What Can Casual Players Be Bad-hearted

Chapter 321: Are you awake now?

Four minutes and four seconds.

When Qiu Bailu and the others were fighting in this dungeon, Chen Qian and the others also hit half blood of this Boss.

It's just that they are half-blooded, but their mentality is completely different.

Chen Qian and the others have all played.

Therefore, unlike Qiu Bailu and the others, whether it is Chen Qian or Xiaoyue, He Lin, White Paper or Dongmen City, they all know what will happen when this Boss is 50% health.

When I first saw it, the motion of the scene would be a bit big...

The visual effects of Spirit Cage World are more important than other games, because at the beginning it was mainly an immersive experience. It is understandable if you use too much force, and now this heavy effect has also formed the characteristics of the spirit cage.

But the second time, the third time... I'll get used to it when I see it later.

But it’s just that the entire dome falls off piece by piece, and one piece is dropped and the mountain shakes one piece, which is also a normal chain effect. The Boss will be frenzied during this process, but the roar is a little louder. It resonates a little bit. As for strength and speed, of course, it will increase. It is understandable that the basic attack power and skill damage will be doubled...

The trouble for Chen Qian and the others is not in these inevitable things anymore.

The real trouble is that this Boss will have the skills of elemental absorption.

In the past, when the game planner chose the game map, the boss with the source quality absorption skills would not be selected, because this would affect the subsequent performance of the game.

For example, on the first map, an important member of a small team has damaged the life source quality, then he has no way to replenish the life source quality in time when the second map is opened.

To make up for the life source quality, a special treatment method is necessary. This method can only be used to make up for the life source quality after hitting the mission in the major safety zones and hitting the related tasks.

The task is generally not particularly difficult.

But it must take time! Lots, lots of time!

"Ha, our Rulong training ground really doesn't give them face at all. This one has a full moon air-raid shelter everywhere, so why don't you scare them out of Qiuhuang?" Dongmencheng said.

"It's better to be scared to pee here than three days before the start of the game. It's better to be scared to pee when you practice this copy," He Lin said calmly, "It's our training ground that gives them too much face."

The Moon Air Shelter is the only one showing elemental damage among the ten racing maps this year.

It can be regarded as a trial for Yihuafang.

Because, whether it is the Lingyuan era of Yafu or the transformation era of Meifu, an important thing has appeared.


The defense rights and recovery rights absorbed by the life source quality have also been handed over to the players accordingly.

Of course, there are still not many skills to restore the life source quality, and it is difficult to put it together. Therefore, this also shows that milk repair is not a general assisted occupation.

"He Lin, it's up to you." Chen Qian didn't plan any style of play, so he just fired up enough.

Every stone in the dome falls down and hits the ground as a big pit. The big pit will form a shock wave. The player who is hit will be anchored. Chen Qian, Xiaoyue and Baizhi must keep moving. In order not to be hit by this shock wave, but not being hit is not the goal. It is the goal to cause high damage to the Boss. Therefore, they start from this place, completely regardless of their personal health, except for their position. His defensive posture seemed to be dancing with the Boss in the moonlight.

Unlike Qiu Bailu and the soldiers with a large shield, Chen Qian and the others did not wear a large shield. The whole style of play was instant positioning and adjustment. The falling dome gave them more cover. , The rays of light shined down, forming a staggered light and shadow in the air-raid shelter, and also gave them more space for visual obstacles. Under the stable performance of a single person, Xiaozhen’s several mistakes were completely different. In fact, because Xiaozhen let go of the fight, he created two excellent opportunities for attack.

Boss's blood volume drops steadily and rapidly.

But after five minutes...

The names of several of them appeared on the completion list.


Qiu Bailu's strength is still nothing to say.

At that time, when Chen Qian and the others encountered this boss change, they died in one breath, but Qiu Bailu and the others only died of a large shield warrior. Then, the remaining four people stabilized, seeing that they could beat the boss. Finish.

But when they were about 20% short of their health, they saw that the No. 3 team led by Chen Qian had been completed.

It took eight minutes and thirty seconds.

Immediately afterwards, when they had 10% of their health left, they saw that the No. 4 team led by Life Like Tea was completed.

It took nine minutes and forty-five seconds.

And they finished playing the mini-map when it was nearly eleven minutes.

After Qiu Bailu's team came out, it took five minutes for another player named Ghost Grass, led by Sirius Team 2 to complete the map.

The faces of Sirius players are a bit ugly.

Of course, a large part of this ugly ingredient is embarrassment.

"No...you shouldn't open the last map. We haven't practiced this map before. It's not fair for you." The ghost grass immediately rushed to talk.

"Well, yes, our training plan is different from yours. Can't you let us adapt to your training plan? There is no reason." Soon the players in Sirius's No. 2 team began to echo the ghost grass.

No way, they don't want to throw the pot, but this fight is really too shameful!

There are a total of three maps. On the first map, the top two teams are Rulong’s No. 3 and No. 4 teams. They played one ten minutes, one thirteen minutes, and then the second map. They have all taken seriously. As a result, Qiu Bailu took the first place in 6 minutes and 46 seconds, and the second place was still like a dragon, and the ghost grass took the third place and only led the No. 4 team like the dragon by twelve seconds.

And the last round moon air-raid shelter is the most excessive. This is their Sirius reserve map, a must-see map. As a result, the top two teams are still like dragons. Not only did they fail to win, but the ghost grass team used it. Time, it can be regarded as being trapped by Chen Qian's team!

"Okay." Qiu Bailu hurriedly told them to stop talking, "The maps are all random. Moreover, this map will only benefit us without harm."

Chen Qian smiled.

As the leader of the first team, Qiu Bailu still lacks in strength, but fortunately, he doesn’t have a good head, and he keenly sees that this is definitely a good thing-otherwise they would really practice this picture before the game. Just wait to die.

Because, during this process, no wilderness hunting team will reveal the changes to this map to them.

Chen Qian will not engage in internal fights with opponents who are also Asian servers on this kind of thing. It is too low-end, but he will certainly not take the initiative to remind them, hey, your must-see map has undergone huge changes. .

Facing Qiu Bailu, Sirius players knew that this was the truth, and there was nothing to say.

Chen Qian didn't say much, so he smiled and asked, "Are you awake?"

Just now, there were all kinds of Sirius players who did not pay attention to anyone other than Chen Qian and He Lin, all nodded and nodded like a chicken pecking at rice... This is still not awake, then just go to sleep. Forget it.

Chen Qian doesn't have a face anymore and he won't continue to mock the younger generation here. He just said: "Since I'm awake, let's continue."


After the team was broken up again, there were more than three hours left in the morning. The quasi-team players of Sirius almost worked hard with them. Every map was treated like a sea election. Fighting, every Rulong player was treated as a real teammate, and the efficiency of joint training suddenly became higher.

At the beginning, they were still a little separated on the trajectory, and they were embarrassed to ask when they encountered a problem, but the other side asked them some questions they didn’t know in the map, and then they let go of the trajectory. If a skill doesn't know if it's right to put it, ask, if a terrain doesn't know if it's right to run, ask, and Sirius players don't dare to neglect, as long as they can answer all of them.

They practiced this way until after twelve o'clock ~ www.readwn.com ~ Chen Qian let them go to dinner.

Of course, I did not forget to remind Qiu Bailu that her first team must be in place in the afternoon. No matter how reluctant, Qiu Bailu can only adjust the training plan and give Chen Qian and the others the half-day.

Watching Qiu Bailu and the others leave Rulong's residence one after another, Chen Qian stood in the hall, smiling with constipation.

Xiaozhen poked him: "Brother, why are you so happy?"

"Oh, I won. Would you be happy if you won Sirius?" Chen Qian said shamelessly, and his life was like tea.

You have used people not to wake up and you are not familiar with the map, and you have won such a victory, you really dare to say.

Chen Qian knew what life is like tea, waved his hand, and said, "You don't care how you win. If you win, you win. And, do you know what this means?"

"It means that we are better than Sirius." Xiaozhen replied confidently.

"..." The others were silent... can represent a lot of things, but certainly not that they are better than Sirius.

Who knows, Chen Qian nodded and said, "Well, you can say so."

"It can be a ghost." Everyone murmured silently in their hearts.

Chen Qian continued: "Because, this represents an opportunity—to seize the changes brought about by the Lingyuan era and the opportunity to overtake in a corner—when they are all trapped in their previous fighting habits and unable to extricate themselves, we hurry up Chance to catch up..."

"In other words, you don’t have a bottom in your heart?!!!" Dongmencheng understood the meaning, "You finished your practice last week, and you have an appointment with Lin Yu on the weekend. After you practice this week, you will have an appointment on the weekend. Qiu Bailu is to verify whether this opportunity exists?"

"Of course. I'm not a god. How can I rely on guessing when I do things?" Chen Qian replied with a smile.

"..." In these three sentences, everyone didn't know which one to spit.

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