What Can Casual Players Be Bad-hearted

Chapter 190: Name 3 advantages

Chen Qian sighed.

Dao Ye is a very stubborn person technically, so he would take the initiative to ask their needs?

"Well, because when you were designing your sister’s main weapon, you put forward some specific needs. I think if it can meet some customized needs, a 100-point work is likely to be used. "Twenty minutes effect," Daoye carefully rolled out the drawing, staring at it, and said, "Oh, it's time to make glasses later..."

Dao Ye is already very old.

It's a bit difficult to see the drawings you draw.

But he did not give up the idea of ​​the supreme treasure.

Moreover, he is still adjusting his working methods, adapting to the new environment and needs, and still asking for improvement.

"True masters really have the heart of an apprentice." Chen Qian thought silently.

Since the works produced by himself can be used better, Dao Ye will of course not hesitate to let go of some stubbornness. He pointed to the drawings of the Supreme Treasure and said: "You see, the principle of the Supreme Treasure is through The features extracted from the same piece of material are superimposed to enhance the overall utility..."

"Yeah." Chen Qian is quite satisfied with the set attributes of the Supreme Treasure that appeared on Xiaozhen's battle axe. Each additional item will increase the free attribute point by 1 point and reduce the vision and attention of the polar eater by 10%. And hatred, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is the strongest suit of the spirit cage.

Because normal armor sets are calculated without weapons.

However, Xiaoyue's supreme treasure is the freedom attribute points that are superimposed with weapons and jewelry. I am afraid that it can match the freedom attribute points that normal people have only obtained for ten years.

"So," Dao Ye brought a new A2 sized kraft paper and stroked it with a pen, "The same logic, I applied him to the group armor of the hunting group... just to change this vertical axis. It’s just a horizontal axis," he doesn’t know if he’s talking to Chen Qian or talking to himself, "Look, it’s very simple, but you have to tell me, like the Dragon Hunting Group, What kind of wilderness hunting group is, I can design the location of the emerald scales. Well, yes, tell me, your battle scenes, fighting methods... and special preferences, I hope everyone who gets this armor, It can be used easily."

Chen Qian was in trouble.

What kind of wilderness hunting group is Rulong Wilderness Hunting Group?

To be honest, this is a background cloth built for Xiaozheng. It is the most basic foundation for her to fight Silence, right? Without a wilderness hunting group behind her, she would have not started.

But the tactical positioning of this hunting group...does everything count?

Anyway, in Chen Qian's view, this hunting group really can't talk about the battle scenes and fighting methods at present, because most of the people in the hunting group don't join the group for the purpose of fighting at all.

Chen Qian thought about it for a long time, and said to Dao Ye: "The battle scene is mainly to explore and solve mysteries, and fight with the polar beast."

Hmm... They can't fight against people either.

Therefore, he hopes that this set of team uniforms will be more of an application in the PVE scene.

"As for the fighting method," Chen Qian replied, "Group fights are the main thing?"

Master Dao coughed and raised his head to look at him.

Chen Qian touched his nose and said: "Basically, a polar-chewing beast came out. We just threw it on with the skill of the brain. There was no position and no cooperation... As for whether this monster can be killed, we can only say. Do everything, obey the fate..."

Today’s battle of the emerald split-bellied beast should be no problem in summing it up, right?

Daoye stopped writing, "I think you are embarrassing me."

"That's not what you need to ask yourself." Chen Qian looked away.

"I asked the demand to better serve the hunting group!"

"me too……"

"Speaking of the key points, say the strengths and advantages of the Dragon Hunting Group," Dao Ye knocked on the table and stared, "At least three!"

"...I think you are embarrassing me." Chen Qian returned the original words.

Don't know if you are embarrassed or not.

Dao Ye throws his pen.

There are three advantages, but he won't do this job if he can't tell them!


By the bonfire, people were almost scattered.

Especially after Baichuan went offline, most players also went offline.

In the high-altitude cold wind, life is like tea with candlelight from the strategy team. The two main team leaders Yun Fei and Purple Sweet Potato dumplings, then grabbed He Lin and held a small meeting.

What they said was actually the same thing as Chen Qian and Dao Ye complained about.

"We played too ugly today!" Life is like tea and said straightforwardly.

If you are full and drink well, it doesn't mean that the problem is gone.

From the perspective of life like tea, today's Rulong Hunting Group can't be just an entertainment group, because today he knows this extraordinary thing-the gentleman Qianqian is here.

No matter what the purpose of Gentleman Qianqian is, a wild hunting group that can only eat, drink and do things can't be his backing.

So, there is this one now.

"Uncle Cha, don't say you are unhappy, we are actually very unhappy," the candle light splashed and pushed the glasses, said, "That coke-flavored Coke...If our hunting group is strong enough, it will make you be ashamed by him. Squirting on your face?"

"What I'm most convinced by Uncle Cha is that he can even persuade people away in a good manner." The purple sweet potato dumplings wanted to take out their swords and flatten them.

"It's called self-cultivation if it sounds good, and it's called...internal injury." Concubine Yun looked at life like tea sympathetically.

Life is like tea and swallowed, and it didn't exchange much gratitude for the cola-flavored Coke.

They have seen it, and some people are really thick-skinned enough to continue their arrogance after being exposed to the lie.

"Okay, okay," Life is like a tea to stop them, "It is better to do more than to do less. That person was brought in by me, and I should be responsible for sending it away. The focus of our stay today is whether we can... …Improve the overall combat level of the hunting group."

He Lin actually heard what he meant when he said the first sentence of life like tea.

However, now life is like tea looking at him...

He could only shake his head honestly: "It's impossible."

Today's Emerald Split-bellied Beast is only a level 40 pan-generic type polar eater, and it is only a level 45 polar eater after its metamorphosis. The Dragon Hunter Group was present with 400 people... 460 people died.

He Lin watched the battle damage statistics for the first time.

It's amazing.

He has seen food, but he has never seen it in his life, and he can cook to this level.

"Then what if we must improve? Regardless of whether it is possible, we must improve?" Shengzheng Cha insisted.

The temperature of the bonfire that was about to extinguish, the temperature next to it began to decrease with the high night wind.

Concubine Yun and the candlelight flickered at each other.

Today's life like tea does not seem normal anymore?

Why must it be improved?

Well, today I was despised and ridiculed by that cola-flavored Coke. Everyone is really upset, but this kind of upset can actually be solved by spraying it back.

You don't even need to move your hands.

"I agree with Uncle Cha." The purple sweet potato dumpling stood up at this time, "Maybe, today was just mocked by a Coke-flavored Coke, what about tomorrow? Two? Three? Today, there is He Lin Great God to help us go back. , But what if He Lin Great God was bullied?"

"..." He Lin said in his heart, "Ah hello", I was bullied, don't worry about it, I'm just a one-time foreign aid...

"Well," Concubine Yun nodded, "Sister Tuanzi made sense. Today, because our wilderness hunting group is not strong enough, Uncle Cha will have to swallow it, and tomorrow, because the wilderness hunting group is not strong enough, the God of Concord must also swallow it ? Although I have no idea how to improve the overall strength of the hunting group, just tell me, I will definitely do it."

"It's very difficult." The candlelight is from the origin ~www.readwn.com~ After watching the whole process, he actually got the same conclusion as He Lin.

Everyone's eyes turned to Heyi again.

He was beeping the dog.

I knew you guys dragged me to stay for this. Why am I staying?

How to improve the overall strength of the hunting group? Ask Chen Qian. How can I know this? I have never been the head of Sirius...

"Why do we have to improve, you know." Life is like tea looking at him with bright eyes.

He was silent.

The others were also silent.

And just when they were silent, Miao Xiaozhi jumped out from behind.

"Ah, I didn't deliberately eavesdrop." She smiled and found a clean place to sit on the other side of Life Rucha. "I just like it here, and I can't eat so many things from you for nothing. I am. There are many wild hunting groups that have stayed with Big Bear. If you want to hear it, why don't we talk about it?"

He Lin was greatly relieved.

Someone helped.

"Well, there are actually only three dimensions to the improvement of the hunting group. One is the number of people-don't believe in the elite route, the number is the basis, and the number is good. Therefore, we must recruit people! Hire many, many people!" Hu Daxiong said, standing behind her.

"The second thing is equipment." Xiaozhi raised **** in the shape of a (?? ω??)y, "Sufficient and top-quality team equipment, reserved elite team equipment, for a certain one. A copy of the equipment that can be produced quickly..."

"As for the third, it is also the most important point." Hu Daxiong said, "Leader."

"Yes, Rulong needs a coach-level player." Miao Xiaozhi said.


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