What Can Casual Players Be Bad-hearted

Chapter 48: Passersby? The trumpet team?

   Chen Qian looked at the trajectory very satisfied.

now it's right.

   I immediately export all the inner dramas as soon as I come up, and then I can rub it...Oh no, it's easy to direct.

   The trajectory dies on the side.

   Chen Qian's gaze turned to the blank paper.

   With a blank face, there is still a daze of "Who am I, where am I, what am I going to do", it seems that this is the first time I have a copy with the wild team.

   However, no one sees her face first.

On her very petite body, she is burdened with huge energy that shouldn’t belong to her age. The fullness of a girl’s body, but a waist that is condensed without a trace of fat, although she is wearing a hospital gown, she suffers from illness in summer. The thickness of the dress was obviously not strong, but unfortunately there was another dim light shining from behind her, and a very obvious curve was drawn in her clothes.

   Crazy for money only glanced at it and looked away politely.

   Even though I only glanced at the trajectory, it blushed to my ears all at once.

  Only life is like tea...

   still watching! Still watching! !

   Chen Qian took a bone and smashed it on his head, and said: "White paper girl, report the tactical position."

"Ah," White paper quickly nodded, "Okay, I am a white paper, I am level 14, Shangmin, my main weapon is... well, this [Aries] is my main weapon, a very powerful assault rifle, But it's not very heavy and it's easy to use. I can shoot with the gun, or the main output..."

   While she said it was not heavy, she jumped out of the coffin, trying to demonstrate that it was not heavy.

   As a result, I tripped over half of the coffin lid on the ground...

   Center of gravity is unstable.

   fell to the ground with a snap.

   It seems that this gun is not light at all...

   I don't know what gun she is comparing with, but I don't think this gun is heavy.

   Chen Qian smiled and shook his head, and immediately gave a supplementary explanation: "Blank-paper girl, three honorary rebirths...that is to say, I changed the number three times, and can be ranked among the top hundreds of people in the world for three times..."

   Trajectory just saw the white paper falling down, a question mark appeared on his face, but after Chen Qian's words, he swallowed it back.

   her face mad about money didn't change at all, so she glanced at the [Aries] in her hand.

   The blueprint of this gun is the secret of a very strange-tempered NPC. The parts can only be bought in the lighthouse, the dark track, the net wood source and the sun port.

   The price is expensive.

   is not something that ordinary people can handle.

   can get this gun at level 14, at least it shows that she has a deep understanding of this game.

"Okay, the introduction is over. Although we are just a temporary assembly of passersby, but for the sake of roasting..." Chen Qian almost told the truth, "Ah, for the world plot, we have to fight as hard as we can. Send me the name of the skill in text, and then..."

   "Don't, then, wait a minute!" Trajectory raised his hand.

   "Have a question?" Chen Qian smiled.

   "What's the introduction? You haven't introduced it yourself yet!"

"What can I introduce? The wrecked spacecraft was born, foodies, the 16th-level world plot promoter, the carli fish in the big spirit cage... I didn't bring the main weapon. Shepherd?" Chen Qian waved his hand... I didn't want to What can I tell you about participating in the battle?

  The question is asked by the locus.

   But, life is like tea!

   You meow and didn't bring the main weapon? Asking him to run up and down to get skills without the main weapon? Are you a dog?

  If this continues, no matter how well-trained the uncle is, he will be a little bit intolerable...

   Check-in missions and digging bones are fine, this is a world story!

   can't be kidding.

   entered the arena with a passerby team that had never cooperated before, and didn’t have a main weapon? So is this going to be sent?

   "Okay." Chen Qian forced the end of this self-introduction session, saying, "The iron fence gate in the scene is the point for spawning monsters... the enemy has 30 seconds to reach the battlefield..."

   "...you turn too stiff!!" Trajectory fell.

   "It's a bit blunt, but he's right." Crazy for money smiled kindly.

   There are obvious noises in the scene.

   Unusual sound...

   The crisp sound of metal collision, mixed with the cold and heavy dull sound, neatly resembles a well-trained soldier.

   The copies they made in the past, as soon as they came in, all kinds of polar-chewing beasts roared one after another, but there was only the silence that was suppressed to the extreme.

   is like a real grave.

  It is so cold that any sound will cause the apex of the heart to tremble.


The iron fence door was pushed to the ground by a powerful force. Then, the first steel beast drilled out of the door, with heavy iron limbs stepping on the iron door on the ground, and the thick iron bar of the arm. , Shengsheng stepped into the depression.

   "..." Chen Qian is also the first time he has seen a mechanical imitation of the Beast Devourer!

The cold light of metal envelops this mechanical behemoth, which is more than three meters in length and two meters in height. Its appearance is not like any polar-chewing beast that Chen Qian is familiar with. Although it has six limbs, it cannot be seen what it is. Species, its head is not big, the teeth like steel knives have two rows inside and outside, which can be opened one after another. There is no skin or iron clothes in the mouth. All the teeth are buckled on the outside.

   After the first one came out, it was soon the second one, the third one...

   The light is cold.

   Above that old world banner, it lit up...

  【This is your grave, but it is the new life of mankind. 】

"Mechanical Body No. 6, a single health bar, a movement speed of 3.5KM/hour, and a refresh rate of 15 seconds. There is no elemental absorption skill visually," Crazy for money quickly read the monster information in sync with Chen Qian, "What did the captain say? "

   "Oh..." Chen Qian took a look and said, "Track, lock the door."


   The trajectory immediately picked up the energy shield, jumped out of the coffin, and flew to the door that was overthrown, with an energy shield in the middle.

   Shield, after the last EXP copy, Chen Qian took a light burst shield.

After   , he went to get another [Xiao Shan] skill, which was secretly practicing in the past two days.

   The entrance of the iron fence gate, about three positions of human body, traced a person, a sword, and a shield, and it was directly blocked.

"But this is not a long-term solution. If you spawn 4 more, it will definitely break the shield." Crazy for the money did not ask Chen Qian to speak, nor did he care about the three mechanical polar-chewing beasts that had been spawned from the monster's spawn point. To help track.


   Chen Qian felt once again that he still firmly believed in his strength when others said that madness for money was a temptation to hide behind a woman, which was the most correct judgment.

   "No need? With a movement speed of 3.5KM/hour, using the coffin to walk around the body, it should be able to fight slowly." Sheng Sheng said.

"... But, space is limited." The white paper keeps up with life is like tea. When life is like tea with his high-temperature cutting knife and rushing towards a mechanical polar-eater, he chose to follow a gun. , Set the fire, and quickly kill one.

   "Hmm..." Chen Qian sat in the coffin, quietly watching the development of the battle.

   Life is like tea and white paper. The speed of killing monsters is not slow.

   Trajectory and locked the door madly for money, also locked quite stable.

   Crazy for money and even have spare capacity, have been giving the white paper the support of their general attack output, and then turn around and put skills on the trajectory side.

   Life is like tea. It’s true. With the hard power of the five of them, they use the coffin as a cover, go around the body, fight guerrilla with the mechanical beast, and take it directly. It’s not impossible. It can definitely be finished.

   But what the white paper says makes sense.

   The birth point of their plot is not a very large space. If there are too many monsters behind and cannot move away, the battle intensity will soar.

   Haven't you gotten people down?

"The output of the white paper is overflowing. Pay attention to Uncle Cha’s skills with the gun... Trajectory hits, you can’t just stand there as a shield, you are the main output. Well, the trajectory... Don’t be afraid that you can’t stop it, stop it. If you can't help it, let it go. This passerby team has your fault tolerance rate."

   Chen Qian observed this temporary team as a whole, and there were still some problems in cooperation, but there was really nothing to say about the strength.

  I don’t know if the Mechanical Extreme Beast is able to beat him, but almost everyone is facing a larger and larger number of Extreme Beasts...

   However, the blood volume is full!

   "The inside of the iron gate turned out to be a production line," Chen Qian hung up from the perspective of the trajectory and looked inside, "Can I report the data?"

"Two sets of small mechanical equipment ~www.readwn.com~ one set is made of parts at a speed of 600 parts per minute, and the other set is assembled at a speed of 10-15 seconds. A polar eater has a speed of 126 Composed of three parts."

   "The number is not right." Chen Qian thought.

   "No... it's just a few steps, are you going to hang my perspective?" Trajectory was sad.

   Chen Qian ignored the problem that the number of parts and the number of polar-chewing beasts produced was not the same. He jumped out of the coffin and took over a mechanical beast in the hands of life like a tea: "Uncle, open the refraction."

   "What are you doing?" Life is inexplicable like tea.

   "Open the refraction and go in."

   "...Go in? Where do you go in?" Life is like tea going crazy, "Don't you tell me to go inside the door?"


   "That's the monster spawner brother!!"

"Yes, but we are a mechanical spawning point this time, not Mana Eco," Chen Qian said with certainty, "So, go in, find the power supply for the mechanical production workshop inside, and just pull it off. Let's start. Your performance..."

   "I..." Life is like a tea-filled grass mud horse who doesn't know where to run.

   As soon as you come up, let the track be a shield there, and lock the monster spawning point. Now, you still have to ask someone to rush into the monster spawning point?

   Pull the gate?

   What kind of play is this?

   Chen Qian smiled: "Don't talk nonsense, I know you can do it."

   "What idea?" asked frantically for money.

   "Stop the blame. Stop and then drive slowly, and hit slowly, otherwise, you will be exhausted." Chen Qian said with a smile.

   "You just want to be lazy..." Life was like tea and didn't go up in one breath. People turned into a semi-virtual state in front of them, crossing the track and entering the interior of the workshop...


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