What Can Casual Players Be Bad-hearted

Chapter 270: Is 15 rounds difficult?

In fact, the KK Wilderness Hunting Group has long been problematic. The reason why it can still maintain its position as the superior second-tier leader is not only the hard power of their equipment, but also the hard power of their first team players.

Regardless of whether they were trained through hard work or not, anyway, when they came out, they came out, and that's right if they can win.

Fans are a very crazy group, but it is also a very realistic group-the wilderness hunting group they have dedicated and paid for can win, then nothing is easy to say, if it keeps losing? No matter how good the atmosphere is, it's useless.

Therefore, they do not understand Rulong.

All day long eating, drinking and playing, without any pursuits, and still having fun.

But now, such a KK waste hunting group, which relies on the hard power of a team of players as the last pillar, can withstand the words of Wen Tianyu?

KK Xiaoji and they are dumbfounded!

What does it mean that the team leader can win 15 games and get out of trouble by himself?

It took Rulong two hours to sort out the "war reparations". Can't finish fifteen rounds in two hours? The standard time for a one-on-one match in the Spirit Cage World is three minutes and one small round. Counting the preparation time, it is only one hour after fifteen rounds.

"What the **** did you do to the group leader? Why did you lock him? You are like a dragon and cannibalize! Cannibalism!!" KK Xiaoji was young and energetic, and hung up with a single voice. "Moreover, Wen Zhao, you Don’t you? Didn’t you sign a ban on business back then, didn’t you have any self-consciousness as a professional diplomat? And...and, you better know that you are still living downstairs below me. Downstairs! I can trample you to death by stomping your feet."

"Hey, don't...I'll come here." Seeing that KK Xiaoji was already on the verge of irrationality, several players in the Foreign Affairs Department hurriedly pulled him.

Although they were brought out by Wentianyu, since they are their own masters, there is nothing to say. Negotiating things like this shouldn't have KK Xiaoji and the others intervene.

KK Xiaoji was not easily persuaded to go aside.

The little brother left by Wen Tianyu said embarrassingly: "Brother, no. You played too hard with this hand! Just send me this kind of list? No matter which program you use, you should not throw it directly. Xiao Ji."

"We are like a dragon hunting group. This is a new group just built. It's normal if you don't understand the rules, right?" Wen Tianyu smiled.

"..." Nima Rulong doesn't understand the rules, can you still not understand the rules?

"Okay, I won't tease you anymore." Wen Tianyu said, "War indemnities are on your side as soon as possible. They are all ready-made items in KK's warehouse. I have tried my best to get to the minimum..."

After reading the list, the player from the Foreign Affairs Department took a deep breath: "I haven't looked at the back. Your dedication point is one million? Your entire resident is not used for one million, right? , The immortal grade material is 80 pieces, you tell me this is the lowest?"

Wen Tianyu said, "Do you know what our head asks for?"

"What is it?"

"She wants to sell KK Ada to Silence to compensate for the loss of Rulong Station."

"...Don't think about it." The blue veins on KK's player's forehead were stubbornly - this is a condition that he is a leader who doesn't understand anything at all, so he can offer it!

However, he also knows that this is not the time to play the emotional card.

Before Wen Tianyu left, it took two years to teach them, but they didn't get the emotional card when they were in trouble.

They are now rivals!

So, he went to discuss with several other partners, and turned around and said to Wen Tianyu: "Let’s do it, Brother Tianyu. All indemnities are halved. Then you can still get a sum of indemnities, otherwise... what can we do if we don’t give it to you? kind?"

"We can lock up KK Ada, keep it closed, and save it to eat during the New Year." Wen Tianyu replied calmly.

"..." The KK player took a sigh of relief and replied, "I'm not kidding you, Brother Tianyu!"

"Of course I know that you are not joking. You have to pay for this compensation, not for anything else, just to protect the fact that KK Ada can't win even 15 games in two hours... So, the compensation is a nice thing to say. If it sounds bad..."

That's the ransom.

The leader of the KK Wilderness Hunting Group was forced to pay a ransom to redeem it because they couldn't win the 15th round of the game. If this happened... KK's current last pillar would fall!

This is what Wen Tianyu bullied them.

"That said, but you have no evidence." KK said here, "Is it right? As you said, the team leader will be able to come out after winning 15 rounds. No one knows. You said it was 15 rounds, maybe Is one hundred and fifty rounds locked? One thousand and five hundred rounds...Who will everyone believe then? Believe that our KK leader can't win 15 rounds in Rulong?"

Not bad.

Wen Tianyu silently clicked a compliment in his heart.

It is worthy of the people he taught, and they can get to the core of the problem at once-they have no evidence to prove that the last pillar of the KK Wilderness Hunter really fell.

However, it is a pity...

Wen Tianyu only needs one sentence to end the battle: "So, your decision is that KK will not pay the war indemnity. You guys, are you going to fight a public opinion battle with me?"

"..." Sure enough, the other party knelt in seconds.

Who dares to get started?

Fighting public opinion with Wen Tianyu, it is better to let them kill themselves.

Therefore, the efficiency of the KK Wilderness Hunting Group is very high. For example, the war reparations requested by the Dragon Wilderness Group quickly entered the process of negotiating one by one...

Wen Tianyu personally came out and bargained. In the end, Rulong got 400,000 dedication points, but KK gave all the immortal materials that he asked for, and none of them were discounted. Then the other materials, props, and clue cards were almost As long as there are more than double shares, all are given, and only one orphan is given half.

"Brother Tianyu, if what Xiaoji said is true... then you'd better close the door tightly." When all the dust settled, several people at KK were reminding Wen Tianyu.

"Well, I have to reinforce the ceiling," Wen Tianyu replied with a smile, "otherwise he would trample me to death from the upstairs upstairs."


When this news came to the training ground, Chen Qian and KK Ada had just ended an arduous battle.

KK Ada finally... finally... finally won a round.

But before the joy of victory lasted for a few seconds, he was shocked by the news that Chen Qian had confessed to his KK.

"Why?" KK Ada couldn't understand, "Why indemnify you? Some of them are the traitors left by Wentianyu?"

"..." The glucose in Chen Qian's hand froze.

"Even if I don't win fifteen rounds, don't you sleep? Can't you get out of training if you sleep? Even if you can't get out of training, you won't be playing with me in this dark training ground all the time? You don't have your own. So, I will go out sooner or later..." KK Ada said angrily, "We attacked and didn't rob your warehouse... Instead, you searched our warehouse again?"

"Hey, hey, this matter must be made clear. The thing we want is less than one percent of your KK warehouse collection. Why did you call it a search?" Chen Qian hurriedly clarified, "As for KK Hunting Why does the regiment pay for the war...Oh, forget it, your mind, I don't expect to explain it to you."

"What do you mean you?"

So, it was another fierce battle...

Under his anger, KK Ada's turnover rate was still very low, but even so, he still lost this game.

At the end of the game, Chen Qian asked him in the dark with a smile while drinking glucose, "Speaking of which, do you regret organizing this invasion?"

Well, if they don't dare to touch this kind of thinking anymore, the purpose of such a tossing today can be regarded as achieved.

Otherwise, if you do this once every three days, Rulong will not develop?

Losing both ends is not desirable.

Moreover, the manipulators of Rulong and the dogs of Xia Dou brought out from Base 0 are all time-limited... Today they played a big role, but they won't be there next time.

It's a pity that KK Ada is not so easy to admit defeat: "What can I regret? Isn't it just not understanding the ghost setting of your training ground ~www.readwn.com~ was caught? I'll know next time."

"Oh..." Chen Qian's intended purpose has not been achieved without being convinced.

KK Ada lifted the PDA in his hand: "Come on again."

Because of the endless summer mode, he can leave this ghost place as long as he has won fifteen rounds, but he has only won nine rounds until now.

For the remaining six games, he was mentally prepared to play for twenty-four hours.

He is coming again, but Chen Qian wants to be lazy...

The ransom has already been received, so what are you doing with him? There is no professional ethics.

"Forget it, your people have paid the compensation, I will let you go." Chen Qian waved his hand to end the training.

KK Ada yelled: "Wait a minute... I haven't asked if you are..."

"Walk slowly and don't deliver it. If you are obsessed with it, next time you want to come and deliver food, I also welcome it.

"Grass!" KK Ada was kicked out of the training ground.

Then, because the invasion time had come, KK Ada went back to their own station as soon as they left the training ground.

He became a light.

Chen Qian looked at his watch contentedly, was spotted on several high-level skills, and muttered to himself: "The skills that are well practiced today are all great skills. This is not okay... I will find someone to do it tomorrow. It’s a little skill."

Come back and meet Rin Yu again?

Well, not in a hurry...

He turned off the skill prompt bar on the watch and pulled to the friend list.

The trajectory should be almost the same, right?

"Good food, let you go to Base 0 to drag a crystal coffin out. Does it take so long?" Chen Qian said with a little ear.

"..." Five minutes later, a message came back over there, "Are you here to wait and see?!"

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