What Can Casual Players Be Bad-hearted

Chapter 63: 1 year is 1 year

   "What do you want to kill? Where do you want to kill?" The track was puzzled.

   "Let me put it this way, if you just want to make a sneak attack in the wild and kill the lining once, what you need is equipment, level and tactics. One week is enough." Chen Qian replied.

   "...you know I didn't mean that." Locus said.

"If you want to have the ability to meet up with him anytime, anywhere, you can fight back and forth with him. In addition to the above, you need to deepen your skill pool, strengthen your understanding of other occupations, etc., probably... …Three months."

   The trail behind him stopped for a moment: "So fast?"

This is fast, three months...Although Chen Qian could not completely outline the specific strength of this person from the 4-second battle, but if he only talks about the potential, he thinks that the trajectory is more suitable. The lining should be high.

  The skills of the trajectory are quick to learn.

   This is the most important point for deepening the skill pool.

   If you have to practice a skill for ten and a half days, then don't think about how to beat a team of players.

   In terms of skill understanding, timing of shots, and offensive and defensive conversion, the trajectory is actually very good.

   It’s just that there are too many internal dramas in his heart, and he has obviously lost his mind during the battle. In three months, the main solution is actually this problem...

   "Brother, I went in to look for Sister Yuzi." Xiaozhen greeted Chen Qian and flew into the Shangmin Medical Clinic.

   So, the trajectory quickly took two steps.

   There is no need to continue to tell Chen Qian on the watch.

   "But," Chen Qian also turned off his watch, and said directly to the trajectory that followed, "If you want to kill him in the official arena, such as a racing invasion... it will take a year."

   "..." Trajectory stared, "I...I didn't think about that."

   "I think it's too late for you to think about it now." Chen Qian smiled.

   trajectory stunned.

   What's too late?

   I am a nineteen-year veteran little transparent, and I can have the ability to fight against the strong at any time and anywhere, and I am already very satisfied!

  How can you dare to think about invading?

  Besides, isn’t a racing invasion a matter of professional explosions?

   How can anyone carry a lightsaber to fight an invasion...

   But why does my heart beat faster and faster, why can’t I press it down? How many times has he seen what he wanted, but because he always failed, he didn't dare to reach out and take it? !

   "Track, you can do it." Chen Qian said.

   "..." The trail was a puff of fire immediately, burning from the chest to the throat and eyes.

   "We need you especially." Chen Qian said again...Well, forcing the emperor to ascend to the throne, I really need you.

   "Stop talking." Locus said.

   "Huh?" Chen Qian looked back.

   "One year is one year!!" He stretched out his hand without hesitation.

   He wants to take it.

   This time, he wants to take it.

   Regardless of whether the person in front of him said it was true or false, he wanted to try—trying to become a madman who matched the match.

   "Self-herd," Trajectory said shortly, "You don't ask, why should I kill him?"

"Oh..." Chen Qian replied quite clearly, "You don't want to kill Heying... You just think that if you can have the strength of Heying, maybe those newcomers who follow you to fight vendetta will not die. Xiaozhen won’t be caught up by the bitterness, and even the Adora in the EXP copy may have a solution that doesn’t need to be killed."

   Chen Qian smiled and spread his hands.

Locus is a very emotional person. He is kind and fragile. He is willing to solve problems for others, but he does not want to cause trouble to others. He cares about everyone's opinion of him, but he can't please everyone and is afraid. Make mistakes, afraid of denial, but there is always a flame that has not been extinguished, urging him to bloom his life.

   Therefore, inner drama is a big obstacle he must overcome.

   "Oh? Uncle Cha is online." Chen Qian just finished talking to Locus, and saw that life is like tea and sent him a message.

   "Has the matter been resolved?" Life is like a tea asked.

   "If it doesn't solve it..." Chen Qian certainly knows that life is like a tea, just knowing that the matter has come to an end.

   Hundred rivers cover the trajectory.

   Silence covers the rivers.

   an endless loop.

   Ha ha, what can the Life Devouring Wilderness Hunter do with them?

"Oh, I met with Lord Qian at the North Gate just now," Shengshengrucha said, "Hurry up, will you three continue the world plot? Lord Qian said that the group of people who eaten lives just repaired the equipment. Go in again. It depends on how early people get up..."

   "What's the use of going early? Returning early is useful." Chen Qian said as he set up a track, mad for money and nothing.

  As the initiator of the world plot, he can change teammates at any time.

   However, everyone has cooperated so "tacitly", the ones who should get lost, the ones who should be invaded are invaded... Then continue to be so random and "tacitly".

   "Wait for half an hour to update the equipment." Chen Qian said.

   "Twenty minutes, see you at the north gate." Life is like tea.


   Chen Qian checked his backpack, repaired weapons and armors, and sold some unwanted drop items, and then went to Dao Ye's.

   He took the key to open the door. In the quiet little yard, Dao Ye was watering the flowers.

I have the strength to plant flowers. It seems that the illness is really recovering well... But he was thinking like this, when he suddenly saw Master Dao clutching his chest and coughing violently, he hurried over and patted him on the back. As soon as I lowered my head, I saw a few blood spots on the ground.

   "Oh, are you here?" Dao Ye seemed to wipe off the blood spots, and winked at Chen Qian, "How is it? Ye Yun's notebook, is there any news?"

   Chen Qian watched Master Dao skillfully throw the blood-stained tissue into the trash...

   Master Dao tugged him: "Enter the house."

   Two people sat down in Dao Ye's bedroom.

   One sits on the bed and the other sits on a chair.

   "I haven't healed, why did you run outside?" Chen Qian glanced at the medicine on the table, and Dao Ye was indeed drinking it.

   "The sun is big, you will die if you don't water the flowers." Dao Ye argued.

   Chen Qian said with a smile: "Well, the flower can't die, you are about to die."

   Master Dao blew his beard and stared at his eyes: "Bah, baah, what is immortal, your grandfather, I can't die. How could death be so easy..."

   is another series of cough and cough sounds.

   Chen Qian thinks that she should call for water pomelo again. She has experience with this.

   If you just can’t take medicine, you might have to find a doctor or something.

   "I'm getting better, and it started to burn again in the middle of the night last night, but the burning completely subsided this morning." Daoye said, "So, if you have something good, you can hurry up..."

   Chen Qian smiled.

   poured out a dozen pieces of legendary armor from his backpack.

  He has no pursuit of weapons, but with almost no physical strength, he must build a good armor to save his life!

   There is no life, how can I walk?

   What they are wearing now, after completing the world plot, is likely to be unusable. Therefore, it is important to prepare the back armor in advance before completing the world plot.

"Cough cough cough cough cough... this is, this is..." Dao, who was originally sitting on the bed, almost pounced off the bed, "Boy! This is all Ye Yun's work? Where did you find it?! "

A faint purple light shone on every piece of armor. Dao Ye squatted on the ground and looked at each piece. His eyes were mostly straight. Chen Qian felt strange. There were also many legendary armors that Dao Ye created. Right?

   Not to mention, his [Afterglow] and Xiaoyin’s [Valangi’s Guardian], although as decorations, are equivalent to a higher level than legendary, immortal works...

   Maybe it’s not just a question of grade?

   "Sure enough... every piece has a precise current loop." Dao Ye pulled off the pen and paper from the table and began to write and draw...

   It seems to be Ye Yun's thing, Dao Ye didn't work, Chen Qian did it.

   He is going to tear it down himself.

   "Have you seen Ye Yun?" Chen Qian watched Dao Ye cough until his bile came out, and he kept writing and asked casually.

   "... See you, of course." Dao Ye sighed, "The female doll is too genius and very thoughtful. I can't keep up."

   Chen Qian said in his heart that she not only has ideas, but also has the ability to implement it. This is terrible ~www.readwn.com~ There are many people who have ideas.

   But most people just think about it, at best they can write novels, destroy...save the world.

   Ye Yun can create such a large dark training field with one hand, and it is also placed in an ecologically dense area, which is not what ordinary people can do.

   "She has a son and a daughter?" Chen Qian took out the lighter that Boss No. 9 had dropped and hit it with a click.

   Dao Ye saw the lighter.


   "Is there any problem?" Chen Qian passed the lighter directly.

"Of course there is," Daoye looked at the lighter over and over. "I have seen this lighter. It's not exactly the same, but... it's almost the same, with very subtle differences. I saw Xiao Yabu drew 20 or 30. ...Well, poor little Yabu."

   "Poor?" Chen Qian thought for a while before remembering that Yabu seemed to be Ye Yun's son? In the lighthouse refuge, he invaded the gene matching system and was full of children who thought they could inherit her excellent genes.

   As a result, the talent is not where she expected.

   The painting is first-rate.

"He is actually not smart enough, and he has no talent in biochemistry and machinery. But he thinks that if he achieves some achievements in biochemical research, he will definitely make his mother admire. Therefore, this child has been working very hard. Everyone knows him... Later, it seems that he was admitted to the research institute, where was it? Oh, Monroe Mountain, Monroe Biochemical Factory..." Dao Ye said regretfully, "A particularly obedient child. It's a pity. , Monroe Biochemical Factory was attacked by the Beast Devouring at night, and no one survived."

   "Monroe Biochemical Factory..." Chen Qian looked at the painting on the lighter and seemed to think of something he had overlooked before.

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