What Can Casual Players Be Bad-hearted

Chapter 52: Who is the track?

  The first one in Duanye Cemetery is out!

   The first reaction of most players is "One day and one night, finally out...", only in the copy of Life Devouring Wilderness Hunting Group, everyone is confused.


   He Lin has just drew out the job configuration, stance, circling position and skill points clearly one by one, ready to call the full-level team in. As a result, the first kill message was flashed on the watch!


  Who is the locus?

   Is it another reincarnation **** planted in the black pyramid?

   I’ve never heard of a first- and second-line group that has such an ID... It’s impossible for a passerby to get the first kill in this dungeon?

   "Impossible, now we are the only team that has come down to the second floor... the dark fire, the lighthouse and quicksand are still on the first floor. I haven't cracked the level." The girl kept staring at the progress of the other hunting groups.

"The Great God of Combination has calculated the amount of damage. To fight this dungeon, you must have two outputs, one burst, and the second form will make a big move. Therefore, in the second form, you must fight quickly and get rid of the boss. That’s great! Otherwise, you must die! Therefore, there must be at least one lightsaber player who can hit the end of the sword in the two outputs. The lightsaber player who can hit the end of the sword is only available in the first and second-tier groups. Not to mention, this style of play also requires a perfect match with a powerful controller..."

   He Lin frowned and sat on the side, lost in thought.


   There is no such person in his impression.

   shouldn't be gentleman Qianqian, right?

   "Uh, what shall we do now?" The captain who led the team in asked He Lin's opinion.

"Just let the full-level team come in according to the game we just used, and you can play well once." He Lin said, "Don't worry, there are nine bosses in this dungeon, but you can kill at most every time you come down. Five dead, the next one must be ours."

   "Okay." The captain pressed his watch twice and tuned to the hunting group channel to communicate the game.

   But He Lin did not directly withdraw from the team.

   He looked at "Perfect Machine No. 6" in the fence gate for a long time.

   After a while, the team leader came back and said, "The team leader has arranged someone to check the trajectory just now, saying that he is a reincarnated player. If it is further confirmed that he is the gentleman of Qianqian, we will notify you immediately."

   "Well, no hurry." He Lin nodded, and repeated in a low voice, "Track...is it?"


   The same copy, the same location.

   Life is like a tea falling on the ground, and you will laugh like a clown when you clean it up!

   There is a bonus to the drop of the first kill in the spirit cage. If nothing else, these three blueprints are old and valuable. There are four legendary materials, two main weapons, three off-hand weapons...

   ah ah, life is like tea and I have completely forgotten the world plot.

   Let's have more first kills...

   Although these things are to be distributed after a while, they are full of first kill drops, even if they are just passed, they are super comfortable.

"Okay, after you clean up and drop it, go and scan the map. This time I want the text message." After finishing the boss fight, Chen Qian raised the matter of the text message, "The coffin can be removed. There is an insurance in the boss room. Cabinet. Don't miss it."

   "Yes, how can I use you to open the mouth? The little one is ready to collect..." Life is like a tea to kill and drop at this song, and it is also willing to incarnate a dog leg.

   Regardless of his style of play, as long as he can play, he doesn't care about the process at all, he only cares about the result.

   The trajectory is still self-immersed.

   The news on his watch kept on. It was all congratulations from the newcomers he had brought before, and the request of "The big guy will take us to take the first kill next time"...

   Take wool?

   I don’t know what group of people are flying with me, okay?

   While the white paper is relatively quiet, she was taking the corner of the hospital gown and wiping her [Aries]. After wiping, she found that the corner was dirty, and she looked at the dirty clothes in a daze...

   Do you want to take it off and wash it?

   Well, this is a problem...

   Chen Qian took out the potion to replenish the state, and was crazy about the money while talking about this "perfect machine No. 6" strategy.

"First of all, from the first non-text message given to me by Uncle Cha, he found some relics of the hunter squad. Then, bring the dustmen into the copy, and modify the relics of the hunters on the spot to replace the diseases on the body. This boss is very good in the No. clothes, so he will fight hard directly." Chen Qian said.

   "Is this the easiest way to play?"

   "It's the most troublesome way to play..." Chen Qian said, "It takes a lot of time to make by hand. So, I gave up at the beginning."

   "..." Crazy for money remembering, he glanced at those clothes, didn't say anything, just let the white paper blame.

   Life is like tea holding a pile of text messages, and he doesn't even read it.

   Everyone who enters the copy is looking for text information everywhere, interpreting the composition of the boss from the text information, thinking about the game, he is better, as long as the non-text information, completely ignores the text.

Chen Qian continued: "The second method is to touch the porcelain flow. Because Uncle Cha said, the texture of the coffin in the copy is a very special material, and the wall has a soft cover. The monster design mechanism is also as best as possible. Bludgeoning, non-killing-so, preliminary judgment, the second floor of Broken Night Cemetery is a secret training field, not for the purpose of killing intruders-when the team is empty blood , Boss’ offensive and defensive power will inevitably drop to a value you can’t believe. Moreover, there is a high probability that you can lie on the ground and play dead.”

   "This play requires everyone in the team to have empty blood?" asked frantically for money.

   "Well, the blood volume must reach the absolute dying state." Chen Qian replied.

   madly inhaled for money.

   This style of play is simple, but the demands on people are actually very high.

   The battle on the bloodline is already a great test of psychological quality.

   Most ordinary players start to panic when their HP is less than one-third.

   The dying blood volume of the whole team is the rhythm of the Boss attacking in a group and directly taking away together. Which dungeon team would normally tolerate such blood volume?

   shook his head frantically for money and smiled: "How many times can someone think of this style of play?"

   With the strength of this Boss, it can be played normally, and it can't be destroyed many times. It looks like a dozen times... Chen Qian shook his head and said, "But, this is still tired."

   "..." Crazy for money thinking this is the ultimate game.

   Is this tiring?

   Then why are you not tired?

   "Actually, this Boss can be dragged to death. It is a Boss that can be killed by one person." Chen Qian said.

   "Drag to death? Single kill?" Why is crazy for money becoming more and more magical.

"Because you said before that in the door where the mobs are brushed, there are two sets of small mechanical equipment, one is for producing parts, the speed is 600 per minute, and the other is for assembly, the speed is every 15 seconds. The Beast Devourer is made up of 126 parts, right?" Chen Qian asked, mad for money.

   "Yes." Answered frantically for money.

"I have seen all the 96 extra parts under the abdomen of Boss. That place shows a weak point. So it is where its energy is located." Chen Qian said, "That is to say, the energy components that make up the Boss. It’s all made in the small workshop just now, and the energy must not be too sufficient. A person who has a good position and a better mobility control technology can drag it until its energy is exhausted. It’s really not good. After driving out the Boss, Everyone is hiding in the coffin, lying down, waiting for Boss to die, occasionally when the Boss is about to get out of the fight, come out and knock him, then lie back. Well, this style of play can be called... hitting the ground. Rat flow?"

   lie down.

   local rat.

   Let the boss die by himself.

   Crazy for money for a long time without speaking... You are a mature Boss, you should learn to die by yourself.

  Some people can't do anything to be lazy?

"Therefore, this Boss can be played by five people, or by one person. Teams with strong team battles and teams with outstanding personal strength have ways to pass." Chen Qian said, "Perfect Machine No. 6, a little bit. It's not perfect either."

   Being crazy for money is really convinced...

   It's not that the boss is imperfect, it's that you are imperfect.

   For you, there is no such thing as a strategy... They are all on-site reading, and there are several at once, and the one that is presented in front of you is just an optimal solution.

   passersby team, take turns hatred, output stream, can pass once, it is really awesome.

   But in your eyes, is it nothing?

   People like you are those who are the commanders of the first-line battle groups, even if they know that they will offend the more experienced and stronger deputy commanders, it will make many people unconvinced, and they must be promoted to the position of commander...

  Because it is strong.

   After being mad for money, he came back from thinking and said, "Brother, I will sell the strategy. Just talk about what you want. I am responsible for directing the demand with those large hunting groups as part of the strategy cost."

"Oh~www.readwn.com~What do I want..." Chen Qian thought for a moment, "Dedication points, a lot of dedication points. And then there are materials... Well, it's a bit too much, let me make a list. "

   "Hahaha, okay." Crazy for the money was rude to him, seemed to be prepared, and said, "The next boss continues."

   Chen Qian nodded.

   Well, next time Master Dao wants something abnormal, you don’t need to dig it yourself...Most of the time, there is a powerful and powerful middleman who is crazy for money, but it’s actually very worry-free.

After the two of them hooked up, life is like a tea and came over with a blue-green floral cloth bag, and handed it to Chen Qian along with the text data collected earlier: "The entire workshop has basically been searched, and the password box inside is also clear. Cracked, there is a bag of information in the password box."


   Chen Qian took the cloth bag, but did not immediately open the information inside.

   He turned the cloth bag over...

   "Is there anything wrong with the bag?" Life is like tea. I have checked it before bringing it over, and there is no attribution written on the bag.

   "No..." Chen Qian shook his head, it's just that he had seen this similar color.

   Besides, I have seen it more than once.

   Chen Qian opened the cloth bag, which contained a stack of resumes.

   I counted it roughly, and it was about fifty. They were all resumes of researchers from Jingmuyuan, including biology, chemical engineering, education, architecture, and various fields.

   The top and thickest one is Ye Yun's resume.

   "Why didn't you read the text message just now?" asked frantically for money.

   "Text information, you need to collect all the scenes before you read it. Incomplete information will make you take a lot of detours." Chen Qian answered and opened Ye Yun's resume...

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