deposited in the body.

They found two cans of this berry wine in the sunset swamp.

"That's right, it should be this wine that can lead Mr. Mo out." KK Ada sniffed the wine opened by KK Xiaoji, "...It's really fragrant."

"If it wasn't for the description to know that it is poisonous, I would like to try two." KK Xiaoji said.

"Ha, forget it, I don't know what the result will be if it is deposited in the body, if it is to permanently reduce the attribute point, then you will cry loudly."

KK Xiaoji regretfully handed over the wine.

Therefore, the players of the KK Wilderness Hunting Group were divided into two groups. One was taken by the person in charge of the Foreign Affairs Department and continued to squat down at the southeast gate. Moving inside and outside the source leads to Mr. Mo.

Time goes by little by little...

The players of Net Wood Source have no gain.

KK Ada is weird. Generally, the task of using props to induce NPCs is just a cutscene, which can be done in a few minutes.

Is the props wrong? It shouldn't.

And ten minutes later...

Mr. Mo, who was so disgraced all the way, sat in Captain Enge's car and suddenly raised his head.

Her nose moved, her eyes trembling violently in her eye sockets, and then her nose twitched even more...

"Huh? What smells so fragrant?" Bibros's deputy captain's nose also moved.

"A kind of poisonous berry!" Captain Enge hurriedly asked everyone to wear masks, "has a strong hallucinogenic ability, so be careful."

"I'll check!" Captain Bibros put on a mask and immediately jumped out of the car. "Who would dare to do this kind of thing in Jingmuyuan?!"

Mr. Mo looked into the distance, greedily absorbing the sweetness and delicacy in the air, and was dragged from the car by Captain Enge and fell to the ground without saying a word.

Her attention has been completely attracted by that berry liqueur.

"Take her to the medical tent." Captain Enge waved, and immediately several medical soldiers in white coats came and carried Mr. Mo away.

Only then did Mr. Mo react, kicking with his hands and feet: "What are you doing? You..."

However, there was a sedative, which made her fall asleep.

The players of the KK Wilderness Hunting Group not far away happened to see them and sent several messages to the group excitedly: "Mr. Mo has been found!"

"Captain Enge is also back."

"Should I submit the task directly now?"

And almost at the same time, the player who was holding the [Sunset Poisonous Scorpion] sweet wine in Manjing Muyuan with the KK Wilderness Hunting Group was also directly taken by the Deputy Captain Bibros!

The person in charge of the Foreign Affairs Department received all kinds of news at a time, and he couldn't handle it in his head.

After that, he received another message from the player waiting to submit the task: "...Can't submit the task. Captain Enge said that this task has been settled long ago."

"..." KK Ada and KK Xiaoji were speechless.

"It's settled?" The person in charge of the foreign affairs department shed cold sweat, "Are there any dragon-like players nearby?"

"Uh... No. It should have nothing to do with them, we all snatched their blame."

"What's going on?!" KK Xiaoji patted the table and stood up, "You better give us a reasonable explanation!"

"...I didn't send out the clue card." The person in charge of the foreign affairs department was also speechless. It was obviously your own mission to learn from other people's Lin Yu and intercept others. Now that you have failed, blame me?

KK Ada held his head and looked at the time: "You take your time to check, I will go offline to sleep."

It really can't hold it anymore.

Their old-fashioned hunting group has always maintained a fairly regular schedule and activity time. Although they are most active at night and at night, they are most active from 3 pm to 1 am, but the regularity does not have a great impact on the body, but , Today, it's almost time for lunch now, and they haven't slept yet.

The plan for this afternoon must be pushed back.

"I'm offline too." KK Xiaoji pointed to the nose of the person in charge of the Foreign Affairs Department ~ www.readwn.com ~ also disappeared in the wilderness hunting group.


mission completed.

Reward settlement.

The entire Rulong Hunting Group took off.

The task of a large-scale hunting group is, first of all, a special reward for resident construction funds.

Seeing the 50,000 contribution points added to the resident panel, Xiaozheng danced happily. Although the resident fund is still half short, I will talk about things a few days later, right?

Then, it is everyone's personal contribution point.

At the beginning of the mission, no personal dedication points were clearly given, but after the completion of the task, there were random rewards, and personal dedication points appeared-everyone’s dedication points were different. They were all resurrected in the sunset swamp. The dedication points consumed during the function of the "Indestructible Soul" cannot be said to be completely the same, but it is not much different.

For example, Concubine Yun was resurrected six times and consumed 1,200 resurrection points. After completing this task, he was rewarded with 1,000 personal dedication points.

It's not just players who participated in the mission.

Even players who just went online and didn't know the situation were rewarded with an experience point.

This is the task of a large-scale hunting group. As long as it is completed, the players of the entire hunting group can gain something, whether they participate or not.

For Chen Qian, the most important thing was the gesture of beckoning at him just now when Crazy for the money was in another car.

It seems that he has almost talked to the two NPCs and gained enough trust.

Chen Qian can go over and talk to them about joining the Rulong Wilderness Hunting Group...Well, it's just that the resident funds are relatively tight now. First, owing a salary or something, should it be negotiable?


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