What Can Casual Players Be Bad-hearted

Chapter 251: Catch that dignified god

"Since I was young, I have no friends and I don't need to talk much."

"I only have all kinds of training courses, I can participate in endless competitions and endless questions. Friends will only waste my time and reduce my learning efficiency...Hahaha, it has been more than 20 years, I still remember that I lost a game. I only had the idea of ​​"I'm dead" in my mind. Although it feels ridiculous now, at that time, I really thought I would be killed."

"However, the results are quite impressive. I successfully entered my favorite junior high school, high school, and university. I hardly encountered any setbacks, irresponsible teachers, or campus violence... I have never encountered any setbacks. After that, it was so logical to get admitted to 985, get a scholarship, graduate, work..."

"Actually, I know a lot of the truth about being a human being, but I just don’t know how to get close to someone in my heart. Some talents are lost when I was a child, and maybe I won’t have them in my life. It just passed, there is nothing wrong with it."

"Until, I met a girl."

"She is not that very beautiful type, nor is she too smart, but she always has a lot of friends around her, bring milk tea, buy a cake, talk about things that have nothing to do with work... I am envious, and then , Began to join them and learn from them. You may not imagine how I became what I am today. I, holding my wrong question book, memorize the key words they chatted sentence by sentence, and analyze the previous ones of this kind of partner The wording is different from the previous wording between me and her. If a new partner appears next to her, I will also write down how they have become familiar from unfamiliar to familiar, and I will also summarize how to control this process. I Very smart, nothing can stump me, just like that, I spent two years completely turning myself into a person who can quickly get acquainted with anyone and can get close to anyone... including the copy Boss."

"Oh, the only problem is... that girl misunderstood and thought I wanted to chase her." Life is like tea and smiled embarrassedly.

Ernst could not actually understand what life is like tea talking about.

What contest, what 985, what is wrong with the book...

But his eyes didn't blink and he listened very seriously.

"When I mastered the formula for getting close to people, my little friends exploded. People who may have known me for a day or two will feel familiar with me. There are also sisters who actively pursue me. Life seems to be thorough. It has been changed... However, I still feel that something is wrong. The unnatural feeling is getting heavier day by day, but I can’t tell where it is. As a result, I become a bit repulsive and human. Associating, I think they are very annoying..."

"Later, when I met Chen Qian and Rulong... I knew what was wrong."

"Those friends who are obtained by formulas, what kind of friends are they? That's called... the correct answer. It's just the answers I solved by using the formula."

"The answer is dead, but Rulong is alive, and all of Rulong’s partners are alive...especially the leader of Baichuan. Partners must be alive. Just like your partners, there is no formula between you. , You are not each other’s answer, you will be happy and sad for the same thing from the bottom of your heart, you have a common goal, and, in the process of working towards the common goal together, you are willing to give and sacrifice all of yourselves for each other , Including life."

"So, I have never made this kind of effort. Since I was young, I have been fighting by myself. Everyone told me that you are not learning for others, but for yourself...Yes, just for yourself. But if I don’t know how to care about others from the bottom of my heart. How can others become my partners? So, no formulas are needed at all. All I need is I do something for others. No matter what I do, as long as it comes from Inwardly..."

"Now I have found such a group of partners. From the bottom of my heart, I want to help them and achieve their goals... Just like your partner, even if you give up the opportunity to escape, you must stay to help you hit the limits of mankind. It's the same. of!"

"Did you know? Your partner, they succeeded." Life is like tea and stood up. Although there is no bone tool in his hand, the blue light of a layer of spiritual essence blooms on his body.

Although there was a long entanglement between continuing to use the knife and changing weapons, he finally chose the submarine profession.

The hidden career is the one that best represents the Lingyuan era.

He stood in front of Ernst.

"Wow..." Ehrenster was startled for two seconds, and then let out a high-pitched roar that life is like tea never heard before.

"Keep working hard and cheer up." Life is like a tea patted the big guy's paw, "Although you have lost your partner, when you are willing to unlock your chains, I will bring my partner to pick you up." of."


Life is like tea back, and the progress is synchronized with East Gate City-a good chat, there is a good chance to talk directly to the Boss.

But Dongmen City feels a bit bad.

According to his analysis and judgment, both life as tea and Ernst belong to the same problem-too strong responsibility, too hard, and after such a long conversation, he should be able to suddenly become more open-minded, right? But how did Dongmen City see life like tea behave more anxiously?

Life is like tea. After processing the application for membership of the hunting group, he immediately went to Master Dao for the blueprint, and went to make the materials for his bones according to his needs, without stopping.

"This is not right." Dongmen City has never faced such a big difference between the prediction and the actual result.

But he has no chance to study further.

Lin Yu was about to come to their training ground. Chen Qian asked him to go there. At the same time he called Baichuan, Locus, White Paper and Crazy for Money. He also called Life as Tea, but he wanted to get his main weapon first. Will come again in a while.

I don't know what medicine Chen Qian is selling in the gourd.

I hope I won't eat Rin Yu to death.

Dongmen City can only put down the strangeness of life like tea and go to the training ground, but this matter has already been in his mind. If the strangeness of life like tea intensifies, they must find a way to interfere.


Rulong hunting group training ground.

Chen Qian played with the cards in his hand one by one, whispering to the track and them. After thinking about it, he saw that Dongmen City had entered their training copy, and he quickly waved and said, "You will be at Dongmen in a while. Outside the training area, open the camera lens."

"Taking pictures?" Dongmen City blinked, as if having fun, and asked a little closer, "Who is the protagonist?"

"I knew you were a smart person," Chen Qian saw that he understood as soon as he heard it, and smiled and hooked the hook, and said, "Of course it's Lin Yu!"

"Oh oh oh..." Dongmen City's eyes lit up and he continued to ask, "What's the key word?"

"Black material." Chen Qian replied.

"The more the better?" Dongmen City asked.

"Heavy quality also requires weight!" Chen Qian nodded.

"Understood!" Dongmencheng patted his chest.

And the trajectory on one side is stupid-brother, don't you ask, what are we going to do?

But the facts have proved that Dongmen City is right not to talk nonsense!

Because they had just finished communicating the "technical details", they received the news on their watch that Lin Yu had arrived at the station-the head of the ally team came and went, there will be a reminder.

"Ready." Chen Qian said with a smile.

A few of them are waiting for you...

When Lin Yu entered this training ground, it was like a roar of gongs and drums and firecrackers~www.readwn.com~ The light effects of skills were flying all over the sky!

The complexion of Dongmen City is wonderful!

All are Lin Yu's unfamiliar skills, unfamiliar light effects, and the head and face hits head on, just a refreshing feeling refreshed in the center of the battlefield. The opening method...

"Ha, there are no such players as you guys." Dongmen City dialect said so, but the camera clicked straight, not at all polite.

When people are in such a panic, it is easy to have a frightened and distorted expression. If you leave this kind of photo and turn it back into an emoticon pack or something, it feels sensational when you think about it.

Lin Yu is a person with good expression management on any occasion, online and offline.

Chen Qian wants to catch him a chance for a meme, has it been a long time?


Therefore, East Gate City doesn’t care about so many things. After all, it’s not easy to grab a shot from the light effects of so many skills. Find a chance with a weaker light effect and just click one, and save it without looking at it. Okay, just pick it slowly later.

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