What Can Casual Players Be Bad-hearted

Chapter 60: Your four seconds? No, it's your four seconds

   In the morning, the sun is shining brightly.

   Chen Qian made a ham sandwich in a salty way, put it on a plate, drew a smiley face with ketchup, and heated a cup of milk.

   Summer vacation life is so simple and boring.

   In these two months, there may be more newcomers pouring into the game every day than the other ten months combined.

   He took half a sandwich himself and squatted on the balcony to eat it.

   Just put the last piece into his mouth, he heard the sound of Xiaozhen running out of the room on time.

   in a hurry.

   is like rushing to do something...

   "Ask a classmate to go shopping?" Chen Qian pointed to the breakfast on the table, chewing the last bite of the sandwich in his mouth.

"No. Don't go out." Xiaoyan sat at the dining table, ate the sandwich in two bites, took a big gulp of milk, and said vaguely, "The trajectory is in big trouble. I have to go online early, and I will come down to do my homework soon. ."

Chen Qian smiled as she watched her nibbling the bread fiercely, took a piece of paper and wiped her mouth quickly, and wiped the circle of beard around. Without the ketchup at the corner of her mouth, she was ready to drill into the game cabin. Up.

   Chen Qian pointed at the corner of her mouth.

It may also be a sticky feeling in the corners of the mouth. I realized that the tomato sauce was not wiped clean, and Xiaozhen did not take a piece of paper. He stuck out his tongue and licked it straight, saying, "Bhikkhu Mountain seems to be fighting again. How did you provoke a finished waste hunting group...Oh, Locus, do you remember who he is?"

   Of course I remember, to be precise, I also know how to get into the hunting group... Chen Qian touched his nose and said, "What is a finished hunting group?"

"It's a waste hunting group full of nine deputy leaders and thirty elite captains." Xiaozhen returned to Chen Qian's popular science. "Brother, haven't you played this game before? Don't know?"

   Oh, it's a full-fledged wilderness hunting group... Chen Qian thought I hadn't studied this either.

   Serious people, who is going to study what hunting group? Research some roast suckling pig or something, is it not fragrant?

"I heard that it is a finished group that has been in business for nine years. Trajectory killed the great **** their group specially invited from another game, called Blood. This Blood has just reached level 14, and is ready to acquire a skill like a level 20 waste hunter. The regiment went to buy a limited copy, but as a result, he was killed by the track and fell back to level 13..."

   "...Do you know what a limited copy is?" How did Chen Qian feel that she didn't seem to be idle after two hours of playing time?

   It’s not like talking on the phone and talking...

  Because of Xiaozhen’s study from elementary school to junior high school, most of the time is spent on self-study in the bed, and the progress may be faster than the average junior high school student.

   Well, thinking about it this way, she seems to have a longer time doing homework.

"I don't know. Anyway, it means that the Blood level is not enough to get in, so I have to go and brush the mobs again." Xiaozhen packed up the dishes and said, "Brother, you just leave it alone. I'll come out to wash in a while. "

   Is that going to happen for a while?

   If it’s for a while, why don’t I go online and read on the balcony?

   Chen Qian saw Xiaoying pushing the chair back to his original position, and suddenly realized that there was a serious problem: "Wait, is there your phone in the track?"

   No wonder I always felt that something was wrong just now.

   "Of course, I have WeChat..." Xiaoyue said, "If we don't add WeChat, who caused the trouble that the brothers and sisters are offline, wouldn't it be bad?


   Where are you brothers and sisters again?

   "Well, that... Xiaoyue. It's not that I want to restrict your social interaction. However, in the future, I will keep in touch with the contact information in reality for a period of time." Chen Qian reminded her.

   "The trail is not a bad person." Xiaozheng turned around and made a face at him, "I won't add any bad guys."

   "Do you know who is a good person and who is a bad person? Write on your face?" When Chen Qian said this...how could he be so familiar? It seems that when Xiaozhen was so old, he often heard adults say that.

   As a result, Xiaozhen stopped him with a single sentence: "I feel it."

   What can Chen Qian say?

Birds of a feather flock together? So, in fact, Xiaozhen can't reach the bad guys at all?

   But the main problem is not this, but that the phone cards between him and Xiaoyue were given by his parents when they set up the 8G network, and the numbers are only one digit away!

   If someone knows his phone number, he also knows Xiaoyue's phone number...

   Unless there is a pit in the brain, it will definitely be connected!

   "Brother, hurry up after you have returned today's email. It's a big trouble. It's really a big trouble. It's not a small matter. I won't be kidding you." Xiao Yan took another bag of biscuits and went to the study.

   Of course I know it’s a big trouble, otherwise you think I’m not online because of Mao... Chen Qian went to the sink, washed the dishes and chopsticks, turned on the dishwasher and put them in one by one.

  Put the dishwashing powder, close the door, and press the switch.

   The sound of water flowing in the dishwasher echoed his set of operations.

   I don’t know why, Xiaoyue accepts 120% of the game cabin, but always wash the dishes by hand? The girl’s confusing behavior...

   Chen Qian incomprehensibly washed his hands and wiped them: "Forget it, let's go online."

Regarding the track, he can certainly smile with "this matter has nothing to do with me"-the first kill in the cemetery of Broken Night is what life is like tea, so the thing at the top of the track is life like tea. How to find the place , I should also ask Shengshengrucha to help, right?

   It took him ten seconds to equip the trajectory and think about the matching of skills, and it took him another twenty seconds to call him word by word.

   is really a kind person!

   But since Xiaoyue is online, as a competent accompaniment, he must at least go up...hanging a perspective.

   Moreover, the drop of two consecutive Bosses, as well as the information and clues obtained from the world plot, also need to be counted and sorted out.

   So, stop fishing, just go up.


   As soon as Chen Qian went online, his watch would explode.

   To be honest, this kind of news flow, even if there is any danger, Osiris watch deliberately warns, I am afraid it will be buried in these news.

  Jing Muyuan is not calm anymore.

   The nearby channels are all about life-eater hunters.

Originally, they just killed a track, but they didn’t know what happened. After the matter was fermented, they wished to know the whole source of wood. The hunting group lost to the track for 4 seconds, so they launched a named invasion and killed it. Trajectory.

   If you kill the enemy, forget it...

   As a result, they were tracked with a group of trumpets, driving a massacre to get them back!

Originally naming this item to invade was not a gameplay like the Life-Eater Hunter. This is an operation to predict whether the opponent's main C is in battle during the progress grabbing process of the key dungeon, and to interrupt it at the right time. .

   designates that the invasion cannot invade the players who break out of the fighting state. Therefore, guessing the rest time of the competing wilderness hunting group is one of the most exciting links in the race.

  Especially in official competitions, there is only one chance of named invasion in the entire dungeon process. Right or wrong may be the key to determining the outcome!

   What is this life-saving hunting group?

   After being robbed for the first kill, do you call for revenge by name?

  The nearby channel is the rhythm of saliva...

   "Can't afford to lose in 4 seconds, what else can I say?"

   "The trail is a real man, the highest power in 4 seconds."

   "Grassroots...The trail may be the reincarnation of Gentleman Qianqian."

   "Didn't the Life Devouring Wilderness Hunting Group kick on the iron plate?"

   Life Devouring Wilderness Hunting Corps does not fight against the trumpets. They do it directly. They do nothing but do it endlessly. A full team squats on the line and locks directly when they get out of the safe zone.

   But the trajectory is not a wolf without a team.

   More than a dozen trumpets stayed with him, and they all followed him. It was nothing more than a point drop, and the trajectory took them to the EXP dungeon to brush back?

   Therefore, Jing Muyuan was a novice map, and it was dazzling.

   Chen Qian watched Xiaoyue still group people in the safe zone, so he opened the trajectory to a shared perspective and hung over. At first glance, he saw that the trajectory had fallen back to level 14.

   The good news is that he definitely doesn’t have to worry about being kicked out of the plot beyond level 20 in the process of the world plot...

  The bad news is that he will be more difficult to fight than Chen Qian and the others in the dungeon.

"Why did you go online this morning? For this kind of thing, you scold after you kill, and you run away after you scold you. What can they do if you don't go online for three or five days?" Chen Qian looked at the trajectory from the perspective of death and injury. , Sighed with a smile.

   "...I'm not online, what about the world plot?" Locus asked.

"You can't go back to Duanye Cemetery like this. This kind of thing is to get people done, and then have a mentality, let them wait and wait. If the mentality collapses, they won't trouble you anymore. Only one of the mentalities Crash, a vendetta can come to an end~www.readwn.com~ So..." Chen Qian was smiling and saying that he suddenly narrowed his eyes, "Attention!!!"

   "I have to pay attention to everywhere." The trajectory is still disapproving-he has been playing for the whole morning, and there is nothing to pay attention to.

   However, what appeared in his field of vision was a figure that could be distinguished from others intuitively.


He seemed to have appeared in the combat range of Track all at once, completely ignoring the surrounding red names and polar eater, the energy-concentrating lightsaber that looked very similar to the weapon in Track's hand, and the light of energy flashed. The attack had already fallen before the defensive posture of the trajectory had been adjusted.

In the first second, the blood volume of the trail did not change much, but it was soon the second sword. This sword was equipped with a skill that the trail did not recognize, and the health value did not drop, but the life source quality actually dropped by 7 points. !

   Immediately after that, in the third second, there were a few consecutive normal attacks, and the life source quality of the track rose again, but for every 1 point, hundreds of points of health were lost!

   In the 4th second, the opponent’s energy-concentrating lightsaber hit continuously...

   The trail fell to the ground!

   "..." Don't even mention the trajectory, which is straightforward.

   is Chen Qian from the perspective of watching the battle. He just said two words "attention" before starting the battle. In these 4 seconds, he was also unable to say anything!

   "Damn, it's a great god? The 30-level big player can play the trumpet? Do you want to be shameless?" The track teammate directly cursed.

   "..." Chen Qian shook his head and laughed thoughtfully, "No, he doesn't."

   "Well, he doesn't. He is controlling damage." The track is a lightsaber player. He knows the amount of damage very well, but this does not prevent him from being beaten. "How can anyone in the world be so strong..."

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