What Can Casual Players Be Bad-hearted

Chapter 56: The world is buried deep in the night, you will light up the sun



   The Life-Eater Hunter Group killed the Perfect Machine No. 9 after 4 seconds.

   At the moment when Perfect Machine 9 was killed, PB22 and He Lin thought that the first kill was already theirs.

   Just now, they finished pushing the mobs in one breath, replenishing the state, and immediately opened the perfect mechanical No. 9!

   The whole process is smooth and flowing!

  PB22 has never played such a hearty copy battle.

   Not a single mistake!

   Everyone follows the instructions of the lining, finds weaknesses in the drawings, and hits the output. PB22 dare to say that even the second and third line players like KK and Darkfire can hit this speed at most!

   But, why is it still 4 seconds behind?

   "Track! It's this track again!!"

  Unwaiting to speak, PB22 is about to explode.

   One time can be said to be accidental, because the passersby had good luck.

   But this is the second time.

   There is no need for a third time...

   A reincarnated player who had never heard of it before, grabbed the first kill that they had already gotten, and he deserved to die.

   "Regardless of whether he is a gentleman of Qianqian or not, I think he has to send someone to meet him!" PB22 said.

   He Lin frowned, "Isn't it?"

  PB22 said with certainty: "As for!"

  The first and second line of wilderness hunting groups may not appreciate the new copy in the 9th-level ecological dense area, but for their 18th line of wilderness hunting groups, any first kill is important!

   If you don't take more first kills in the 9th level ecologically dense area, can you still fight the black pyramid with the big group?

   "Of course, I think he is gentleman Qianqian. The time and level of rebirth coincides with the time when gentleman Qianqian deleted his account." PB22 said.

   "Hmm..." He Lin agreed with this too.

   But he was silent for a long time without speaking.

  His thoughts are no longer on the trajectory. What PB22 doesn't know is that his design is perfect. Even if he opened the stainless steel gate with them at the same time, it was the Sirius Wilderness Hunting Group, he would not lose!

   So, where is this extra 4 seconds?


   Chen Qian and the others have beaten Boss in the dark, but it became a problem to clean up and drop in the dark.

   Life is like tea, continue to touch the switch.

   I hope I won’t be electrocuted...

   Trajectory with the high-light skills looking for drops on the ground, his complexion is very bad.

   When did you see the drop you were looking for?

   Bend over, turn on the skill, and fumble on the ground... Ah, it's a shame.

   The heart of the trajectory is full of C4, and there is nowhere to put it.

   The first kill of his life has not been digested yet, and the second kill has already landed on his head. To be honest, what did he do? As a normal first output point, according to the rhythm of the command, find weaknesses, attack weaknesses, release skills, adjust positions, and it's gone.

   Just because he is the first output point, the damage amount is the highest in the team, and the two first kills are his "fatal blows", and he is extremely disturbed now.

   There are only three words in my head...

"I do not deserve"! !

   Can you see what his teammates are doing? Touch the switch, touch the switch, and be the shopkeeper...

   No one doubts that "Fatal Strike" is his name.

   "I found out, you didn't pick it up with the captain?" Because of the money, Madang keenly noticed that the movement of the trajectory was slow, and quickly got up to help, and spit out Chen Qian by the way.

  Chen Qian still stood in the dark, watching the track and they were busy: "In the past, dungeons were rarely teamed up with passers-by. There were skilled hands in the group who were responsible for counting the drops. I didn't need me to sweep the floor."

   "I think it's mainly because you are lazy." Locus said angrily.

   madly silent for a while for money: "In the regiment?"

   Chen Qian did not speak any more.

   There are people who specifically count the fallen ones, that is, at least a large group of first and second lines.

  Because they generally want to enter large-scale copies such as the Black Pyramid, if five or six teams are full to play together, they need to have a clear division of labor and perform their own duties.

   But, there is one detail that is wrong.

   The great **** who reincarnated in a large group of first and second lines? Moreover, listening to his tone, he is still the leader of the team leader? Is it at least the treatment of a full-level team to send you back?

   Why is there no one to answer this one?

   Crazy for money, a little bit right...

   There was a terrible possibility in his mind.

   Chen Qian's face was not visible in the darkness, and his hands mad about money quickly moved again, without further questioning, he touched something familiar.



   is actually a lighter?

   "There was a lighter in the drop." He held the flame madly for money and shook it towards Chen Qian.

   "Oh?" Chen Qian put away the drawing in his hand and ran over.

The main reason is that this "Perfect Machine No. 9" is the weakest boss in Broken Night Cemetery. The number of drops may be many, but the quality will not be too high, so he didn't care about it, but this lighter is different... this is Story props!

   Generally, things like a lighter will not fall out of a boss drop.


   There was another sound.

   Life is like tea, and the power supply problem is solved.

   The lights of the whole scene finally turned on!

   They have only now seen the full picture of this scene...

   This is a room like a repair shop, with cranes, tool carts and other equipment. The ground is full of oil and blood stains, messy electric wires are randomly laid on the walls, and unstable electric currents occasionally make noises.

   There is also a banner on the wall that is the same as their birthplace-[The world is buried deep in the eternal night, and you will light up the sun].

   The light was dazzling.

   But the orange and blue light emitted by the lighter's flames was not covered up under such bright lights, but still looked very bright.

   Chen Qian took the lighter from Locus.

   goes out.

   hit again.

   This is an ordinary and unusual lighter. In terms of usage, there is no such thing as what Chen Qian expected, but the painting on it attracted his attention...

On this simple long-striped lady’s lighter, there is a portrait of Ye Yun painted. The picture shows Ye Yun in her early twenties. She is wearing old-world oriental costumes. Underneath her light makeup is a slightly sad face. On the purely hand-painted portraits, the use of ink dots and colors are all pinnacle craftsmanship. It can show a woman's beauty, charm, pride, and melancholy in such a narrow range, which is not what ordinary people can. It can be done.

   Chen Qian directly threw this thing into his backpack.

   Then, I checked the details of this lighter on my watch...


   "This lighter is the only gift that Ye Yun's mother gave her."

“Although he was born in Jingmuyuan, Ye Yun’s life in the Gongzi Training Camp has been poor due to the influence of the dustmen’s father, and more or less always received unfair treatment, but because there was no serious problem. Conflict, instructors are also turning their eyes and closing their eyes. In this world, the discrimination and oppression of the Citizens against the dust is reasonable, even without depriving the right to life, discrimination and oppression are also legal."

"Ye Yun thinks very highly of herself and cannot accept that her mother chose a duster father for her. A duster father and a mother who only has high attainments in art are not her ideal parents at all. Therefore, she should be sensible. Since then, her relationship with her parents has fallen into a freezing point."

"For this reason, at the age of twenty-eight, she left Jingmuyuan and returned to the lighthouse refuge where her mother was born and raised, hoping to find a male who fits her and give birth to inheritance according to the lighthouse’s genetic matching method. The offspring of her outstanding talent."

"But the lighthouse shelter at this time was considering abolishing the three laws and did not accept her request. Half a month later, she broke into the lighthouse gene database, entered her genetic information, completed the match, and forced calculations with the database. The men who came out produced the link of life."

   "Nine months later, her first child was born, and she called him Yabu."

“However, as Yabu grew up day by day, she found that this child deviated greatly from her imagination, and did not inherit her excellent academic talents, but instead had a great interest in painting and music. After a long period of time, she failed to correct her. After that, her anger towards Yabu could no longer be suppressed. She regarded it as her number one shame and even wanted to kill him with her own hands."

"The appearance of Ye Yun's mother Xuezi saved Yabu. When Ye Yun was thirty-two years old, Xuezi and Yabu drew a portrait of her on the lighter that Ye Yun used most often. Then, Xuezi took Yabu and disappeared from Ye Yun’s life."

   "Although Ye Yun doesn't like his mother and Yabu, Ye Yun has used this lighter for a long time, for a long time, maybe it is used to it, or maybe it is for other reasons..."


   Chen Qian read the description of the item and took out the lighter again.

   hit it smoothly, close it, hit it again, the flames did not change.

   seems to be a story item, the same as the album that the track obtained in the EXP copy before.

   There is the same sentence on the lighter.

   The world is buried deep in the eternal night, and you will light up the sun.

   "Does a lighter light up the sun?" Chen Qian shook his head, he didn't have a clue for the time being.

   Don't care, put it away first.

   He told his teammates that he asked for this plot item, so he put it back in his backpack, and called it crazy for money: "Brother Kuang, do you want the Raiders on the 9th?"

   "Of course I want, how many more?" Crazy for money When he watched the plot items ~www.readwn.com~, he didn't urge him, but he kept thinking about it all the time.

"Several types are fine, just one type is enough." Chen Qian said, "This Boss No. 9 has obvious flaws. You must first get the blueprint from Boss No. 6... Then, just bring in the weak attack skills. , Just follow the weaknesses on the drawing. As long as it is a team with weakness skills, it will be faster than us. I will circle the weaknesses on the drawing for you, and then I will list you a group of speed pass skill."

"...Specify skills, you are not doing a dungeon game strategy, you are doing a racing game strategy?" Crazy for the money teased him, while skillfully handing over paper and pen, just like signing a contract with someone Yes, "We are faster than us in any fight, didn't we take the first kill?"

   "That's because," Chen Qian raised his head from the drawing and glanced madly at the money, "We are the boss directly."

   The smile madly for money stagnated for a second.


   They didn't enter this scene from the front door, so they didn't fight the mobs.

   Go straight up and **** the boss!

   got the first kill, not because of how fast they really played the boss, but because they skipped a step.

   "..." The trajectory has already squatted to one side and circled.

   "Is this No. 9 Boss difficult? But the No. 9 mob is so simple." In their chat, a blank paper voice was suddenly inserted, "I'm back!"

   Chen Qian was stunned.

   white paper...

   "Come back?" The pen in his hand stopped.

   When he said that, other people felt wrong now: "Come back?"

   Yeah, why are you back?

   The point is not that you came back, but when did you go out, dear!

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