What Can Casual Players Be Bad-hearted

Chapter 59: We are all behind you!

   "The lightsaber breaks out, wear [or blue] sets, take [You are still far away], [Ambo's oiled paper umbrella]..."

   The track is reciting these words silently all the way.

   The energy-concentrating lightsaber in his hand lights up a circle of steady and silent dark cyan. When the three blood's teammates passed through and rushed to his face, he also muttered these words silently.

   Actually, the suit was changed and the skills were taken.

   But this sentence is not over yet, it is like a spell, it is a guarantee of some kind of victory, and it can bring such a bit of confidence to him who is "but so"!

   The laser and the electric current collided violently.

Blood's red hot knife made a buzzing through the air, atomizing the moisture in the surrounding air, did not adjust the defensive posture, but wanted to use the slight interference in the field of vision to resist the first round of attack of the trajectory, and the trajectory was on him. The moment I saw the atomization in front of me, I closed my eyes, and the lightsaber in my hand sent out a skill at the same time-you are still far away.

  【You are still far behind (early stage): take the initiative. Reduces the target's movement speed by 10%, and slows the target's ability by 10%. Each time the target cancels the current action, both are reduced by an additional 5% for 120 seconds. Consumption: 10 grid energy, cooling: 720 seconds. Limited: Concentrated lightsaber. 】

   Close your eyes.

   Blind fight.

   does not have the skills to break defenses.

   The trajectory came up for these three seconds, without grabbing a bit of output, first psychologically and rhythmically, it suppressed Blood!

   He can hit the target with his eyes closed!

   Blood's eyes straightened suddenly.

   But it was only for a while, the high temperature knife vaporized water is not a skill, so, in just two seconds, the vision of the trajectory was restored.

   At this time, Blood’s skills raised his hand, because the 10% sluggishness of [You are still far away] was a bit slower than he expected.

   Therefore, he failed to hit the track, but was knocked to the ground by a control skill that sprang out from behind the track.

   The track saw him jump a +5% on his head!

   Each time the target cancels the current action, the slow effect is reduced by an additional 5%.

   Originally, the trajectory thought it was to force the opponent to cancel actively through his own position, but I did not expect that the passive cancellation of the skill is interrupted, it is also possible...

"Boss! Step on the face!!" The little partner who gave the control skills, actually he had already battled with Blood's teammates to death and alive, but if you knocked down Blood, you would be happy and comfortable, regardless of whether you were dead or not. of? Just kill Blood!

   The trajectory is really stepped on.

   The burst of energy exploded by each attack of the lightsaber sticks to the top of Blood's head, and continues to pull down his health bar.

   "Grass!" Blood rolled up in shame.

   The red light shone on the surface of the knife.

   A pre-reading explosive skill is about to be released...

   However, the trajectory turned into a defensive posture at this time!


The hot long knife and the trajectory energy shield smashed into blue sparks, pulling out a sharp metal cutting-like sound, and the trajectory’s head jumped several high-volume gray injuries in a row, scaring him with another layer on his back. Of sweat.

   But fortunately, it was guarded!

  Blood is not a gas-saving lamp. The skill that was pre-read just now becomes the next skill immediately after the shot, which completely breaks out the occupational tight-to-man play style.

   If one skill doesn't work, then the next one.

   The manic red energy quickly slid along the sharp cutting blade from the handle to the blade. When it was about to interrupt the combo of the trajectory, another control skill came up behind it!

   Although it was just a small ability to freeze for 0.5 seconds, it was lucky to interrupt Blood's explosive skills.

   "Kill them." Blood shouted to his teammates.

But everyone is of the same level. Although the overall strength of the newcomers on the track side is not as good as that of the Blood side, the number is double theirs and one more. Eleven people beat five people, and his teammates have already lain down. Two.

   Trajectory was holding the palm of the energy-concentrating lightsaber, already sweating.

   However, every movement of his was extremely stable, and he didn't even shake the top light of the lightsaber.

   "I can do it, I can do it, I can do it." He was fighting while brainwashing himself. Seeing Blood's movement speed and raising his hand slowed by 5% again, his damage was getting higher and higher...

   Suddenly, his eyes lit up.

   A familiar and unfamiliar skill light effect appeared on the blade of Blood!

   "Single for twenty years." He instantly remembered where he had seen...

   is unfamiliar because before Chen Qian used this skill, he hardly paid attention to it, and familiarity is naturally because, in the cemetery of Duanye Cemetery No. 6 tomb, Chen Qian had just used it.

   The skill of being single for twenty years can directly avoid the raising of the hand of an explosive career!

   Now everyone is only a dozen or so, and it takes 6 energy to spend 20 years of being single, then the next shot must be a professional nirvana...

   Therefore, the locus didn’t think much about it, and he pulled him away directly. He followed Chen Qian’s instructions to bring it, but it was a skill that he had never used before or in the current account!

   Anbu's oiled paper umbrella!

   [Ambu's oil-paper umbrella (early stage): take the initiative. Within 1.5 seconds after opening, resist all damage that is higher than 50% of your own life vitality. If there is damage with attributes, all attribute damage is returned to the opponent, and an additional 50% damage of the same attribute is added to the target. Consumption: 12 grid energy, cooling: 120 seconds. Limit: Energy Shield. 】

   "..." When Blood's special kill ability was shot, he was obviously taken aback.

   may be completely unexpected, the track's reaction will be so fast!

   The release of being single for twenty years is extremely fast!

   After being single for twenty years, the big move is almost to no friends.

   Even with a 20% slowdown, he can release it quickly...

   But, his explosive great skill slammed into Anbu's oil-paper umbrella skill!

   Within 1.5 seconds, resist all damage that is 50% higher than its own vitality.

   How difficult is the timing of 1.5 seconds?

But the trajectory was because I saw Blood’s single for 20 years and predicted his next skill type in advance. I didn’t even look at his raising of his hand and shot it against him. I heard the violent sound of the energy shield hitting it, and two When a different kind of energy reacted with a dazzling light, it was known that his first attempt of this skill was successful!

   actually succeeded!

  He has never done this...

   You need to know that in the EXP dungeon before, Chen Qian asked him to use the skill "Xiao Shan", but he only dared to practice it for a long time.

   But he really didn't have time to practice with Ambu's oiled paper umbrella, he didn't even read the skill description several times, and he got a big move as soon as he shot it!

   After the energy explosion, the oil-paper umbrella skill's "all attribute damage is returned to the opponent, and an additional 50% of the same attribute damage is added to the target" effect!

   Knife players consume a lot of energy because of their skills, and they need to add energy to carry more skills and release more skills. The physique adds up to two or three points.

What is Blood’s ability to shoot? I don’t know the trajectory, and I can’t name it, but he can see that this skill carries a high level of radiation damage. At this time, all the radiation damage is returned to Blood, and then there are additional extras. 50% of radiation damage...

   1.5 seconds ago, Blood, who was still in the illusion of falling off the track, had fallen to the ground.

   his face was black and blue.

   He has not returned to the Shangmin Medical Center or resurrected in the tent for a long time.

  A pair of eyes like a dead fish, staring at the track complicatedly...

   "Kill, kill, kill." Seeing that Blood has fallen, the little friends in the trajectory will naturally not show mercy to Blood's other teammates...

   The last two remaining players in the Life-Eater Hunter Group's HP also quickly bottomed out.

   Trace back to look at them.

   Behind him, there are four teammates left.

   Eleven of them beat five of them, and six died. In terms of the strength of the rookie, it is already pretty good.

   But the nose of the trail is a bit sore.

   They came out with a massacre. After killing someone, they would return to the Shangmin Medical Center and double their experience.

   He brought the newcomers to the experience dungeon. He obviously wanted to take them to upgrade, but he didn't expect to drop him here...

   "Trajectory, don't forget to taunt him when you finish killing. Get off the line after the taunting." It was almost time for him to kill Blood, and a message from someone came again.

   "Grass!" The black line on the track head is about to be knotted...Didn't you have good night half an hour ago? Where's the corpse? !

and many more.

  You won’t be...

   always remember this, right?

"That... um, sorry, I encountered a named invasion for the first time, so... the story of the world..." Trajectory wanted to say but didn't know how to say it~www.readwn.com~ he didn't want to know anymore. Why did it happen like this.

   Because of the End of the Night Cemetery? Because of the first kill? Because the newcomer he has led wants to vent for him?

Anyway, his emotions are very complicated now. He has the real sense of getting two first kills, but he also has the guilt of interrupting the world plot because he hasn't beaten Blood for the first time, but there is still half blood left to slaughter Blood. excitement……

   However, Chen Qian only sent him a pure and harmless smile: "Oh, I'm peeing."


   The trajectory is filled with C4 in an instant!

   You have a ghost only if you believe it. Wake up in the middle of the night to pee, and do not return to bed after peeing. What is the operation of getting into the game cabin?

   I’ve never seen anything like this...

   "By the way, will you ridicule?" Chen Qian sent a smile again, "I won't be able to find me, play power leveling and spray people, I am good... copy and paste should be no problem, right?"

   "Yes! Good night!"

   To be honest, the locus is obviously grateful for this product.

The first is the choice of equipment, a set of [or blue] pure PVP equipment, which will increase his defense against radiation damage so that it will not be lost in a burst of seconds, and then the choice of two key skills, [you are still far behind Far] Let the explosive career not burst out, and the more explosive it becomes, the more difficult it will be, and it will continue to be crushed to death. [Ambu's oiled paper umbrella] directly let Blood kill itself, even more absolutely.

   During the whole battle, his inner activities were basically the phrase "you can do it", just like the feeling that "you can do it if you have said that you can do it".


  Why does it take less than three minutes to say that Trajectory always feels like he wants to take what he has at hand and follow the back of the head?

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