What Can Casual Players Be Bad-hearted

Chapter 41: Destroy a few more big targets

   If it was another game, when the remaining three players did not continue to output, the hatred should have been transferred to Chen Qian long ago.

   However, the calculation of the monster's hatred in the spirit cage, 70% is still based on the player's emotions.

  Which player in the scene fluctuates the most, the polar eater will chase whoever runs.

   Just like Xiao Yan in the ecologically dense area before, chasing down the mood of yesterday's sunny day with anger, as clear as a banner, and all the creatures near her will chase her.

  Wait until the remaining three players in the team are almost dead, before Chen Qian has a chance to grab this elite monster.

   Of course, it's a question of how long to wait.

   The death of the remaining three players is already inevitable.

   So, Chen Qian continued to chase the gun...

   occasionally turned his head to take a look, life is like tea all the way to keep up.

Although the feeling of dancing between the high-level Polar Devourers and a bunch of red names, Chen Qian also feels terrible, but if it were not in such an environment, they would not have been able to find such one, which had been defeated. With a blood bar, it entered the second form of the giant tooth two jaw beast, right?

   "There are two left."

   Chen Qian looked at another player and stumbled, and his head was picked up by the giant-toothed two-jaw beast.

The two tentacles at the foremost part of the Megatooth Beast's body plunged directly into the player's body. The player was fixed to his head, and the shaking was extremely limited. "Until death.

   while absorbing the life essence of the player just now, it did not delay the movement of the giant tooth two jaws.

   After spitting out the body of the killed player like a bone, it threw another claw down on another player in front...

   "There is one left." Chen Qian's gun never stopped.

   Just as the last player of the squad fell under the claws of the giant-toothed two-jawed beast, he shot the giant-toothed two-jaw beast's chrysanthemum three times.

  Weakness attack!

   The giant-toothed two-jaw beast in the second form immediately let out a loud roar.

   All the other Extreme Devouring Beasts are still chasing the last lone player left in the team, but this giant-toothed two-jaw beast suddenly turned and dashed towards Chen Qian's direction.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Of? In such a large group of Extreme Devouring Beasts, pulled one out alone???"

   "I can do so many things." Chen Qian smiled.

   is just a matter of experience.

   Five players ran all the way in that direction, each of them in a higher mood, no matter how much he output, don't even want to pull it out.

   But as the number of players decreases, the amount of emotions generated will naturally decrease...

   As long as at a certain moment, the damage he caused to the giant tooth two jaws exceeds its current emotional hatred, then he will be pulled out.

   "The giant teeth and two jaws are all pulled out, and it's up to you next." Chen Qian brought the giant teeth two jaws to the place where life is like tea.

   Life is like tea and subconsciously took over this two-stage elite monster.

   Chen Qian said again: "Don't keep your skills. The second stage has only one-third of the blood left, and one set of bursts will be taken away directly."

   "I..." Life is like tea and I am drunk.

  Which elite monster is already in the second stage when it comes up?

   If you don't give any buffers, you need a burst to take away?

   Have you ever played games like this?

   But considering that Chen Qian will be going to dig the bones for a while, and he will have to rub his world plot later, life is like tea decisively without opening the mouth, but asking: "What about you?"

   Well, this question seems to be asked every day...

   Chen Qian had already held his breath, suppressed his emotions, squatted behind a stone, and said, "I have no energy to move."

   "..." Life is like tea and speechless.

   rushing, jumping, and chasing guns with such high intensity, the whole duration is not short.

   There was no mistake.

   The action is empty, and it makes sense.

   "Come on. I'll wait for it to fall." Chen Qian squatted quietly behind the stone and hung up Xiao Yan's perspective again.


  Falling leaf forest.

   A sea of ​​fire.

   Chen Qian didn't know how Xiaoyan and the others moved the battlefield to the Weeping Leaf Forest!

   There were more than twenty groans behind her.

   "I'm going, you are going to burn the rhythm of Bhikkhu Mountain?" Chen Qian felt that if he dragged the ground in groups like this, how could the red energy ball hit him by one or two?

   But Xiaozhen’s character...

   If you can't hit it, you can't hit it.

   "...That's not right, what about the mobility?" Chen Qian had just chased the giant-toothed two-jaw beast all the way, and his mobility had indeed bottomed out.

   And before he went to pick up the mission monster, Xiaozhen had already killed seven in and seven out in the jungle.

   The health value is low. As long as she is out of the battle for half a second, someone will be fed the medicine immediately, but how to solve the problem?

   He was thinking like that, when he saw a needle of light flying up.

   "Synthetic taurine..." He cut to the third angle of view and saw players shining with pale golden light, all sprinting following Xiao Yan.

   Synthetic taurine is a very expensive medicine, and it is also quite a few medicines that can replenish mobility. Only the large body will carry one or two emergency medicines.

   Therefore, the few players behind Xiaoyue are all big!

   Full rank!

   And, as long as there is a close polar Devourer behind Xiao Ying, as long as it is too close to her, it will soon be shot by several people at the same time, and dragged away in a way of anger.

   "Why?" Chen Qian moved his perspective to the front again...

   The one Xiaoying was chasing turned out to be a large one!

   Is she a 13th-level player, chasing two full-level players?

   "...Should those two people think that after Xiaoyue approached them, he could also let all the strange targets suddenly turn to them, just like killing the sunny day yesterday?" Chen Qian thought.

   The effect of that backpack is only useful for the Extreme Beasts that are not higher than Xiaoyin's level.

   A Polar Devourer not higher than her level, won't it be cleared by a full-level player with an AOE? What run?

  The only explanation is...


   This also works?

   "Brother? Brother? There is a place called Chuyelin, which is very dangerous. Don't come over." Xiaoyan said immediately when he heard his self-talk.

   "……" Who will play with whom?

   Xiaoyan finished speaking with him, immediately waved to the back and shouted: "In this game, is there any way I can catch up faster?"



   The effects of two [DAA accelerators] were added to her at the same time.

   This is a skill that can only be learned at 12 dedication points to accelerate the movement speed. It takes only ten seconds and is not cost-effective. Generally, players above level 30 will consider bringing one.

   "Be careful not to step out of the checkpoint..." Chen Qian reminded her.

   is also in the weeping leaf forest, why is Xiaoyan’s opening method different from his own?

   Her way of passing the level is... Can't step out of the level at all?

"Come on, everyone, the last two, take them away at once." Under the ten-second acceleration effect, Xiaozhen caught up with the two full-level players, after a purple-blue electric light on the magnetic explosive axe in her hand, The full-level players behind her seemed to have received a unified fire command, and various skills poured down at the same time, instantly drowning the two full-level red names in front.

   Immediately, before the Extreme Devourer behind her pounced on her, it was a full-level big move skill that required 20 dedication points to acquire-the non-extreme force field, which enveloped Xiao Yan.

   [Wuji Li Field (Early Stage): Take the initiative. Makes the target immune to all single damages higher than the upper limit of total health for 5 seconds. Consumption: 6 grid energy, cooling: 120 seconds. Limit: Light shield. 】

   After an infinite force field, the second...

   The third, the fourth...

   Behind her, there is a darkness in the Weeping Leaf Forest, and there are not many people in the darkness.

   However, a full-level skill with a cooling time of up to 120 seconds did not stop!

   "..." Chen Qian looked magical.


   Chen Qian resolutely cut back to his perspective.

   Well, it seems relatively dangerous to be here.

   So, what is this? A murder caused by a backpack?

   "Hey, it's done." The voice of life like tea pulled him back to his senses, "How do you feel that you have entered the Bhikkhu Mountain and people are abnormal?"

   I don’t have much fighting anymore...

   It looks like there are other things in your mind?

   Life is like tea. It can be said that it exploded with the strength to eat milk and killed the giant-toothed two-jaw beast.

   The level of the two people has jumped up two levels.

  Originally, such an elite monster was killed. If it were a five-person team, everyone could be upgraded to one level, but they picked up a monster, and life was like a tea to kill alone, and the two levels were stable.

   Besides, there are still a lot of explosions on the ground.

   Life is like tea. I checked it out. In addition to some liquids to make rejuvenating drugs~www.readwn.com~ I found that there were actually two "big two-jaw teeth".

   Double Jaw Tooth is a rare material dropped from this elite monster. As a modification material of the main weapon, it can increase attack power.

   "One for each person." Life is like tea watching Chen Qian vigilantly, for fear that this product will **** the fruit of victory.

   "One for each person, one for each person." Chen Qian glanced at him.

   is not delicious, what can I grab with him?

   Other ordinary materials, Chen Qian took one [unknown corrosive liquid], two [sharp claws] and nothing else.

   The drops on the Polar Devouring Beast are so boring, they are generally used for fighting.

  It's not like something dropped from a humanoid monster, that's a colorful...

After    finished allocating the drops, Chen Qian tried to do something on the giant tooth two jaws.

   He picked up the scalpel [Chou Xin] and cut open its hard epidermis from the wound...

   "You get the common material ‘hard leather’ x1."

   "You get the common material ‘hard leather’ x2."

   "You get the common material ‘hard leather’ x1..."

   Chen Qian gave up.

  He worked so hard to dissect the corpse here, but his life is like tea, but he didn't let it go for a second. He followed the news from the nearby channel.

"Oh, mad, crazy...Chang Ye Lin fights, the trumpets who were fighting with Miss Baichuan in the Lola Wetland just now all called their familiar trumpets..." Life is like tea, bowing his head at his watch Poke on the previous road, "Under the leadership of Baichuan, we have now killed 24 red-hot full-level numbers and 55 above level 40..."


   Chen Qian's face is stiff.

  What are you talking about? What is meant by "under the leadership of Baichuan"?

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