What Can Casual Players Be Bad-hearted

Chapter 191: Going farther and farther on the way to pit yourself

"Well, as many people as possible, the best possible equipment, and coach-level players." Life is like a tea with a small notebook to write down.

It's Miao Xiaozhi and Tiger Big Bear...

Two tricks who are more diligent than changing clothes.

"It's okay to say based on the number of people," Yun Fei said, "No, let's not go to the task of finding the free attribute point first. Take more time to squat at the gates of Jingmuyuan, Dark Track and Sun Harbor to recruit people. chant."

"However, the hunting group advertising at the gate of the safe zone has 80 if there is no one?" The candlelight was everywhere, I felt that this was not very reliable.

"In fact, the more troublesome thing is the equipment," said the purple sweet potato dumpling. "This is the hard power of a wild hunting group. Good place?"

"How about posting more self-herd food posts to the forum?" Yunfei said.

"Well... this is a way," Life is like tea nodded and replied, "Let's do this first."

"It's just that this is very likely to become a life-saving hunting group..." Concubine Yun glanced at He Lin and said.

Life Devouring Wilderness Hunting Group is trying to pile up the number of people, no matter what the quality is, there is no elite power, and when it comes to using heavy three-dimensional scenes, it can only stare.

Miao Xiaozhi clicked his fingers in the air a few times: "I didn't listen carefully."

"Oh." Concubine Yun patted her head, "I forgot what I just said."

What they just emphasized is that no matter what the elite is not the elite, let alone the superstitious line of the elite, the first step is based on the number of people, as to whether it will become a life-saving hunting group...

It lies in the second point of equipment and the third point of coaching, not the first point itself.

"Yes, you can't think about squatting at the door of the safe area for a few days, and you can recruit what Silence?" Concubine Yun raised her hands to apologize.

Then it was decided so happily.

Life is like tea. Arrange the candlelight to splash around, go to the official website forum to toss, let the poison for a week in the middle of the night before talking.

I believe that even if they are just curious, there should be a lot of people who come to join the group.

"Then, I'm not worried about the equipment," Shengshengrucha said. "The equipment of the whole group or the elite group is good, at least not worse than the lighthouse and quicksand."

He Lin raised his head and glanced at the main weapon in the hands of life like a tea.

Well, at least this high-temperature long knife named [Blood Punisher] is quite famous, and many players use it as their main weapon.

Think again about Chen Qian’s afterglow of the setting sun, and their main weapon...

Although he didn't know the reason, Rulong's equipment strength seemed to be not bad, and it could even be said to be very strong.

"As for the coach-level player," Life is like a tea ponder, "I have a good candidate, that is... I don't know if the uncle will come out."

"Uncle?" Several people looked at him.

"Well, you should know that there is a kind of prop in the spirit cage world, called'Feng Neng Substitute', right?" Sheng Hu said, like a tea.

"Have you used this basic full level?" Hu Daxiong said, "The Q version of the figures of the great gods in the history of the game...The role is to replace the death in a hero dungeon. Why do you suddenly say this?"

Almost every game will have this kind of stand-in doll, and the role is different. In the world of the spirit cage, the role of the stand-in doll is very large because of the death of the hero. A god-level character may be able to be a hero because of a stand-in doll. The copy survived a large group destruction.

But it is precisely because of its importance that it is difficult to obtain, because it is not distributed in the game, but is distributed to the great gods who have been backed as avatar dolls in the history of the game.

No matter what game you are from or how old you are now, as long as you are a great **** who signed this cooperation, you will get twelve of your own stand-in dolls every year. When the version is updated, they will also get corresponding stand-in dolls according to the number of versions. Can freely choose to send to any server, any player they want to send.

"In an occasional mission, I came across an NPC called Zhan Wushang. Because his double doll is the most used in the spirit cage world, so after his death...the official made him NPC, so that he can continue to distribute his own substitute doll. Actually, I don’t know which game is the **** of this game, maybe it’s a bit old, right? However, this uncle has a deep understanding of the team, think about it?" Rucha said.

"Find a...NPC to replace players with coaching skills?" Xiaoxiaozhi laughed, "Uncle Cha, you really are an interesting person."

"That's..." Life is like tea and smiled.

"But I think that he uses a lot of stand-in dolls in his shape, in fact, it may be because...the stand-in dolls of other great gods, many players are reluctant to use it." The candlelight said.

"If you want to fall and fight without injury?" Miao Xiaozhi, who is familiar with various ancient games, does not know who this is. She just thinks this uncle is so miserable.

No way, the same is true for her. If there are two avatar dolls in hand, one looks like Jiucheng, and the other is someone she doesn’t know.


Life is like tea. When they set out to fight at night to solve the problem of Rulong's low overall strength, Chen Qian was already asleep.

He was busy for the next few days.

I have to go out for work because of work. When I go out, the rhythm is flying all over the sky, and I don’t know which mountain or river will be dragged to...

Therefore, when he returned to the game, he felt that he had entered a fake hunting group.

The number of Rulong has rapidly expanded to more than 10,000 in the past few days, which is a tenfold increase, but in this way, life is like tea still shouting that it is not enough.

Crazy for money and trajectory, they have been extremely confused and weird for these two days.

Life is like tea, why does it seem like the second spring is suddenly glowing?

"Uncle Cha is very energetic." Shui Yuzi saw Chen Qian's first sentence.

"Well, I don't know what it was." Chen Qian's eyes flickered, "It's none of our business, regardless of him."

The second step of the hunting group’s mission is base 0. Life is like tea. It is estimated that it will take another week before they can open. What is meant by a major drill for the entire hunting group before they can enter base 0. This big drill will be handled by an NPC.

Chen Qian subconsciously said, "Is Elsa instructor?"

"How can it be." Life Rucha said mysteriously, "You don't have to worry about these things, anyway, next time there will be no Boss splash back skill, our whole group is still throwing out the main weapon and big skill. "

"...Okay." Chen Qian went to Dao Ye first.


Daoye and the others are relatively quiet here.

When the number of the hunting group increased, it became noisy.

The difficulty for Chen Qian to cover his face has risen sharply.

"I sneaked back to Jingmuyuan again." He looked at the extra pot of flowers on Dao Ye's table and sighed. The old man is good with everything, but he can't control it.

Although the progress of the world plot has been suspended, a large number of players holding world missions did not stop their footsteps of destroying the scientific education.

Compared to before, the danger is indeed reduced, but it cannot be said that there is no.

What are you going to get, just let the pomelo and the others take a trip?

"Hey, I have stayed in Jingmuyuan for a lifetime." Daoye was also very sorry, "I won't go anymore, I won't go..."

Chen Qian understands.

Dao Ye is homesick~www.readwn.com~ Don't say in the Rulong Hunting Group, they can't move freely, even if they can, it can't compare to the place where he stayed all his life.

"You old man, just be hypocritical." Old man Mi, who needs to move wherever he goes, doesn't have this problem. "If you were born when the disaster just happened, you have to go wherever you go. Life is important!"

The two old men sprayed each other a few more words.

Chen Qian saw the 60 sets of team equipment on Dao Ye's desk, all of which had already taken shape.

However, no finished product was produced.

He was waiting for Chen Qian's answer.

"The three advantages of the Rulong Hunter Group, if you can eat and sleep, then I can say a lot," Chen Qian has been thinking about this issue these days, and he has a clear idea. "But, actually, thinking from the opposite direction, if our team's equipment design can make up for the three shortcomings, can the same effect be achieved?"

"such as?"

"For example, if the overall level of Rulong players is not good, the requirements for the command position are high, and the inherent characteristics of the team can be made manipulative..."

"Can the command position lock everyone's skills? Action?"

"If you can click any person to immediately enter the defensive posture, or click any person to leave the place and reach a certain place, the problem can be solved."

"It's not impossible," Daoye thought for a moment, "but the requirements for users are too high!"

"Hey..." A certain salted fish sighed and answered the question he didn't want to face either.

Yes, the requirements for users are too high.

As high as...the current Rulong Hunting Group, I am afraid there is only one such group.

And, unfortunately, it was himself.


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