What Can Casual Players Be Bad-hearted

Chapter 55: Let's draw a few important and difficult points



   After a bang, life is like tea with a refraction, and aside from anything else, I got into the scene next door!

   "Hey, I'm so proficient that it hurts." I was crazy about the money and thought he had to talk to the person next to him again, but he didn't expect that he would just give up the treatment.

   However, in the mocking battle with the person next to him, life is like tea.

   The first kill and the time is urgent...

   Where is so much nonsense?

   After all, the first kill is the pursuit of life like tea, and the person next to him is not interested at all.

   "Turn on the light, you." Chen Qian has silently hung up the perspective of life like tea.

   Unfortunately, I can't see anything.

   The normal entrances are still closed.

   He came in through a thief hole. In this scene, he was not ready to welcome them.

   It was pitch black inside.

"Hey, isn't this looking for a switch? I'm doing something, you can still worry about it?" Life is like a tea with a smile on his inner MMP-the last scene asked me to switch the switch, this scene turned into the switch again, mom Egg, play me to death, right?

"Yes, how can I not worry about Nankai Gaoneng?" Chen Qian said with a smile, "Wen Neng opens the password, Wu Neng fights the thief, I said early, I am incarnation of your leg pendant, no, I That's right... Does anyone have a glow stick? The one that can be used with just a pinch?"

   Life is like tea and rolled his eyes.

   Can't you just talk a little bit? Don't you dare to poke the pain? Well, people like you must have no friends.

   "Speaking of it, I'm playing a thief hole. This is the first time I am not stealing a treasure chest, but to steal a boss." Life is like a tea while looking for power in the dark, and said, ""

   "No, we are only going to steal 50 mechanical beasts. As for the boss... at your strong request, I will play with you by the way." Chen Qian reminded the uncle again that you should not be confused.

   "It's not bad. Can you fight the boss without finishing fighting the mobs? It's all..." Life was halfway through talking about tea, and he suddenly stopped breathing.

   The whole person has entered a state of instinctively shielding the five senses and standing on the wall!

With the sight of five fingers out of sight, only heavy footsteps can be heard, sounding like a lion king patrolling the territory. With one sound, one sound, the emotionless voice of steel slowly hits the ground, not impatient or impatient, as if it were Its prey has been locked.

   Refraction is ineffective in front of the emotional perception of the Extreme Beast, but in front of this kind of mechanical body, it is definitely effective.

   But life is like tea or standing nervously on the wall, just like a primary school student... who was fined to stand without his homework.

  The sound is getting closer...

   From the perspective of Chen Qian's hanging life like tea, a pair of blood-red mechanical eyes appeared.

   cold and silent.

   The ID on the head of that machine body is...the perfect machine number 9.

   So... life is like tea, what did you just say?

   He said, can you fight the boss if you don’t finish fighting the mobs?

   Perfect Machine No. 9, pressed his lungs and answered him.

"I said, your skills are not good enough. Did a thief hit the Boss face? Fortunately, you are in the game. If you want to go to the tomb in reality, you can dig the zongzi's eyeballs without shoveling it down?" Chen Qian didn't want to laugh at all, but seeing the cold mechanical body tilted his head, it seemed that he was looking for an inopportune intruder, and he didn't squeeze out a laugh.

   "No, wait..." The trajectory was so scared that the soul flew away.

   Is this person still smiling?

   Life is like tea and I touched the boss directly, still laughing? !

   "Don't wait," Chen Qian turned around and said to him, "Go straight in. Even if Uncle Cha, don't turn on the lights. Let's fight the secret battle."

   "???" The trajectory runs from the soles of the feet to the top of the head, with a breath of cold air.

   "It's okay. It's just the order of killing monsters. It needs a little adjustment." Chen Qian smiled.

   The trajectory is about to collapse on the spot.

   only? Only your sister!

   Fight without vision, is that the first time we encounter a boss that can be played? Is this a question of fighting the mobs first or the boss first? Did you just take "it's it" just casually?

   "Good," said frantically for money.

   "Good." Life is like tea, said.

   "Okay," the white paper said.

   "..." At this moment, the track extremely doubted whether he was back!


   In the dark scene, only the circle around Boss's eyes is bright.

   What exactly does Boss look like? What's next to it? Where are your teammates?

neither knows.

"I'm driving." Chen Qian said, "Judging from the page number of the mechanical drawing that Uncle Cha gave me just now, Boss No. 9 is the weakest in this copy. So, try to finish it quickly and do business. ."

   Well, their business in this dungeon is mobs.

   is not a boss.

  The world plot as long as they kill 50 each of the five mechanical polar-eaters, and they don't want them to kill any boss.

   Chen Qian’s first shot lit up the first cluster of fireworks for this scene...

   The first shot in the dark, directly on the head of "Perfect Machine No. 9," hit a big weakness attack.

Through the faint light after the gunshot, everyone saw Chen Qian’s inattentive gesture—he was holding a drawing in one hand and a gun in the other. It didn’t look like he was here to make a copy. The drunk captain of the Pirates of the Caribbean...

   "Trajectory, keep up with my weakness attack." Chen Qian cut the perspective of the trajectory, "You half step forward to the left, go up."

   The energy-concentrating lightsaber lit up immediately.

   Around the trajectory, there is an iconic light source, which gives others a general direction.

   "Track, hit behind." Chen Qian said.

The perfect machine No. 9 is a lap larger than the perfect machine No. 6, but its attack power is not high, its size is large, and it is made of steel, which makes it extremely heavy and slow to turn. If the trajectory can be kept back, There is basically no danger.

   Chen Qian shot out again, but just glanced at the drawing with the light effect of the attack, and continued: "The next weakness... at the joints. The trajectory keeps up."

   One shot...

   Another shot...

   Every shot of Chen Qian is a weakness attack.

   One shot went out, and everyone's attacks followed. On the head of the perfect mechanical No. 9, there has been no ordinary damage color.

  Whether it is a basic attack or a skill, it is weakness damage that jumps all over.

"Heh, this Boss is more imperfect than the previous one. The joint assembly has weaknesses, the battery compartment has weaknesses, and the chip part has weaknesses..." Chen Qian kept shooting out, "I'm not fighting the Boss, I'm Difficulties...oh, the second form..."

   "Where do you have so many difficulties?" Although this wave of trajectory did not hit the end, but every damage hit was at least 50 or 60 damages...

   If it is a mob, if a mob strikes a weak point, it is very strong.

In the case of Boss, it is very lucky that you can see a weak point in ten attacks. The weak point prompts are all flashes on the monster. The duration does not exceed five seconds. If it is not hit, it is not hit, and it is not seen. Maybe every time I can just catch it.

  The problem is that he hasn't seen a weakness at all!

   "Brother Locus, don't tell him this. His 11 o'clock perception." The voice of life like tea was helpless.

   "...Perception broke 10?" The trail burst into tears.

   "No, the point is, I have this perfect mechanical No. 9 drawing." Chen Qian added.

  Although I will look at the drawing after opening the monster, there is a little problem with the order...

   But isn’t life like tea, clamoring for time?

Chen Qian touched his nose and said: "The perfect mechanical No. 9 second form... will leak oil. Reduce the speed of movement, so, Trajectory, Uncle Cha, you two are not so easy to walk close... To retain skills."

   "Reading on paper?" Seeing Chen Qian madly for money is to use the weak light to scan the drawings for a few times. Just before the Boss completes the second form of change, he reads his big move?

   The movement speed decreases, which means that the walking space is compressed and the degree of danger rises linearly.

   "Well, but don't worry too much." Chen Qian said, "If you are photographed twice, you will be photographed twice...The pressure of mad brother to save the field is not great."

   "Don't worry about it? This is the boss!" The trajectory is still adjusting its position.

   "Yeah, this is the boss, but have you forgotten that the armor you are currently wearing doesn't seem to be used to fight this boss, right?"

   "..." The trajectory is really forgotten.

   I completely forgot about it when I got nervous!

   "Moreover, your set of [Keltala No. 9 ~www.readwn.com~ can also greatly increase the speed of movement, are you afraid of hair?" Chen Qian said.

   "..." The trajectory doesn't say anything anyway-don't ask anything anyway, I'm only responsible for playing the boss, I'm a puppet with no emotions.

   said madly for money: "So, this perfect machine No. 9, the second form will be over and it will be finished?"

   "Aren't you worrying about it?" Chen Qian asked with a smile, "Is there any problem?"

"Of course there is. We were able to carry it like this because we got a legendary armor that is much higher than the strength of this boss. But how do normal dungeon teams fight? Can't everyone come in with legendary armor?" For the money Asked madly.

"...It's not complicated, let's talk to you after the fight." Chen Qian continued to give instructions on weaknesses, and after a while, said, "Well, it's almost there, no skills left, exploded the last 20% of its health bars! "

   "Dry dry." Life is like tea shouted.

The light of the high-temperature cutting knife forms a fiery red reflection on the body of the tall mechanical beast. When an explosive career does not leave its hands, the night sky can be dyed red, and the trajectory continuously draws out energy-concentrating lightsabers. His great skills, violent energy fluctuations, even in the dark space, forced the air to beep.

   Manic music tumbling over the boss's head.

   The bullets with radiation damage, magnetic pole damage, etc. also pierced into the already immobile joints one by one, and removed the last few steel screws...




   The last round of outbreak!

   Then, an unsurprising message popped up on everyone's watch.

   "The hunter's trail, in the graveyard of Broken Night, gave [Perfect Machine No. 9] a fatal blow."

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