What Can Casual Players Be Bad-hearted

Chapter 58: The decision is yours, locus

   "Named invasion." Chen Qian looked at his watch, the whole process of trajectory health from full to no life, turned around and said to others.

   The face of life like tea is mysterious and mysterious: "Is the game environment so scary these days? Can a level 16 trumpet be called?"

   The white paper bit her finger and said: "I remember, the named invasion can only be a player lower than his level 3. He hasn't beaten it?" She said that the trajectory had never beaten anyone.

   "Yeah, he has never fought." Chen Qian said that Locus had never fought such a fight.

   "Then why don't you just open the angle of view to us and let us fight for him?" the blank paper asked.

   "Maybe you have two first kills in a row, and you want to do one yourself?" Chen Qian said.

   "Maybe he died before he could call for help." The white paper said, "It's so pathetic."

  Life is like a tea, and the heart is so tired.

   Good sister, don’t let Locus hear the conversation between you two!

   Otherwise, he is really pitiful.

   was invaded, dead to death, taunted by the captain, taunted by the cute girl...

"I'll be fair. I just watched the process of his blood bar jumping. Basically, every round of blood loss can correspond to my professional skills. So, the thing is very simple. It is to track one by one in PVE outfits. Exporting professions, I was blocked in a small toilet by a PVP outfit. Can I not die? Are you human? This is a mockery? "Life is like tea, I really don’t know that these human beings whose EQ is not as good as AI , How did he survive in this world.

"Oh," Chen Qian turned to his head with a smile, "Excuse me, I filled the trail with a backpack full of legendary armor, and there is also a set of [Orva Chaser] in it. PVP reduces the cutting damage. And radiation damage, with a slowing halo... What do you think it's for?"

   Life is like tea and stayed for a while.

  What are those?

   It seems that when he was in Tomb No. 2, Chen Qian ordered the equipment for the trajectory.

   Life is like tea, I really want to answer. Isn’t that the one to help you bring back the source of pure wood and open it for you?


   For a long time, he could only spit out one sentence: "Brother, you are a monster."

   If the track is in the named invasion and the intruder is killed, then there will be a merger of copies, and the track can return to Chen Qian and the others.

   But if the trajectory has not been hit, the graph must be re-run.

   The track is a citizen, after being kicked out of the dungeon, it took a long time to come back...

   Therefore, Chen Qian has prevented this situation in advance.

   But you obviously have a pre-judgment, why don't you remind me of the track?

"Hahaha, I said, are you teammates? After talking for a long time, you should all know that the trajectory was clicked. Why is it?" Crazy talked with Shuiyuzi for money and said back. , "The time when Boss No. 9 was killed for the first time, we were earlier than the Life Devouring Hunter... 4 seconds."

   "4 seconds?" Life is like tea. Of course, I knew that the track was invaded by name, which was related to two consecutive first kills, but I didn't expect to bully people like this.

   is 4 seconds away?

   "Oh, it's as if you can't get to Nankai with a 0.5 point difference, it's maddening," Chen Qian said.

   "I have no difference... No! Why are you mentioning Nankai well again? You can't make it through this section, right?" After subconsciously refuting life like a tea, he found that he didn't say anything at all.

   At first, I felt that I could "support (utilize) each other" with this person, but now I really feel that I don't want to say a word to this person.

   madly sent a few voices to the track for money, but there was no result, and asked: "Then what do you do now?"

   "Well. The four-second war has begun." Chen Qian said with a smile.

   "Waiting for the trajectory?" asked frantically for money.

   "Wait." Chen Qian said.

   Life is like tea and exhales with emotion.

   I didn't expect you to be very affectionate, there is no track, and you will not continue to push the world story.

   But, before life is like tea to be touched by his teammates love, Chen Qian added: "Let's go offline."


   The track lies in the ward of Shangmin Medical Center.

   Looking at the information swiped on the watch, it was all in simplified Chinese, but it seemed that he didn't know a word.

   Life is like tea and crazy for money, both hung up and came over...

   He didn't want to pick it up at all.

   messed up.

   Damn it! It messed up again.

   The story of the world is such an important thing, just because he was alone, he was beaten by an invading player three levels lower than him, and he had no resistance, and everyone's progress would be affected.

   But so...

   But so...

   These four words were repeated in his mind.

  What first kill? That is not his at all!

   Others are very strong.

   Only he can't do it, he can't do it, he is always the one who loses the chain at the critical moment.

   has been like this since childhood.

He thought he was used to it. No matter how hard he tried, he just couldn't do it. He couldn't do it well. He was a "but so" person. He was neither an excellent student, but he would not be too bad to be unreasonable. This kind of teacher can't remember the name.

   In this world, even the sun revolves around the strong!

  Who would need someone like him who is "but that"?

"Hey, boss, you haven't been offline yet?" A newcomer he had taken before entering the world plot, met him at the Shangmin Medical Center and saw him look depressed. "What's the matter? It won't be in Bhikkhu. Has the mountain been slaughtered?"

   The Bhikkhu Mountain has not been peaceful in these two days.

   Trajectory raised his head weakly and glanced.

   "Probably..." he said.

   "No, boss, aren't you in the dungeon? Two consecutive first kills..."

   Don't mention the first kill...

"You came out and was slaughtered? Oh... No, could it be invaded?" The rookie was already level 17 and grinned broadly, "Hey, boss, what a big deal. Tell your name, I'll call my teammate to come over. , Squat him, and go back!"

   said, he has already started to operate on the watch.

   Anyway, the invasion can only be a player who is lower than the trajectory level 3 or higher.

   That is now around level 13.

   "Ah!" The trajectory saw that people had already taken action, and had to be dragged out of their inner activities, "No, I am going to go by myself..."

   How can I trouble you?

"Go by yourself, we can also cheer you up. Or... to cheer up? Yes, cheer up, to celebrate your two first kills at Duanye Cemetery. And, isn't you saying it yourself, how powerful is the number of people? "

   The trajectory is speechless.

   That is to deal with the Extreme Devouring Beast, not to squat for vendetta!

   The newcomer gave him an unnecessary gesture, and operated on the watch. After a while, the track saw the newcomers he had taken one after another, appearing in front of him one by one.

   The EXP copy, the R1 spacecraft...

  Twelve people besides him, ten came!

  Track is a little bit wondering what to say...

   So, what is this?

   He brought new people purely because he wanted to be seen, and he wanted to be needed by more people.

   I can feel that the newcomers rely on him. Believing in him makes him feel very comfortable, not for them to help him fight!

   "What? Brother Locus was killed?"

   "Who killed you? Let's squat."

   "Yes, give your name!!"

   "If you don't say the name for the locus, we will go directly to the world and ask."

   Trail in a cold sweat!


  Don’t you think I’m ashamed enough? Want to brush up on the world that I was invaded?

"Blood. A cutter player named Blood in the Life Devouring Wilderness Hunting Group," the trail still didn't pass, "but I think, in the final analysis, my own ability is not good. I have been invaded and never beaten. I am still three levels higher than him. , You don’t need to..."

   The group of newcomers he helped are already busy.

   "I just saw Blood leveling at Bhikkhu Mountain, follow me."

   "Why do you have to ask him for an explanation, the jealous trajectory eldest brother kills first?"

   "If you want to be jealous and get the first kill yourself, what kind of ability to kill..."

   Ten trumpets formed two full teams and headed towards Bhikkhu Mountain...

   The trajectory eyelids jumped straight.

   That Blood is very strong!


   A message popped up on his watch.

   How can I read the news at this time? He was about to paddle past, but found that the person who sent the message was self-herdering.

"The lightsaber breaks out, wear a [or blue] suit, and use the two skills [You are still far behind] and [Anbu's oiled paper umbrella]." Chen Qian's message is two lines, and the next line is, "Good night. "

   Trail fall!

  Ann, your sister, Ann! !

   Forget about the copy, I didn’t even want to go with Blood at all, I can’t, I can’t beat him...

   As a result, the one who is not particular about it, has finished sending good night, and also chased a message over: "Track, you can do it!"


   The trajectory is sluggish~www.readwn.com~ How do you know how to read your mind?


"What, that gentleman, Qianqian, can't do it at all. I'm also convinced. The captain and the gods have blown him into what he looks like." Blood was training with a few teammates from the Life Devouring Wilderness Hunting Group in Bhikkhu Mountain. "You guys are all frightened by the title on his head."

   "No, Blood is the first time you have entered the Spirit Cage. I don't know how strong he is." His teammate said grotesquely.

"I know a lot. I tell you that many people often mistake the power of the organization as their own. The Sirius Scavengers are very strong. I admit it, but is the Sirius leader necessarily strong? It's so strong, can you delete the account and go away? I personally killed him with three and a half skills when he was 3 levels lower. Seeing is believing." Blood said.

   A two-jaw beast fell under the dazzling red energy.

   There was an upgrade light on Blood.

   He is level 14.

   full of blood and blue, full of action.

   "I'll go back to Jingmuyuan to get a skill..." Blood just got out of the battle, suddenly his whole body tightened.

   turned his head and saw that it was actually a group of dozens of trumpets coming towards him in a massacre.

   is a [Void Nebula] to get started!

   "What the hell?"

  Because the Void Nebula is far away, Blood slipped to avoid it, but then a sniper shot came from a distance!

   He tilted his head when he heard the sound, and the shot hit the tree trunk beside him.

Behind    Trumpet is an ID he is familiar with.

   just cut it back...


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