What Can Casual Players Be Bad-hearted

Chapter 253: Poor as a dragon weak group

"Let's talk. You should have seen all four professions now. Do you understand?" Lin Yu was talking to Chen Qian, but he hooked the other people like Long, and signaled everyone to sit down and rest. .

Of course, this is just a habitual movement. Generally, he and I have finished practicing with the mullet.

Chen Qian looked at him really rude: "You just treat this as your home, right? Come on, Dongmen will get Rin Shen's pajamas and slippers."

"Okay, one male guest..." Dongmen City raised his hand.

Trajectory took a sip of glucose back into his throat abruptly, almost choking. He thought, if it weren't for the strength of East Gate City to be so weak, the two of them would cooperate perfectly.

Xiaoyue and the white paper are next to Chen Qian, sitting on the left and the other right. Life is like tea, of course, to occupy the position next to Xiaoyue. Next to the white paper is Crazy for Money, between Crazy for Money and Lin Yu It is Dongmen City.

Chen Qian didn't talk nonsense, and just said, "Then let's talk about submerged repair first. Anyway, Lin Yu, your route, don't try it anyway in the past six months. Zhan Xiu and Nai Xiu are not compatible."

You can use remote burst skills as well as healing skills for submersible occupations. Lin Yu also has battlefield recovery skills for the first time in the world of the cage. It happens to be a submersible occupation, so I want to give it a try, but it turns out Very bad.

Lin Yu’s all attributes are much higher than Chen Qian’s, and his armor is similar to Chen Qian’s, but with complete accessories than Chen Qian, he should not lose to Chen Qian in a long-range attack in theory—even in one round. Shouldn't.

"So, why did you lose? The first is to lose in the skill selection. The explosive power of war repair needs to be improved with explosive skills, and the amount of healing of milk repair also needs corresponding skills to cooperate. You only use explosive skills. And the healing skills, but there are no extra skill points, and the matching skills are available. Therefore, your major skills have a long preparation time and can be easily interrupted. The attack power cannot be increased, the healing amount cannot be increased, and neither can be hit. Good. And, in the few games you lost, there was a big problem in changing the rhythm of the battle." Chen Qian knocked twice in the middle of the circle surrounded by the crowd, "Zhan Xiu is a remote outbreak. If you come to fight, you can. It was quite suppressed, but Nai Xiu’s single-player PK is a pulling style. You played... as if you just burst out in one breath and were suppressed by yourself again. Don’t say you beat it, I’m watching from the opposite side. It's all uncomfortable and awkward."

"I rely on..." Dongmen City and Locus looked at each other.

Rin Yu used his explosive skills to attack, and then used his healing skills to pull them. It was completely okay to hit a few of them. There was no problem with the amount of burst that could not be increased at all. Is their block not in place?

But none of them interjected.

This is the first time they have participated in the post-war replay. This is just a practice game. Did they talk so aggressively when they came up? Isn't this a bad idea? Going deeper, are you going to take a personal attack?

The point is, Chen Qian is not like this usually...

A person who is usually lazy and talkative, just wanted to get Lin Yu's black material with them!

"I also want to get into the state early." Life is like a tea watching Chen Qian switch to the serious mode for a second, and silently added a bit of code to himself in his heart.

And Chen Qian didn't notice at all. Except for the white paper, all of them turned a little yellow. He continued: "You are too confident in your ability to switch the battle rhythm, but you and he didn't take it. Brain? Use your brain to think about it, and go back. The submersible career is just one weapon and two routes. Is it for you to show?"

"Well, it's for players who can't play." Lin Yu, of course, understood after he finished playing. This setting was deliberately to cheat players. In order to sell a few more coupons, it also made the system worry about it. "After all, when the expansion of the Spirit Cage was designed, it might have been in the Spirit Cage for two years? Three years? The system was not so kind to give a dual-line fellow practitioners a chance. But I... If I don't try it, I'm not reconciled. Others do it. The things I can’t do are only interesting if I do, don’t they?”

"No problem. If you want to give the position of the leader of Ansha directly to Baiyi Shengxue, then you can try it, I won't stop." Chen Qian said.

"Haha, when discussing career understanding, discuss career understanding, without even taking it into consideration off the court. Moreover, we are not called Ansha... What kind of shameless ability are you." Lin Yu smiled.

The dual-track fellow practitioners look like bricks, where they need to be moved, but the positioning is actually not clear, and it will detonate the team. Of course, if Lin Yu is starting from a new start to take a group of newcomers into the World Series, then Chen Qian will be supported by a hundred, but every position around Lin Yu has strong enough teammates, he doesn’t need to be able to do that. Fight people who can resist and increase blood.

Moreover, there are insufficient skill points, conflicting effects, chaotic attack and defense rhythms, and a lot of problems. Chen Qian himself feels too lazy to solve them, but he doesn't really think that Lin Yu can't do it. Maybe this genius will be inspired. When it broke out, did you think of a solution?

But in this critical period, it certainly won't work.

From an off-court point of view, even if Lin Yu can successfully handle the dual-line fellow practitioners, it will take time, and he will definitely be flat in the process, which will make people feel that he is not in good shape, which will affect his status in the new team. , After all, after they merged with Underfire, no matter how good they were, there must be a running-in period.

However, after speaking, Chen Qian regretfully patted his mind-human beings can't enter the state. Once he concentrates, he can't remember at all. He is an enemy. After they merged, he started to make noise. Isn't he squatting while watching the excitement? Why do you want to kill this crisis in the cradle for them?

"I'm so kind!" Chen Qian said to himself.

Putting away the regret, he and Lin Yu also clarified a little bit about the battle relationship between other professions.

For example, the big shield warriors among the psionic warriors belong to them who try to avoid head-on confrontation on the battlefield. The axe and hammer warriors must pay attention to the combat distance and the rhythm of offense and defense. The sword battle is the most dangerous, and they must not be allowed to approach the submersible...

For example, the submersible and the manipulator are the first targets to be killed in team battles. If the two are compared, kill the manipulator first. Whether it is the PDA route or the musical instrument route, the priority is higher than the submersible...

For example, as a nightcrawler who can generally survive to the end in a team battle, he needs a strong endgame ability...

"Okay, let's talk about the profession today. Looking back, we have selected the common skills, and we will have another one." Chen Qian concluded the first topic, and then spread out more than 20 clue cards and said, " Come on, this is the point for you."

"Hey, I knew that today's training was a grand feast." Even though Lin Yu said that, he also took out more than 20 clue cards. It was obvious that Chen Qian was going to talk about the distribution of benefits. Come prepared.

Before the Lingyuan era opened, they had already expected to give them a large number of clue card rewards-the information of base 0 was announced, but they would always receive a little special treatment holding the original.

"I think it's still a bit wrong to divide the stolen goods on six or four. You see, the lighthouse quicksand and the dark fire family are big, there are new versions, new copies, and new bosses. We are a weak group. We should be taken care of, right? "Chen Qian switched back in a second. Neither of them recovered from their new career research. A lot of information was still circling in their minds, and the topic had suddenly changed.

Moreover, just now you have suppressed people to the death, with a violent blow on and off the court, now you are "weak"?

Does Chen Qian's face change need not be drafted? The temperament of the whole body changes as it changes. Where does this skill come from?

"Oh, you are still a weak group? You have eaten so many people, and you have eaten it for nothing?" Lin Yu didn't entangle him with this problem at all, and they have already discussed the allocation~www.readwn.com~ How can he pretend? Change the agreement if it's a poor one?

"You idiot." Chen Qian mentioned that, knocking on the ground again, "divide the spoils and divide the spoils. Can I choose first?"

"Take turns, you first. In the end, the rest are mine and Baiyi Shengxue." Lin Yu said.

"...I'll take three shots first." Chen Qian said.

"...Fine." Lin Yu waved his hand, "I really can't understand you like this."

"Oh, the clue card is finished, I want you the blueprint of this bone tool." Chen Qian proved with practical actions that he can make people even more uncomfortable, "as a reward for reminding you of the off-court."

"Bring two copies of the material to you. So, don't talk nonsense. Can you choose?" Lin Yu can be busy!

They were silent on one side, but their faces blushed quietly—Chen Qian tried to change the agreement again, and he wanted to go first, and then he asked for the blueprints of the bones—whatever he wanted, it was shameless.

Of course Chen Qian doesn't blush himself, so they can only blush for him.

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