What Can Casual Players Be Bad-hearted

Chapter 320: Full moon air shelter

Fully Moon Air-raid Shelter, five seats, no support, small map.

Almost all players know that this is a very suitable map for the Sirius hunting group.

Of course Chen Qian also knows.

The fighting style of the Sirius Wilderness Group is relatively balanced, the output position is relatively biased, and they don't like to move. Their skill pool is very deep, and they can form cooperation through non-moving skill changes.

Therefore, you can see the boss in the Moon Air Shelter, and there is only a single boss map. They are very easy to fight. They can use a relatively small range of movement and cooperate with more skills to kill the boss instead of using it. Spend more time on running charts.

Sirius, who tends to fight, has been looting maps, fighting mobs, and dealing with organs several times, and has fallen behind by a lot of time.

Moreover, in a few small maps, the bunkers of the full moon air-raid shelter are relatively moderate, which not only leaves enough bunkers for Sirius, but does not interfere with their actions.

If it’s a map with fewer bunkers, it’s what Baiyi Shengxue and the others like especially before. They just go up and finish it. A map with enough bunkers will make Rin Yu and his lighthouse quicksand better. More room to play.

At the beginning, this map was in the shape of an irregular full moon. The light was relatively dark. There was only a ray of moonlight from a hole in the air-raid shelter. Boss was standing in that ray of moonlight when he was born.

The size of the map is only about 50 square meters, and there is some fleshy soil sporadicly, but more of it has turned into ashes and spread on the ground, because the gray matter layer of the ground is deep and shallow, thick places can reach the calves, and thin The place is almost the same as the sole of the shoe, so this map is not big, but its moving speed in different positions is different, the basic skills must be very solid, otherwise it is normal to make yourself flat.

"Heh." He Lin laughed out loud when he saw this map.

Because he knows what Sirius’s advantage is on this map, and he also knows that at this Rulong training ground today, Sirius’s advantage against this map will never exist.

The evolution of the Boss in the Lingyuan era has caused a huge change in the structure of the map itself.

It's a pity that in the plan she announced at Qiu Bailu's inauguration, the more confident the map they were, the more they would practice it at the back, and now they definitely haven't practiced this map.

"Hey. I feel that there is no point in training with us. Let my brother teach them how to be humans." Xiaozhen vomited while hearing Chen Qian's instructions.

"East Gate, the mob opens quickly." Chen Qian said.


At the same time, in the same training ground, in the same copy.

Qiu Bailu's voice also sounded: "Kaiguai."

In the middle of the full moon air-raid shelter, the moonlight shot down from the cracked dome fell on a half-man, half-wolf polar-chewer beast, followed by a big shield warrior rushing up and hitting it. One piece, the battle began.

Except for Qiu Bailu, none of the Sirius players on the scene have actually entered the racing competition, let alone the audition, but they all felt the general tension of the racing audition here. After the Boss opened At that time, they all glanced at the timer on the watch subconsciously.

It took forty-five seconds from entering the door to when the shield fighter smashed the Boss force field, which was only one second away from the 44 seconds of the real Sirius team.


The name is [Lunar Eclipse], the 4-meter-tall Polar Devourer hit a large shield warrior. If it was before the Lingyuan Era, its collision could not only knock down the player in front of it. , And it can also form a fan-shaped shock wave, so that players in a fan-shaped range are knocked back and knocked down. Then he will make a small jump, choose a player with a relatively low health value, and bite it down and shake it. This skill can cause it to fall to the ground and turn into the air, causing a lot of damage while also restoring its own blood.

However, because it has entered the Lingyuan era, the shield warrior has a right blocking ability, waiting for its collision. When it hits back with all its strength, the shield warrior stays still on the spot, but it is this one. ] Two steps back.

"Give me a direction." Qiu Bailu shouted.

The big shield warrior immediately turned and ran behind the Boss, and the Boss immediately turned his head, chasing in his direction, and turned his back to the direction of his teammate.

Two seconds later, Qiu Bailu's Tang Dao was already behind Boss.

Qiu Bailu pierced Boss' back with a knife, connected to a skill, and opened a big hole in Boss's body.

"Knife flash." Another nightcrawler player of the spear and crossbow system had stood at a suitable distance behind Qiu Bailu. After Qiu Bailu's attack, he emptied a bullet in the magazine.

Knife flash is modified from the defense breaking skill of a high temperature knife. In addition to hitting a large amount of damage, it can also create a breakthrough that ignores defense. Within 3.5 seconds, this breakthrough is almost equivalent to a weakness, and all attacks can be doubled. , The Nightcrawler player behind Qiu Bailu also saw the light effect for the first time. In 3.5 seconds, his output was full, and all of them were doubled.

This team hadn't cooperated before today, but after playing a few pictures, the tacit understanding got up.

"Bullard, interrupt." Qiu Bailu shouted again.

After the Boss was continuously attacked, there was a process of accumulating power. The shield fighter immediately interrupted it with a shield attack to prevent it from releasing a big move. The output of the spear and crossbow players behind him has been stacked, and the output is fierce and stable. .

They are very familiar with this Boss, and they lost 20% of their health at once.

Everyone looked at the time subconsciously.

Two minutes and fifteen seconds.

"Well, we are already leading the team, come on." They cheered each other.

Before the Lingyuan Era, the first team of Sirius took about two and a half minutes to hit 20% of the boss’s health. Therefore, two minutes and thirty-five seconds is the passing point of the 20% blood of the Sirius boss. .

They did not expect that the time to hit 20% of the blood could be increased to two minutes and fifteen seconds in one breath.

Everyone, including Qiu Bailu, was very excited.

In the first round of output, the amount of damage was too high. At least five seconds were won for them. After that, the overall efficiency was also very high, and the speed was of course fast.

"Don't relax, there are still a lot of mistakes on this Boss," Qiu Bailu said, "You can't choose the wrong block ability of the shield once, otherwise the whole rhythm will be disrupted for at least ten seconds."

"Yeah." The big shield player was under a lot of pressure.

The blocking skills of the Lingyuan era are different from simple defensive stances. They have partial strength, partial stability, partial knockback, partial anti-injury... If the boss uses displacement and impact skills, and he The choice is anti-injury~www.readwn.com~ It may fail to block, and if the boss is accumulating the skill, he uses a stable block, the boss’s ultimate move cannot be interrupted, and a skill comes out again. A few seconds of adjustment.

Of course, there will be small problems of this and that in every race. After all, no one can really perform so well. It is guaranteed that the Boss will not be able to release a single skill in the whole game-maybe once or twice in training. , But on the spot is impossible.

The mistakes Qiu Bailu said all refer to big mistakes, such as the Boss being out of control directly, or the Boss hitting more than three people with his ultimate move.

"We have three outputs, one big shield and one control field. The output efficiency and fault tolerance are all okay." said the nightcrawler of the gun and crossbow system.

"Yes." Qiu Bailu never felt the need to adjust the lineup.

The output efficiency of their team is very high, the three positions are very good for close combat, mid-range, and long-range cooperation. There is a large shield for rhythm control, and a controller of the instrument route is ready to remedy it at any time.

"Attention, it's time to farm the mobs." The big shield warrior reminded.

At this time, the Boss' blood volume has reached 50%, and their time is three minutes and forty seconds-here is already a full minute ahead of the previous best record of the Sirius team!

But when they are ready to deal with this Boss's 50% health, an uninterruptible big move...

Qiu Bailu discovered one thing: "Do you think the light is much stronger than before?"

She had just finished speaking when she heard a thud.

There was originally a dome with only one hole. Pieces of ground fell down. The huge stones fell on the ground and it was a deep pit. The Boss was irradiated by more moonlight, his face was radiant, his fur was bright, his eyes were red, and his limbs were enlarged. Double...

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