What Can Casual Players Be Bad-hearted

Chapter 40: Kill 1 small target first

   "Damn! I was killed on a sunny day yesterday!!"

   At this time, there was a sudden cheer in the mobile tent behind Chen Qian.

   Chen Qian removed Xiao Yan's angle of view, turned his head, and he saw the man whose face was stabbed with blood by the stabbing leg of [Dread Spider].

   His eyes are dull and his expression is dull.

   It seems that he hasn't recovered from the terrifying way of death just now.

   There were several trumpets on the spot that directly started the massacre mode on the sunny day yesterday.

   The mobile tent is not comparable to the Shangmin Medical Center. The safety protection of this place is only in a small area of ​​the camp bed. Once you get out of bed, you can kill or be killed immediately.

   Even in the tent, it’s okay!

   But yesterday was sunny... disappeared on the camp bed in the tent.

   slaughter the trumpeter randomly, it's still persuasive.

   The blood has almost recovered, and the refraction has finally cooled down, so hurry up.

   And the players in the tent can't calm down: "Isn't it amazing just now? A twentieth-level number ran into the wild in the ecologically dense area, and wanted to block our mission. Why is it now?"

   "Come out! You have the ability to kill the trumpet, you have the ability, don't be invisible."

   "It's so funny, you can be killed if you have stealth skills, how far are you? You have the face to play PVP?"

   The sunny day did not reappear yesterday.

   No matter how cold the players in the tent were, he never came out.

   At this time, another player who had returned from his death in Bhikkhu Mountain was refreshed in the tent.

   However, he didn't have a bit of frustration on his face, instead he was very emotional.

   "Damn, let me tell you that there is a young lady with long silver hair in Bhikkhu Mountain..."

As soon as he came in, he explained in detail how the player named "Baichuan" who was killed when the trumpets were wailing on the Bhikkhu Mountain, how to find out the team of people on the sunny day one by one and wipe them out. The whole process.

   The players who were killed by the sunny day yesterday are all excited.

   There are a few people who are full of rebirth, but they haven’t left.

"Her magnetic explosive axe is definitely an explosion in an explosion...Have you ever seen a person with a skill that can directly give a player of the same level to the second? I rely on, what kind of character is really...it was sunny yesterday. A team of crazy, their faces are all green."

"Oh, and her backpack... the backpack, it turns color. When her blood volume drops to the point of death, the backpack will turn black and red. It's too scary. Someone will give her medicine right away. I also took a chance and gave it away. It's very dangerous to be touched by the Extreme Beast..."

   "Fuck these psychological perversions, and when you encounter a bit of trouble, I ran out to kill. That young lady is called Baichuan, and I will return to fullness in a while, and I will follow her to fight back when I go back!"

   When he said that, many other players were also interested.

   "Clear the red name of Bhikkhu Mountain today."

"I am going too."

   "Then let me go with me too, first follow Miss Baichuan to clean up all the red names!"

   "This is okay. I can't fight. I can bring tea and water."

   "That's not necessarily the case. The medicine bottle can only be used in a non-combat state, and you have to have a bit of insight to serve tea and water."

   "After all, seven or eight groups of Polar Devourers are chasing them behind, it's not as easy as you think."


   Chen Qian was embarrassed.

   If her backpack doesn't change color and has no additional abilities, if she doesn't have a water grapefruit behind her, she has stable control skills, and she is fed a good medicine, she would have died under the claws of the Beast Devourer.

   As a result, when he turned his head, he saw life squatting on the edge of the tent like tea, and he was fascinated by it.


  On the way to the Lola Wetland, Chen Qian was under attack twice.

  Life is abnormal like tea.

   He is still immersed in the tent story.

   If Chen Qian hadn't called him, he would have to follow the group of players in the tent and find Xiao Yun to bring tea and water together.

   "Others bring tea and water, anyhow they have enough non-combat recovery medicine, have you brought it?" Chen Qian spurred the uncle back to his original form.

"But... but it's really too fierce, a trumpet, a massacre, a dry red name, dragging seven or eight groups of Polar Devourers to run. What kind of strength is this? What kind of position is this? What kind of character is this? Did you hear what they said? Even the Beast Devourer helped her make a red name..."

   has the strength of wool.

   If you knew that she was a pure white who had never played a game before... I don't know how you would feel.

   "Don't be nympho. Let's go pick up the two-jawed beast first." Chen Qian took out his pistol and entered the wetland.


   "It's weird to pick up tasks."

   "Ah...hahaha, yes, if you are messed up like this, you should be able to pick up a lot of residual blood." Life is like a tea.

   This kind of bijaw beast is very easy to identify.

Its appearance is extremely ugly. Two forelimbs are long behind the head, and two middle limbs are interrupted in the abdomen, occupying less than one-fifth of the entire body. It is almost the same as the lower body of a human, except for two hind limbs. Curved like an ape, not straight.

The head of the two-jaw beast occupies more than half of the body, and the upper jaw is obviously shorter than the lower jaw, resulting in a sharp mouth exposed and a huge larynx sac. I don't know how much it can swallow.

   Chen Qian took a step aside.

   A bullet flew by.

   "Killed one sunny day yesterday, and there are thousands of sunny days yesterday. There are still a lot of dark guns." Chen Qian said.

   "..." The life that was hit in the belly by that stray bullet was like tea and was full of swear words.


   From the entrance of the Broken Night Cemetery to the Lola Wetland, there was a lot of red everywhere.

   The mood of everyone in the audience fluctuates greatly.

   Therefore, all the hatred of the Extreme Devouring Beast is chaotic.

   Moreover, the Beast Devourer didn't know which AOE knocked it, and who put the gun on it. The damage was also a little bit, causing them to chase and ran over chaotically.

   It's not just the Beast Eater that makes the scene dangerous.

   Those players who engage in massacres everywhere are equally dangerous to Chen Qian and the others.

   He is locked almost every moment, Osiris watch is frantically warning...

  The fighting environment is very hot.

   But, there is one thing to say, Chen Qian and life are as comfortable as tea!

Originally, if the two of them wanted to kill a two-jawed beast in a cluster, they needed a lot of walking and seduce. Separating one out and killing them slowly, and in the process, they might also hit other bitter poles. The beast group, even if it is a master like them, it is impossible to be foolproof.

   But now Chen Qian's 11 o'clock perception can quickly lock onto the bloodless and ownerless two-jaw beast nearby, and then his 9 o'clock agility can support him to move quickly into place.

   One shot.

   Put the gun in the sleeve after the fight, wait for the effect to stack up [while the duel is in progress], then draw the gun...

Moreover, life is like tea next to him, the equipment, that hot knife, the target is much more conspicuous than him, so he has never eaten a secret gun, life is like tea, I don’t know where it came out. The slaughter players that came had hit two or three times.

   However, two people didn't have much time to pick up the leak.

   Ten two-jaw beasts, they were all over soon.

   "Look for the giant-toothed two-jaw beast, hurry up to finish it, go dig the bones." Chen Qian said.

   "Lola Wetland has been done like this, how do I feel that there will be more neuropathy at the door of the Duanye Cemetery?" Life is like tea again.

   "Aren't you going?" Chen Qian asked with a smile.

   It's okay if you don't go.

   He would be lazy if he didn't go.

   "Brother, the vitality of human beings is very tenacious..." Life is like tea, but after all, I still can't let go of the legendary material, "Of course, I will go after the giant tooth and two jaws."

   Giant-toothed two-jaw beast.

   is considered to be the level of elite monsters, in the cluster of two-jaw beasts, there is a certain chance to refresh.

The elite monster is not only a lap larger than the mobs, but more importantly, it has two health bars. The first health bar will not die, and it will only enter the second form. The second form is higher than the previous form. It's harder to fight.

   Chen Qian and life are like tea through the rain of bullets...

   Finally, in the middle of a two-jaw beast cluster, a giant two-jaw beast was found!

   But, it’s a bit troublesome.

   The Giant Tooth Two Jaws is moving, and the moving speed is not slow. The group of players in front of them are almost to be beaten to empty blood, and they are escaping quickly...

   There are seven or eight two-jaw beasts around the giant-tooth two-jaw beast.

   Behind the two-jaw beast, there are nine ground roars accumulating energy, and red energy **** one after another.

   In the opposite direction, there are six fear spiders.

  To put it simply...

   The monsters are so dense that they can’t handle it!

   And ~www.readwn.com~ that giant tooth two-jaw beast has reached the second form, its tentacles violently waved, not to mention the increase in attack power, and at the same time it can be absorbed by the source...

The team of players who ran away under the chasing of the giant-toothed two-jaw beasts are like antelopes on the African grasslands, rushing from left to right, no matter how they hold their breath, there is no way to reduce their emotional concentration. The distance of the beast is so close, as long as there is a little bit of panic and panic, it can't be separated from the perception of the beast.

   A player was unfortunately hit by a red energy ball passing through diagonally from behind, and he stopped for a while in fright, and was immediately thrown down by the polar beast behind.

His teammate turned his head and wanted to pull him, but was also knocked down by the two-jaw beast who was chasing up behind him. The six tentacles on the two-jaw beast simultaneously glowed with dark blue light, which directly came up as "Essence Absorption". Skills.

   The player moved left and right weakly, but before he could break free, he gave up on his own. Maybe he felt that there was no point in running anymore...

   After trying so many times, there is no way to get out of the battle.

   It is not something they can do to find the right terrain in an instant, from sight, sound, and emotional fluctuations, to completely hide it in an instant.

   They should just obediently learn those big stealth skills that require more than 10 ability points.

   "There are three left..." Chen Qian rushed behind them all the way.

  His [Afterglow] has been switched to spear form.

Da da da.

Da da da.

  From the barrel that is half shorter than a normal automatic rifle, it continuously shoots out three bullets, every bullet hits accurately, the giant tooth two jaw beast surrounded by the polar-chewing beast group...

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