What Can Casual Players Be Bad-hearted

Chapter 271: After killing Quibella alone...


One perspective is open.

Chen Qian was stunned for a moment.

Although he only glanced at it, his eyes were quick and he snapped, and refused to share his perspective.

Because of that moment, he seemed to see a picture-the track seemed to be playing the No. 2 boss Quebella on the No. 0 base?

Of course Chen Qian is very interested, very curious, very scratched, and wants to know how to call the track to drag a coffin out, how did he hit the boss? But he also knew that curiosity killed the cat...At this time, he shouldn't pay too much attention to it.

"Is it a bit...difficult to beat Quebeira by myself?" Chen Qian thought for a while and said, "Well, fortunately, I close the angle of view quickly. If he can't beat him, maybe I still have to do it myself. …No, no, how can I be because of this perspective? I trust him! I trust him very much!"

Slipped away.

And the trajectory in Base 0 almost squirted out a mouthful of blood.

If it wasn't for the reason that the other party was a gentleman of Qianqian, even if it was based on his cultivation, it would definitely be a curse right now.

"Who is it? Suddenly came to talk about my food. Okay, I am not as strong as you, but I am also playing hard here, okay? And, just say a word and ran away,...just, ran away... "Trajectory complained about Chen Qian's inexplicable behavior in his heart, and then... the full of anger was exerted on the boss.

Then, of course, it was cool without any suspense.

Quibella is a 30-man boss, how easy is it to kill a single person?

But Chen Qian has slipped away, and the trajectory can only grit his teeth and continue fighting by himself...

"I think I need to change a set of skills."

Trajectory really didn't know what hatred was, but after three minutes, he threw Chen Qian's inexplicable greetings behind his head and began to carefully adjust his skills.

In fact, it still feels quite difficult.

Because the Nightcrawler on the Tangdao route has too much skill.


When Chen Qian went offline, Xiao Zhen was already asleep.

Tomorrow is the first day of school. She has prepared all the things that should be prepared, neatly placed on the table, and can be picked up early in the morning tomorrow morning. Her habit is from when she was a few years old. The first time he was admitted and discharged, Chen Qian took a look, and he had nothing to help, and he was going to go back to his room to sleep.

But at midnight, the sound of knocking on the door sounded.

"Who?" Chen Qian was wearing pajamas, and jumped out of the bed barefoot, fearing to wake Xiaozhen, so he closed the door of her room.

Looking out from the cat's eye...

Chen Qian is a little inexplicable-because he seems to know this person, but he doesn't seem to be very familiar with it.

After thinking about it for a while, he remembered: "Damn, grapefruit?"

So, quickly opened the door.

The reason why I didn’t see it at first glance was because the water grapefruit was in the game, and it also deliberately lowered its appearance. It is worthy of being a high-achieving student in the performance department of a famous university. Let alone professional skills, this appearance is already the ancestor. Enjoyed this meal.

The grapefruit in reality, with gentle chestnut-colored shoulder-length curly hair, curvy eyebrows, fair skin, without any makeup on his face, is equally beautiful.

If a girl goes out without makeup, either the person she sees is familiar, or the matter is urgent. Chen Qian and Xiao Yan are not enough to be familiar with her to such a degree, so the matter can only be urgent.

It rained heavily outside, and the whole body of Shui Yuzi was soaked. Chen Qian immediately went and took a towel out to her: "No...what's going on? Came here in the middle of the night..."

Chen Qian thought that something was wrong with the grapefruit, and no one could look for it in the middle of the night, but in fact, without a sip of water on the grapefruit, he wiped his soaked clothes a little, and said, "I only have the phone number of the leader of Baichuan, not yours. ...I remember that Xiaozhen gave me an address last time, and I sent her a figure. Unexpectedly, I tried to find it today and I found it. Self-herd, you hurry up and go online..."

"Uh, what's the matter? Speak slowly." Chen Qian pushed the water glass toward her.

"The kk Wilderness Hunting Group may be trying to retaliate against our people who dug Wen Zhao, and are digging us in a big way... Me, sister Tuanzi, and Lord Qian, they all received invitations, and the conditions for the offer are very good. And... Most importantly, they may have found what Sister Bai Zhi needs."

"Blank paper? What does the blank paper need?" Chen Qian has never heard of the blank paper.

"Sister Baizhi’s gun, Aries, do you know? She has been complaining, saying that this gun is difficult to build, difficult to upgrade, and even more difficult after entering the Lingyuan era...because she wants to download a hero copy, but Once killed in the hero dungeon, she will be'hero dead' and will be completely deleted. It will be very troublesome to re-raise the gun after the new account is created, and she will not dare to download any heroes with this gun. It's a copy... and now, the kk Wilderness Hunter has found a material that has just been updated in the Lingyuan era, which can save the main weapon from being deleted after the hero's death."

"..." Chen Qian looked at Shui Yuzi's face in a hurry, wanted to laugh but felt impolite.

"Once they can provide the material to Sister Baizhi, Sister Baizhi will most likely agree to them!" Shui Yuzi emphasized.

Chen Qian touched his forehead.

What do you mean by caring? Grapefruit is probably considered to be it.

In the middle of the night, Xiao Zhen's phone couldn't get through, so she tried to find it, and also found it... All she wanted to say was just such a thing.

"That... self-herd, you are, you are actually... who, right." Shui Yuzi lowered her head and said a little embarrassedly, "In fact, kk Wilderness Hunting Group is now a big brand, but if you If you show your identity, you won't lose to them."

"No need." Chen Qian pushed the cup again, "You said, kk is digging our people in a big way?"


"Then I want to ask, will you leave?"

"Of course not." Shui Yuzi raised her head, her bright eyes gleaming in the light.

"Look, isn't this anymore? People who can't leave, can't drive under any conditions, and those who can leave, what if I keep it online?" Chen Qian stood up amused and touched the water grapefruit. The head said, "Furthermore, you just said that they found a special material that can save weapons after a hero's death?"

"Yeah!" Shui Yuzi replied, "This material can not just solve the problem that Sister White has been troubled by?"

"...The white paper is a little confused, but there is still a little difference between being confused and stupid." Chen Qian really couldn't help laughing.

"Huh?" Shuiyuzi's face changed...then you are saying I'm stupid?

"Her problem can be solved by practicing a near-death transaction. Why should it be solved by jumping to the kk wilderness hunting group?" Chen Qian gestured, "It's...do you think, with her strength, in the hero dungeon? , Is it difficult to complete an Aries transaction with me before dying?"

The water grapefruit blushed suddenly.

IQ was taken into the ditch by the kk hunting group!

Because white paper is very important, very important...her strength, now Rulong is the only one who can keep up with Chen Qian, Shui Yuzi's mind is full of "can't let her go", I have even thought about it, kk The problem that can be solved, is it easy to solve the problem by itself?

Shui Yuzi felt that he was pretty hard too, and it was embarrassing in the rain in the middle of the night.

"Okay, it's already early in the morning. It is estimated that your school is also closed. I sleep on the sofa. You will be here for one night." Chen Qian said helplessly.

"That kk Wilderness Hunting Group is so blatantly digging people..."

"You're right, so blatant, can you bear it? This matter hit him in the face."


At 2:30 in the morning, in Base 0.

Trajectory looked at a half-length box in his hand, tears streaming down his face.

He passed, and he singled out Quebella four times, and finally fell out of such a transparent box-the short and thin Quebella was like a baby, curled up in such a transparent box, eyebrows Lock tightly, fingers clenched.

The huge Mana flower on her head is no longer there, but it seems that there are still roots connected to her head that need to be surgically removed.

So, the next step is to go to Dr. Gale.

"I killed Quebella solo!" Trajectory yelled three times, "I killed Quebella solo! I killed Quebella solo!!!"

In any case, this is also No. 2 of Base 0~www.readwn.com~ Even if it enters the Lingyuan era, the players as a whole become stronger, and Quibera is still very strong, and, even if one kills, he can’t explode what he wants. Things, he kept adjusting, thinking, and focusing... only four times.

It is a pity that there are not many people in the wilderness hunting group resident, and no one shares his joy with him.

At this moment, a strange friend sent an application.

"Hello, is it the trajectory god? I am the head of the foreign affairs department of the kk wilderness hunting group, mingw mirror." He said straightforwardly over there.

"...What's the matter?"

"Congratulations on your solo killing of Quebella in Base 0," Mingw Mirror said, "That's it, since the first time you got the first kill in the Cemetery of Broken Night, we have been paying attention to you. Are you...are you interested in joining the kk wilderness hunting team and fighting side by side with the great gods of kk in this year's winter racing?"

"I just killed Quibera solo at Base 0, and it hasn't been more than ten minutes." After all, the trajectory was delicate and keenly aware of the problem.

"Hmm... don't hide it from you, because today many players from the Dragon Hunting Group have turned to our arms, so we still know the bigger things."

"Then what else do you know?" The trajectory is understood. This scene is called digging, but it is actually for information?

"Since it's you, there is nothing we can't say. We also know that the powerful batch of power used by your manipulators is Polar Devourers, and where they got them." Mingw Mirror smiled.

"...The efficiency is quite high. If Rulong sets it as a secret strategy, you can use a trick of digging people, and you will figure it out in a few hours." Track said with a black face.


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