What Can Casual Players Be Bad-hearted

Chapter 47: World Plot: The Fall of Genius

   Ye Yun.

   Chen Qian has only heard this name from one person now.

   Dao Ye said that she is the third graduate student of Dr. Gale and a scientist proficient in mechanical structure.

  If she can get her notebook, then Xiaoying’s [Wedge Worker Magnetic Explosion] may even fight for the target of the Supreme Treasure Class main weapon.

   You need to know that Dao Ye is already able to help Jiu Mu make the first supreme heavy three-dimensional character in the entire Asian server.

   What kind of power is he who even thinks he is incomparable mechanically?

   But the goal of this mission...

   They are going to kill Ye Yun.

"Actually, the story of this world is a bit weird." Life is like a tea scratching his nose and said, "What kind of ghost are mechanical polar eater? Wild polar eater is enough to make people headaches, and I think they are not enough. ? Create a mechanical team to help them?"

   "Maybe you want to defeat the enemy by means of the enemy?" Of course Chen Qian also knew that the possibility was extremely low.

  The mechanical products in this world cannot form an assembly line, and the production capacity is too low. Even if the mechanical body is designed to be able to fight the Polar Devourer, it can't keep up in number, and can't compare with the speed at which Mana Ecologically refreshes the Polar Devourer.

   Mechanical bionics is also difficult to achieve.

   A major feature of the Beast Devourer is the absorption of source quality, but no matter how powerful mechanical means, there is no way to simulate this purely biological characteristic.

   "Don't care about those, you will go up again." Chen Qian immediately commanded the uncle after hearing the details of the world plot.


   "Go get a skill. You need a big skill with low cooling and low energy." Chen Qian read the task details carefully and said, "Any one that targets heavy solids will do."

"I do not……"

   "Don't say you don't have the ability to count, I know you must have it."

  "..."Life is like tea and I don't want to talk to him... Even if I keep the ability points, it is not for you, and why should I focus on the three-dimensional?

   There is no re-stereoscopic in the PVE scene.

   "Hurry up, 4=1." Chen Qian smiled.

   Life is like tea with a face, can't you say it earlier?

  I followed you up and down in the Gongzi training camp just now. You want to get your skills soon?


   Duan Ye Cemetery.

The five members of the Life Devouring Wilderness Hunting Group were so tired that they sat slumped on the ground. Almost all fifty mechanical polar devourers were beaten into scrap iron. In front of them was an iron fence gate with an ice-cold color inside the gate. Unknown Beast Devouring Beast, the Beast Devouring Beast was wrapped in metal, and both eyes showed red blood.

   "I saw the first boss..."

   Although it didn't come out, the eyes of everyone in the team were as hot as the metal-wrapped Polar Devourer inside.

   "First make up for a round of status, this wave is stable."

   "I didn't know until I hit here, why such a large group, after a day and night, didn't get this copy."

   "Yes, He Lin took the time to interpret all the text, and it was correct... Otherwise, we wouldn't be able to get to the second floor at all."

   "You can't beat it by hard hitting..."

   The leader of the team looked at the side line.

   That was a well-proportioned and very soft-looking man. He didn't look aggressive, but he always seemed very silent. Even if he took them down, he always felt out of place.

   He did so much without saying a word. Hearing the admiration and praise from his teammates, he always smiled politely.

   There seemed to be a lot of dark clouds between his handsome eyebrows.

   "Do I need to call a team over?" the girl in the team asked.

   "It's not necessary for the time being. The Great God of Interlining said to take down the first Boss first, and then decide according to the situation later."

   "Well, wait for the great **** to interpret the boss's style of play... In other words, don't you really need to play and read first, and then read it? It doesn't matter if we destroy a few more times, after all, it's a wasteland..."

   "He said no. He didn't want us to destroy too much." The captain shook his head.

"Tsk tusk, it's Sirius''first team of players' after all." The girl said, "Then I'll go chat privately with the little sisters and ask about the progress of the second and third line groups. But... I guess it will be in a while. , No team can get down to the second floor at all."

   "Well, let's stare at it," the captain said.

   He also took another look at He Lin, who was holding a pile of documents on the side.

   I hope I can hurry...


"Oh, no hurry, no hurry," Chen Qian said in the team while waiting for the uncle who returned to get the skill. "In our plot, we probably have to kill 250 Polar Devourers in total, in groups of 50. There may be a boss, and finally kill a woman named Ye Yun. With the configuration of our team, the problem should not be big..."

   "Brothers and sisters wait for me for a while, and I will get a skill down right away." Life is like tea, making a few hands-on expressions on the channel.

   didn't wait long for him.

   Chen Qian saw people appear in his vision and said, "Are you all ready? No problem, I just flew."

   This is the advantage of the world plot.

   There is no need to run the map, as long as you confirm the start, it will be directly teleported to the starting point of the plot.

   "No problem." The other three said lightly.

   "..." I dare not say the trace, dare not ask the trace.

   So Chen Qian confirmed directly.

   In his earphone, there was a system beep.

   "You have entered the world plot: the fall of genius."

  As the plot opened, the five people who were originally in different scenes finally gathered in one place.

The starting point of the plot of the five of them is a very large and empty tomb with a height of about twelve or three meters. It is not surrounded by a black pyramid of slab or soil, but a neat wall. There are two on the wall. Iron fence gate, two solid steel lift gates.

The five people sat up from the five coffins, and their costumes were changed. Except for the weapons that were brought into the plot, all the armors were gone. They were replaced with striped uniforms like hospital gowns. In addition to covering shame, this kind of clothes has no effect on cold, radiation, bullet and fishy orientin.

   Chen Qian closed his eyes, opened them again, and said, "Oh, we are in the Cemetery of Broken Night."

   Life is as silly as tea: "Danye Cemetery? You can see clearly, we have been in and out so many times in the Duanye Cemetery. Where is this Duanye Cemetery?"

   "Do you remember when I first entered, did I tell you that there is another layer below?"

"……This is?"

   "Well, we went directly to the second floor."

   A banner commonly seen in the old world hung in front of them.

   is like a slogan in blood, with a line of words on the details of their mission-this is your grave, but it is the new life of mankind!

   Under the dim light, there seems to be a whimper of wind, and it is like a human sob...

   "Since it's the first time to enter the mission together, let's introduce yourself." Crazy for the money took the lead to stand up from the coffin, clap his hands, and dilute the oncoming weird atmosphere.

   Chen Qian has no objection.

   A passerby team should report their rank and position first.

"Then I will come first." With a very friendly smile on the face of madness for money, he was the first to introduce it generously, "I am mad for money, now at level 16, I am a game merchant. Except not Apart from trafficking in women and children, I do all kinds of business. I have the opportunity to get to know all the masters. I am fortunate for Qian Sansheng. My main weapon is an electric guitar. I bring three interference skills, which can play control. ."

   Crazy for money is a scene person. The information on level, position, and skill is very simple and clear, and the business is clearly on the road.

   Chen Qian felt that his judgment was correct.

   This person should be reliable.

   "Then I'll come." Life is like tea and then he spoke a second time.

   He was a little nervous before entering the world plot.

   Now, in the silent gaze of several people, it is obviously more nervous.

"Oh, even though I have tried a lot over the years and introduced myself a lot, it’s the first time in my life to introduce myself in a coffin. I am like a tea in my life, and I’m also level 16 now. A tomb robber playing in the game. If you come up with something valuable in the future, I will trouble Lord Qian to take care of it."

   "It's easy to say. I have a collection auction." A round smile appeared on his face madly round for money.

Life is like tea and then said: "My words, the learning ability is relatively strong, and it is the kind that can be learned on the spot, so if the teammates are strong, I will be strong. I have a good memory since I was a child. I graduated from Nankai and remembered all the pits I stepped on. Normal organs should not be able to hurt me. But... the last number was sealed in a mission, and it has been sealed for more than a year, although it also brought a few explosive skills, it is not guaranteed to be used well... Also, I brought a magnifying glass and my puzzle-solving ability was okay. Just donate some brain cells."

   The two social people talked like this ~www.readwn.com~ The locus was said in a daze.

Self introduction?

   Well, they are a passerby team. They just entered the dungeon, so they should report information.

   But for the student party, introduce yourself...

  , the rhythm of death on the spot! !

But Chen Qian's smiling gaze turned around, and Trajectory had to raise his hand weakly, trying to minimize his presence and said, "I. Trajectory. Level 15. The weapon is the energy-concentrating lightsaber [FA03 type big sword], 5 times. You can start accumulating energy by hitting combos. After that, every 5 hits will increase your attack power by 1%... I, there is nothing to say, and follow the great gods."

   Chen Qian said with a smile: "Let me add something. This is our main force, Locus classmate. Last time I played a copy with him, he singled out a boss."

   "..." Trajectory wanted to find a piece of tofu and hit him to death.

   "Let me add one more point. If you encounter a battle, his energy-concentrating lightsaber is our most important output point, that is, all of us must protect good creatures."

   "..." Seeing madness for money and life as tea, both smiling at him, the track hurriedly lowered his head to pretend to be an ostrich.

   "Oh, let me add..." Chen Qian stretched out another finger.

   "I beg you not to add it!!" Locus roared.

"Oh..." Chen Qian looked up at the dark dome of the tomb. "I was going to add that this plot should be completed with zero combat as much as possible, so as not to cause trouble to the track classmates, but since the track does not want me to add... I probably hope to have it. A hearty battle? Well, I will try to satisfy you."

   "...I will follow you into the dungeon next time, I am a dog!" Track clearly entered the dungeon with admiration for Chen Qian's strength. It was less than three minutes, but there was already a tendency to be bombed.

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