What Can Casual Players Be Bad-hearted

Chapter 252: Mary Su's Boneware

Chen Qian stood with his hands on one side, staring at the bone tool in Lin Yu’s hand. He believed that if the kk hunting group was on the ring, it would be such a bone tool, not the strange big windmill. Maybe for the equipment ability, many people will go.

The bone artifact in Rin Yu's hand was said to be found temporarily... But even if they were a large group of bone artifacts, they were not daring to think about it like a dragon. Anyway, Chen Qian was very enthusiastic. .

The main body of the bone tool was a straight, jet-black polar-chewing animal bone. Chen Qian could not identify the species, but looking at the translucent black animal bones shining dark patterns like dust grains, Knowing that this is definitely not an ordinary Extreme Devouring Beast Bone, the general Extreme Devouring Bone is black, gray or brown, better white, and even better, it looks like the kind that Chen Qian had made before. Metamorphosis is transparent, and this translucent animal bone has a variety of natural obscure patterns, which is extremely rare. Like the natural gems of the old world, they are all natural craftsmanship.

Of course, the gift of Mana ecology is very beautiful, but it is not as easy to take as the gift of the earth in the old world!

In particular, the production of this kind of pure blood bone artifact in the hidden repair route needs to be free of any non-Mana ecological products. At first glance, it is to preserve all the power of the polar beast bones as much as possible. Therefore, if there is no equivalent spirit Yuan force contends with it, and it is estimated that he has died violently in the process of processing materials, right?

The grips of Rin Yu’s jet black bones are not made of animal skins, but made of some kind of crystal stone in the body of six giant beasts. It seems that Rin Yu’s hand holding the weapon is just like the light. How showy... Chen Qian touched his nose, and then looked at the head of the most distal bone tool-it was a complete skull. Chen Qian recognized at a glance it was a level 50 bird of paradise. skull.

The bird of paradise is actually a chocobo with three legs, a long beak, and very bright feathers on its back, and the color of its feathers will change with the seasons. This bird is as big as a baby elephant and moves in groups. , A group of at least one hundred, it is extremely difficult to deal with, when encountering this kind of thing, everyone usually evades.

And now, the bird of paradise skeleton on the head of the bone tool in Rin Yu's hand is also changing between dark blue and crimson in various rays of light.

"Rin God, I don't think this bone tool is suitable for you. Think about it. In the future, if you take out a main weapon that can turn into a colorful color with your mood, it looks like a lot of Mary Su, right?" Chen Qian said.

"Heh." Lin Yu didn't have the time to pay attention to him at all.

Finally, Chen Qian wanted to ask him to do some business, and he opened the door to kill as soon as he came in. Rulong's hospitality is really high!

But Lin Yu is not so bully. Unfamiliar skills, as soon as she came up, a icy blue light covered her body. After resisting the first wave of simultaneous attacks, a group of attack skills were directly thrown out.

The azure blue light bloomed on the black bones, and the icy ridges protruding from the ground pierced the nearby Xiaoyue and the two people into the air. Then, his bones pointed forward and were crazy for money, one The small attack sold in seconds interrupted the control skills that Crazy for money was playing. Then, a backflip was slightly tilted, and it escaped from the white paper about four or five Lingyuan bullets. At this time, the trajectory was landing, and his A huge blasting skill is already waiting for him.

It took only half a minute from the chaos created by the initial raid to the level of battle.

Lin Yu had been red blood since the seventh second, but it was still red blood by half a minute, and he did not die.

In one minute, he killed the track.

Then, he hung up a reply skill for himself, and when Xiao Ying was stunned, he turned around and got Xiao Yan.

"Okay, okay, stop." Chen Qian ran up, "I said, what are you doing? Rin God is our ally and came to our training ground to guide and learn. How can we use it? Treating him with such a rude attitude? Well, two of them next time will do."

"..." Lin Yu smiled, "You might as well just go to twenty."

The reason why Chen Qian stopped, of course, was not because he was afraid of four-on-one bullying Lin Yu, but he didn't expect that after Lin Yu went to choose the submarine route, not all the skills of Zhan Xiu were acquired, but he also took part of the milk repair. skill.

If the terrain is suitable, the cover is enough, and the light is not enough, his ability to control the rhythm of the battle, break and stop, and win 20 players with an average level like a dragon, should not be a big problem.

"I said, why did I get such a Mary Su's bone tool? I'm not going to play the assault position, but I am ready to play the support?" Chen Qian walked over and said.

"Try it all, anyway, the system will increase the burst rate of all kinds of credits." Lin Yu's answer is exactly the same as Chen Qian's judgment. He smiled and didn't expose the fact that Chen Qian was going to do something. Toward the East Gate City stretched out his hand, "It is forbidden to take pictures here, please hand in all the photos."

"Hey, that won't work," Dongmen City certainly won't hand it over, "This is the first battle where God Rin came to our training ground for the Dragon Hunter Group. It is very commemorative."

"Why do you want to show it?" Lin Yu smiled.

"Good idea!" Dongmencheng continued as he said, "Let's hold an exhibition in Jingmuyuan when we turn around to show the brave and heroic attitude of the heads, isn't it?"

"Well, that's it." Lin Yu nodded.

"..." Dongmen City felt that something was wrong in the first sentence just now. As soon as Lin Yu had rushed to this point, he immediately began to look up the photos he had taken.

Flipping it, Dongmen City looked at Lin Yu's eyes, just like looking at a monster.

Sure enough, they are all "splendid and heroic". He grabbed the shots casually, removing some of the light effects that are too strong, and the rest can see the face. Each of them is Lingyu with a smile, and his leisurely skills raise his hand. , Defensive posture... There are more than 70 photos in total, but there is no dead spot that can be used as black material.

Even in the first second of opening the door to kill, Lin Yu did not show the horrified and distorted face that Dongmen City wanted to photograph.

The frustrated Dongmen City whispered: "Ashamed of trusting the organization, I will definitely cheer next time!"

And Lin Yu still didn't forget the proposal just now: "Looking back, Qianshen will also go to the training ground of our lighthouse quicksand. I will also find a good follower for you. The exhibition together will be very exciting. How about? Looking forward or not?"

"I look forward to it," Chen Qian turned to Dongmen City, "remember to poke my picture when I look back." Then, Chao Linyu smiled, "Look, in the technological age, what problems can't be solved?"

Lin Yu was too lazy to confront him, and a skill was thrown at him: "Okay. Come on!"


In the battle between Chen Qian and Lin Yu, only a few of them watched the whole process. Life is like tea and they all joined when they were about to finish.

And according to the summary of Dongmen City is...

The actions are completely understandable, but the ideas are not understood at all.

Lin Yu had a bit of tactics at the beginning, but Chen Qian started to be disrupted by Chen Qian in three or four rounds. Chen Qian didn’t know how many skills he took. The skills used in each round were different, and there was basically no repetition in the whole process. Even he himself may not even know which skill he will use next, Rin Yu is even more unable to deal with it. From the result, it is the rhythm of one person winning a round, but from the effect, it feels Rin no matter what. Yu was suppressed.

They watched the whole process.

The trajectory is also self-closing.

Because the trajectory was slaughtered by Lin Yu before the new version was launched, this time he was four-to-one, and he was killed by Lin Yu as the output location here. He could feel how strong Lin Yu was with his body. of.

He can at least fight back and forth with He Lin now, but against Rin Yu, he belongs to the kind who doesn't have the courage to do it again.

And the one in front of me can fight Lin Yu like this... The only question in Lulu's mind is ~www.readwn.com~Who are you?

In fact, there are already some speculations in the locus. After all, the Asian server can achieve this effect with Lin Yu, and there are not many options for him to think and choose.

Coupled with the attitude of Liu Canwen before, life is like a tea change...

And, he is called Zimu.

A humble gentleman, who is humble to shepherd herself, the one who shepherds herself.

"In the early stage, I used to hold the pot. The Life Devouring Wilderness Hunter thought I was Gentleman Qianqian, and then I was killed twice by the Great God of He Lin because of this." Trajectory felt turbulent when he thought of it, but...he dare not say.

Especially watching you come and go on the training ground, Chen Qian's free will and Lin Yu's tricks%...

Forget it, just pretend you don't know anything.

And soon, the battle between Chen Qian and Lin Yu ended with Lin Yu's complaint that "It's really tiring to fight with you".

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