What Can Casual Players Be Bad-hearted

Chapter 161: We are happy little shrimps

"What? Are you willing to hire us... to work in your wilderness hunting group?"

After hearing what Chen Qian said to her, Millis had an extremely complicated smile on her tear-stained face, as if she wanted to pull it out, but with a hint of hesitation and worry.

The legendary laughter is uglier than crying, right?

Chen Qian nodded very sincerely: "As I said just now, I personally hold a neutral stance on the teaching of the science of the self. I myself do not agree with the purpose and doctrine of the teaching of the science of the self, but I also believe that a large number of people are It was fooled by Mr. Mo or a contact person like her. Without knowing what he was doing, he joined the ego-science teaching. For this group of people, I hope to be able to first amidst this turmoil. Preserving it can be regarded as leaving some precious fires behind for this world."

"Mr. Self-Shepherd, you are very enthusiastic, smart, and great," Fogo asked, not as excited as Millis, "I also believe in your neutral position, but my doubt is, What about the other people in your hunting group? Can they agree with your decision? You know, you think you are saving the fire, but the world thinks we are guilty. Then, you who protect us, will you be yours? Peer rejection, denial, or even betrayal?"

"Hmm... As far as I know, Rulong Hunter Group was established in less than a week." When Millis heard Fogo's words, the hesitation and fear in her eyes became deeper, "I'm not saying I don't believe in myself Mr. Mu, Captain Enge was already in front of you just now. You did not hand over us, indicating that you must be trustworthy. But, after all, you cannot represent the entire hunting group."

Chen Qian and Crazy for Money glanced at each other.

Because Millis and Fogo are indeed not like Dao Ye and Mita Xiuer, there is enough trust between each other.

Chen Qian never thought that this matter could be simple at first.

Couldn't the human NPC be grateful immediately when he summoned it, and then he will worship it?

If it is really like that...

In fact, he didn't dare to accept it too much.

Because his knowledge of Milis and Fogo was only limited to two paper resumes, and he hadn't gotten along with them in detail, and there was no familiar NPC to endorse them.

"You can think about it here." Chen Qian didn't force it either.

He wants these NPCs to be able to really contribute to the resident, and if they are reluctant, it is better not to go.

But I didn’t expect that Milis, who was always cowardly, didn’t think about it for too long, but two minutes later, she said, “I’m willing to go with you, and I don’t need to be paid... As long as Lord Qian can fulfill Farah’s wish, Return us innocence and let the world know that we are not sinners."

Fogo frowned.

Chen Qian did not urge.

After a while, Fogo took a deep breath and said: "I'm sorry, if there is no dark fire hunting group, I might go to Rulong with you out of shameful survival instinct... But I think the current From the perspective of the situation, the underfire personnel are stable, the organization and action are strong, and their positions are unified. In contrast, I am more willing to choose underworld."

"Don't say that, survival is the first law of the last days, this is not shameful. I will help you contact Baiyi Shengxue." Chen Qian smiled and nodded.

It can be seen that Xiaozhen is a little disappointed.

However, Chen Qian said so, and she did not say a word.

"Then," Fogo also took out a mobile phone-sized device from his arms, equipped with a five-inch display, and handed it to Chen Qian, "In return, I will give you this little gadget."

"this is?"

"The communication device dedicated to the hunting group's resident site contains the contact information and employment prices of all resident construction work types..."

Chen Qian threw it into his backpack, and when he took a look, he suddenly raised his head and glanced at Fogo.

This is not a gadget!

The device he gave called [Hoshino Transmitter] has more than 20 effects displayed by Chen Qian, including the contact with various dust NPCs, but the most important one is to lower the station. Build 20% dedication points!

"Old man Mi is so happy." Chen Qian put away the prop.

Although Fogo didn't get the NPC, it was because their hunting group was indeed not as strong as the others, but given such an item, it was definitely not a waste of rescue.

Fogo looked at Chen Qian quite like it, and smiled, and said, "Can I **** Millis to your waste hunting group's location?"

"Of course." Xiaozhen sent him an invitation letter.



The resident of the hunting group.

The two NPCs who just joined, met Dao Ye and Mita Xiuer.

As for what to talk about, Chen Qian didn't know.

Because he is sleepy.

Very sleepy and sleepy!

He can't compare with Xiaozhen, a human cub who is still in school, he must have a nap after lunch.

After all, Xiaozhen would get up at six every day to go to school if it weren't during the summer vacation.

Eat, take a bath, take a nap...

"I'm almost exhausted." Chen Qian got up before dawn in the morning and tossed the big task with the little things. Fortunately, he was tossed down in the end.

If the Boss can't be pushed down all the time, or if Mr. Mo has any other players, it will cause people to vomit blood.

However, the KK people who were also dug up early...

I guess it's very sad now, right?

A sympathetic smile appeared at the corner of Chen Qian's mouth: "How Lin Yu got them here is absolutely amazing."

Of course, he generally wouldn't ask how Lin Yu did it.

Even if Rin Yu wanted to explain it to him sometimes, he didn't want to listen-it was too complicated and too wasteful of brain cells.

Just like what he did, Lin Yu generally didn't try to analyze the cause too much-the brain circuit was too jumpy and there was no logical connection, and the analysis was asking for trouble.

I got up in the afternoon and nothing happened.

Chen Qian simply sat on the balcony to read, and accompanied Xiaozhen to do his homework by the way.

Xiaozhen today has always been very happy.

It seems that the battle this morning has not only brought a lot of dedication points and rewards for experience and materials in the game, but more importantly, it has brought my sister a happy mood all day long.

The corners of her mouth bend, and the rustle of the pen on the paper sounds cheerful and warm.

Chen Qian felt that it was worth waking up early.

"Brother," the light golden sunlight sifted through the soft white gauze, illuminating half of Xiao Yan's side face, she bit her pen and turned her head to the side, "Come and help me see this circuit..."

"Uh..." Chen Qian put down the book and passed.

"Here, the power supply voltage is 3v, and the bulbs L1 and L2 are 3v2.5w and 3v5w respectively. After the switch is closed, both lights are on. Is the current through L1 smaller than L2?"

"..." Chen Qian looked at it carefully, thought about it seriously, and then replied, "Would you like to play the game?"

"Oh, you can ask Uncle Cha to..."

"Please be sure to ask Crazy for money." Chen Qian said, "No, Elsa will do."

"Hehe." Xiao Yan looked at him, smiled sweetly, shook his head and said, "Forget it, I'll think about it myself."

"Then I'll bake biscuits for you." Chen Qian smiled.


Touched the fish all afternoon, very comfortable.

As a result, as soon as Chen Qian went online at night, he got an explosive news.

Of course it was not him who exploded.

It's the KK Wilderness Hunting Group!

They repeatedly studied the Boss No. 1 in Broken Night Cemetery, which had been opened up for nearly a month, and was pushed away!

Pushed away by the lighthouse quicksand!

Pushed away! !

"Hahahaha, I think today can be used as the shame day of the KK Wilderness Hunting Group." In the resident of the Rulong Wilderness Hunting Group, Concubine Yun and the others were chatting, "Those who don't know thought we would fight with the lighthouse quicksand A wave of cooperation."


Chen Qian touched his nose.

Well, in a sense, it can really be said.

"Lighthouse Quicksand really picks time. The KK Wilderness Hunting Group is not online today. They just pushed it down today."

"I heard that a special prop was used."

"Is it an NPC? I heard that sacrificing an NPC called Mi or something can reduce the difficulty of Cemetery No. 1."

Chen Qian touched his nose again.

Yes, this is true……

You just don't know, that NPC is hanging in a residential area under your feet right now.

"No, how can Rin God do something like sacrificing an NPC? Sacrificing a KK Ada is almost the same, hahaha..."

"Sacrifice to KK Ada can be."

"They have to be hostile, right?"

"Who knows? Anyway, it's nothing to do with our little shrimps..."

A little later, Chen Qian saw several familiar names on the World Channel, such as... Liu Canwen, this is the role of Yu Wen, the world’s No. 1 battlefield reporter in Ling Cage, and many precious photos of dangerous scenes are all of him. Photographed and saved.

It's no wonder that the war reporters are all online.

Because all day today~www.readwn.com~ this development is indeed very mysterious.

In addition to the three biggest giants of Asia Service, except Sirius and Nighthawk, Dark Fire announced that they have joined the camp of sci-tech education. They still don’t know what to do next. Lighthouse Quicksand and KK at this time, but because of a wasteland. The Boss of a month had a conflict, can this world be better?

Moreover, the No. 1 Boss also involves a drop that the whole server has been following for a long time!

The list of educational sciences of the original self.

Although the lighthouse quicksand hunting group has not announced any news yet, the eyes of the whole server are already on that big list.

If it can come out...

That is the discovery that their world progress can surpass other servers.

Regardless of whether the lighthouse quicksand chooses to announce to the full server, the world progress will definitely be able to move forward quickly!

The influence of the Underfire Rebellion can be directly offset by a large list.

Chen Qian touched his nose again.


Looking back, I have to find a chance to compile Lin Yu's words.

If there is such a big list, it will be very unfavorable for him-Elsa still has many friends, and they are not out of danger.

"However, as a whole, Concubine Yun and they are right. It's none of our business. We are just small shrimps."

However, Chen Qian, who had just evolved from a salted fish to a small shrimp rice, received a message from Dao Ye: "Come on, there are good things in the things they brought back from the sunset swamp today. I made one. Your new blueprint!"

Chen Qian's face stiffened.

What does his new blueprint mean?


It can only be the afterglow, it can't be the scalpel.


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