What Can Casual Players Be Bad-hearted

Chapter 51: The flames flash, 1 sword to the end

It was a mechanical beast that was four meters tall and as strong as a cow. Its body was cold and iron like a nameplate on a tombstone. The moment it rushed out of the iron gate, a layer of steel exploded on its back. The thorns plunge into the wall, and the soft bag on the wall is a big hole.

   There is a hole even straight through!

   "Output stream?" asked frantically for money.

   Life like tea has reached the back of the boss, mad for money to support the middle range, and the white paper has also retreated to the farthest attack range.

   The whole team has a standard dual output position.

   Chen Qian's mouth twitched...

   Is it really good to be so self-conscious?

   Do you really want to stream out? How tired is the output stream?

   Chen Qian thought for half a second, then sighed: "Since everything is in place. Then the output stream is... OK."

   His mind quickly adjusted his style of play.

   "The trajectory is output first, and the blank paper is output second. Take turns to hate."

   Output stream, he doesn't know how.

  It's just that the trajectory tool person has to work hard again.

   "Hate in turn?" When Chen Qian said this, the trajectory hair was erected!

   take turns to hate, is a very ancient style of play.

The principle is actually not complicated. It is to use some instantaneous damage skills or high hatred skills to allow the boss hatred to be transferred in an orderly manner among everyone in the team. Every time the boss is about to give a lot of damage to raise his hand, it will be because Interrupted by the transfer of hatred.

   Under the turn of hatred, the attack rhythm of the boss is always under the control of the player, and the number of attack behaviors and effective attacks will be greatly reduced.

   However, in the spirit cage world, the calculation of hatred is not directly related to the amount of damage and high hatred skills. The Beast Devourer will give priority to the person with the highest mood swing as the target, so the way of hate operation is completely different.

right now? Suddenly want them to play this retro stream?

  Who can do it?

  Moreover, the transfer of hatred is a very complicated calculation model, which requires a large number of backplanes for the boss's position and raising of hands. Everyone except the main output must also have enough tacit understanding.

   They are just a passerby team!


   "Good," said frantically for money.

   "Good." Life is like tea, said.

   "Okay," the white paper said.

   "..." Track decided to shut up.

   The huge mechanical polar-chewing beast did not even make an extra roar.

   Whether it is attacking or hurting, it seems unusually silent and cold.

   The high tomb room lengthened the voice of the skill, and knocked out a dull and distant sound on the empty soundproof soft wall.

   "Ah!!!" Although there is no elemental quality absorption ability, this Boss's attack power is so high, the trajectory is photographed, and the blood is directly red...

   They are wearing hospital gowns.

   doesn't have any armor on him!

   However, when the trajectory was about to be attacked for the second time, the life of the attacker who had been behind the attack was like tea, suddenly plugged in the front, and a [three quenching temperature change] shot.

  【Three-quenching temperature change (initial stage): Active. Automatically change the cutting temperature according to the target material, causing 175% damage to the target’s current attack power. Every 10% increase in the target metal content will cause an additional 10% damage, up to an additional 100%, and an additional 15% when the metal ratio is greater than 50%. Cutting injury. Consumption: 6 grid energy, cooling: 10 seconds. Limit: high temperature tool. 】

   Low cooling, low energy consumption.

   Great skill with high skill points.

   This is the skill that life is like tea before he enters the world plot, and Chen Qian insists on taking him back temporarily.

  Because the description of "Mechanical Polar Beast" appeared in the task details, and [Three Quenching Variable Temperature], a high explosive skill that is mainly used to hit three-dimensional weights, can also be used to deal with Mechanical Polar Devourers!

   The huge amount of damage in an instant caused the boss' attack direction to immediately turn from the trajectory to life like tea!

   "You continue." Life is like tea, reminding the trajectory to continue the combo.

   The energy-concentrating lightsaber in Track's hand didn't stop, but the cold sweat had already spread.

   Just now, in fact, he had a mind in his head, and there was a little problem with his position. When the Boss raised his hand, he just slipped into the attack range and was hit this way.

   But, that's it.

   Before he died, the hatred shifted.

   His concentrated lightsaber attack continues to be connected...

   "Uncle Tea is slow." Chen Qian also said.

   The track is tired.

   This is my mistake, my mistake, my mistake!

   Why do you blame Uncle Cha?

Of course, from the tactical level, in the alternate hatred play, life is really slow. He should shoot high explosive skills directly when the first attack on the trajectory is not hit. Hatred, and shouldn't let the trail drop blood...

   take turns pulling.

   Whether using high explosive skills or irritating.

   In short, it is necessary to pull hatred in turns to ensure the output environment of the first output.

   "..." When the trajectory entered the plot, it was actually a joke mentality of "see what happened to you again".

   But as the battle progressed, I became a little more panicked.

  Something's wrong...

   This passerby team is totally wrong...

   The power of silence is accumulating, waiting for the moment to erupt.

   Take the trajectory step by step.

   "It's over." He saw the Boss suddenly turn!

   The steel claws are about to fall on him again.

   Crazy eyelids for money didn't move, just a control skill, forcibly interrupted the Boss's attack.

   The whole team seems like nothing happened, continue...


   Another round.

  The color of the energy-concentrating lightsaber in Track's hand has changed.

  Because the health bar of this Boss is longer than the little girl in the previous EXP dungeon, and his energy gathering time is longer, now the normal attack is almost stacked to the height of the skill...

   The energy-gathering effect of the energy-gathering lightsaber turned out to be like this.

   can really stack up so high.

   hasn't stopped!

   "The energy grid is going to be empty, right?" The track has heard the sound of the perfect mechanical body No. 6 starting to make a noise of parts.

   "It's early." Life is like tea replied, "Are you questioning my battery life?"

   "..." I dare not dare.

  Boss health bar continues to drop...

   "Perfect Machine No. 6" with two health bars, the first health bar has bottomed out.

   "Boss is about to enter the second form!!" Track said.

   "Yes," Chen Qian glanced lightly, "but it's going to die too."

   click click...

   click click...

   The perfect mechanical No. 6's two front paws suddenly tightened, and the attack target pointed straight to the trajectory!

   This is a killer!

   "Xiao Shan." Chen Qian spit out two words.

   Trajectory retracted his sword and changed his shield with a pale face!

  He has practiced...

   have practiced...

   But still very nervous! !

  荭Flash is a niche skill of energy shields. It needs to burst out huge energy instantly and resist all the damage of the next lethal attack within 5 seconds.

   In the EXP dungeon that he played together before, Chen Qian told him that this skill will not interrupt the combo.

   I didn't believe it at the beginning of the track.

   But I tried it in other copies, really not!

   The shield can be exchanged quickly, and the skill must be activated quickly. The timing is not so easy to master. Even in other instances, the trajectory cannot be successful once...

   "Concentrate." Chen Qian had to remind him again.

   Trajectory took a deep breath.

   Change the shield!

  Open skills!

The red energy exploded from his light blast shield like an erupting oil well. The front paw of the boss that hit the energy shield was melted by the huge energy, and the trajectory behind the shield was unharmed, but he even breathed. Regardless of breathing, after confirming that the lethal damage was blocked, he immediately switched back to the energy-concentrating lightsaber.


   Not only did his combo take over, but also a critical strike!

   just changed to the second form of boss like Transformers, the health bar was instantly pulled down by one-third.

   "Oh, the blood is not high in the second form." Chen Qian's prepared pistol was pulled out of the holster.


   One bullet, two skills.

   tactical magazine, convert 1 round of ammunition in the magazine, on the basis of the previous attack, additional 100% of the converted characteristic damage.

Being single for twenty years, it takes time for his next ability to accelerate to the limit speed-this skill ensures that he can immediately pick up the next shot after the trajectory is stacked to such a high-damage outbreak to meet the "previous time" of the tactical magazine. "Attack" is the judgment of the high kill of the track just now.

   This tactical magazine skill, Chen Qian did not choose damage at all, no matter what damage it is, as long as it is an additional 100% on the attack of the trajectory, that is another third of the health bar.

   "Everyone broke out." Chen Qian finally shouted.

   Light and shadow interlaced.

   After half a minute...

   A temporary reminder appeared on everyone's watch.

   "The hunter's trail, in the graveyard of Broken Night, gave [Perfect Machine No. 6] a fatal blow."

this is……

   First kill prompt!

   "I..." There is no inner drama in the track, and the brain is blank.


   Chen Qian glanced madly for money: "That's it?"

   Crazy for money is also a little dumbfounded: "That's it?"

   Life is like tea looking at a pile of scrap iron on the ground: "That's it?"

   "Huh? We just hit it right away?" The blank paper had already been typed, only to realize what they were hitting.

"Yes, my wasted brain cells..." Chen Qian replied helplessly, "Although I don't want Versailles...but, the output stream is really the style of play I just thought of~www.readwn.com~ The most stupid one. As a result... I just hit it casually."

   "!!!" Locus wanted to kill him.

   Whatever your grandma does!

   It’s not that you are in front of the Boss, you have to play output, but also have a defensive stance, and you have to make sure that the combo continues, right?

   You just talked casually and shot a shot? Two shots? Of course it is not difficult!

   I have a sword to the end!

   Does anyone care about this? Is this a very regular style of play? A sword can be played by a dog, right?

   "You can't say that. Others fight hard, don't they fight it? This shows that ours is ours." Life is like tea. It's a human saying, "The locus little brother played well. Applause."

   White paper hummed, clapping hands at the track.

   laughed wildly for the money and shook his head, and said, "However, I really want to know, if you don't use the output stream to fight hard, how would you be going to fight?"

   "Oh... this," Chen Qian picked up a hard box on Boss that had fallen apart from the ground, and tossed it in his hand, "The best strategy, the middle strategy, the lower strategy, what kind of play do you want to listen to?"

   "Hahaha, is this okay?" Crazy for the money couldn't help but laugh, "You know, I'm asking you for a strategy, did you really give it?"

   "I want one, three. Isn't it interesting?" Chen Qian said with a smile, "Brother Kuang can still make me suffer?"

   "Ha, it's easy to talk about." He nodded thoughtfully for the money several times, "Then output flow, is it a bad idea?"

   "No, that's the next best thing." Chen Qian said.

   "..." I have never gotten the track of the first kill. I have not been immersed in the joy of the first kill for more than three minutes, and I want to hit him to death.

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