What Can Casual Players Be Bad-hearted

Chapter 64: 1 key to seal the mountain, the plot is locked

   Monroe Biochemical Factory is one of 30 random novice missions, and dozens of millions of players have been to this place.

   The novice missions for Chen Qian and Xiao Ying to enter the game are also in the Monroe Biochemical Factory.

   However, not every player smashed a computer in the Underground Research Institute of the Biochemical Factory...

   "What is the origin of Monroe Biochemical Factory?" Chen Qian seemed to ask Dao Ye casually, "It seems to be a place for secret experiments?"

"Experiment? I don't know what I'm doing," Dao Ye seems to be a memory from a long time ago, "I only know that Monroe is also a genius, no worse than Ye Yun...His achievements in cytology , Even higher than Ye Yun's mechanical achievements. Because Dr. Gale... put a lot of effort and energy into Ye Yun, and Monroe always looked at Ye Yun not pleasing to his eyes."

   Chen Qian's eyes twitched: "Wait a minute, Monroe is also a student of Dr. Gale?"

Dao Ye said, "Dr. Gale accepted three graduate students in total, Monroe, Button, and Ye Yun. They are more talented than genius, and more paranoid. It's a pity that all three of them are dead now. Dead, missing missing..."


"Monroe died in the night attack at the biochemical plant. Patton... is a double expert in virology and evolutionary psychology, but I haven't seen it. I heard that he went to the lighthouse once? Later, because of a scandal, It seems to be abducting infants and young children. I was driven down by the lighthouse, and then I didn’t return to the source of Jingmu. I don’t know where I went..."

   Chen Qian thought about it a little bit.

   Dr. Gale has three graduate students, Monroe, Button, and Ye Yun.

   Among them, Monroe is their novice plot, the founder of the abandoned factory, Chen Qian brought back a hard drive from the Monroe factory, which made Dr. Gale very excited at that time.

   The data in the hard disk is an experimental process in which a student sacrificed himself and became an experimental subject, fused with brain cells cultivated by Orientin...

   There were a lot of text and pictures at the time.

And he remembered that there was a sentence in the student’s experimental record saying that... his tutor would give him tranquilizers every day, and let him record in detail what he saw and felt. Fortunately, when he was young, he learned painting from his grandmother. Grandma is a citizen of the lighthouse. After several generations of genetic optimization, he has a high artistic talent since birth.



   Ye Yun...

   "So, he is Yabu-the student who participated in the experiment is Yabu." Chen Qian has already mapped this relationship.

The project that Monroe Biochemical Factory is researching is to use a powerful human brain to counterattack the Mana ecology. Therefore, Monroe does not necessarily know who Yabu is, but he needs a Mara that he can see during the experiment. Na ecological situation, for the person who painted it.

   Yabcong is not smart, and his achievements in the research field are not important at all.

   He was recruited to enter the Luo Biochemical Factory just because he can paint.

   "Ah..." Chen Qian looked at the skillful brushstrokes and delicate colors on the lighter, and couldn't say anything else, so he could only sigh.

   Yabu shouldn't have been born.

   For Ye Yun, he is not a child at all, or even a living person. He is just a tool to prove that he has excellent genes.

   For Monroe, he is not a student, not a researcher, but a walking brush.

   But Yabu still lives very seriously.

   He did his best to live his tragic and short life.

   Such a contrast...

   A certain salted fish's face is slightly red.

"Oh, yes. And this..." Dao Ye stood up from the ground and tremblingly opened the drawer next to the chair where Chen Qian was sitting. "Before Yabu went to the Monroe factory, Ye Yun gave him a The little key is made of a molecular material that I can’t name... I don’t know what it is for. Poor little Yabu made a necklace and kept wearing it around his neck. Later, he was killed and hunted. The deserters took this key back. I heard that it was Ye Yun's thing, so I collected it."

   said, he handed the key to Chen Qian.

   If compared with the lighter Yabu and grandma gave to Ye Yun, this key is really rough.

  What molecular material? It looks like just an ordinary old world brass key...

   "You take it. You may need to find Ye Yun's notebook." Dao Ye waved and said when Chen Qian handed him the key back.

   Need to use?

  Who still uses the key now?

   Chen Qian smiled and threw the key into his backpack, and then checked the item details.

   I don’t know, I was shocked when I saw it...


  【Ye Yun's Mechanical Key】

   category: props

   Function: Turn the training ground created by Ye Yun into an overhaul mode. In the maintenance mode, the production speed of the mechanical beast is reduced by 20%, the attack power is reduced by 30%, and the defense power is reduced by 50%. Each inspection lasts for 120 minutes, and no people are allowed to enter.

   Cooling time: 30 days.

  Other: The key can not only open the door, but also lock the door.


   "Lock the door..."

   Chen Qian really did not expect that in this era of universal passwords, a mediocre mechanical key would have such an effect!

   In other words, with this key, he has the right to clear the "miscellaneous people" out of Duanye Cemetery anytime and anywhere?

   After all, it needs to be overhauled.

   "Sure enough, it's not enough to just get the world plot. You still have to talk about useful things." Chen Qian still knows the setting of the spirit cage world very well.

   This key has been here for a long time.

   But Daoye didn't give it to him last time, because he didn't provide that pile of armor, lighter, and didn't talk about the identity of Yabu.

  Only when he got the connection question between Ye Yun, Yabu, and Monroe right, Dao Ye would “remember” to give him such a thing.

   Mechanical beast production speed is reduced by 20%, attack power is reduced by 30%, defense power is reduced by 50%.

   Even if they don't clear the idlers from the Duanye Cemetery, there is a high probability that they won't lose the first kill or something.

"Master Dao, I still have some drawings. Although it is not Ye Yun's notebook, it should be her design. Can you help me see?" Chen Qian took part of the machinery he had collected in the Broken Night Cemetery from his backpack. The drawing of the beast was given to Master Dao.

   But this can only be seen by him.

   They will enter the Duanye Cemetery in a while, he still needs it.

   "Manuscript?" The folds around Dao Ye's eyes were almost gone by him, "This is Ye Yun's manuscript? Oh...this drawing..."

   "Well, I can leave some of them for you to see first. I'll still use the rest, and I will bring more back next time." Chen Qianqing came out a few...After all, the boss behind hasn't played yet.

   "Good, good." Of course Dao Ye agreed, "What else do you need my help?"

   "My sister's magnetic axe..."

   "Oh, I gave her a spare. Although I have a little idea, but if I want to achieve it... I still need Ye Yun's notebook." Dao Ye said quickly.

   Xiaozhen himself didn't have much idea about whether he was holding a spare weapon.

   Anyway, it's the same as a dozen players who dare to go hard and just reach the full level...

   Chen Qian nodded.

   That's okay...

   "It's not just a magnetic axe, if I can get enough materials to make my ideal "Supreme Treasure" suit, then I will die without regret." Dao Ye sighed.

   "The Supreme Treasure?" Why did Chen Qian hear this name so silly?

"Um...that was a concept I made when I was young. Forget it, don't mention it..." Daoye waved his hand embarrassedly and said nothing, but in the end he said a few words, "If I am a weapon A full-mechanical suit from armor to accessories can really be created, and my achievements will definitely surpass Ye Yun. I am the number one mechanic in this world! But... alas."

   Dao Ye continued to wave his hand.

   Chen Qian looked at him with a smile.

   Yes, I'm getting older. When I talk about dreams that I didn't realize when I was young, it's no longer the shining eyes of young people, but I'm a little bit ashamed to mention it.

   It’s not that I don’t want to work harder.

   But, at such an age, still chasing dreams, afraid of people making jokes?

Chen Qian didn’t say anything, so he casually dropped a sentence: “Then your big suit is designed around the magnetic explosive axe of Xiaoyue. You can make a list of the materials you need. I might just go hand in hand. Can I bring you one or two?"

   "Hahaha, good, but don't tell others." Daoye still emphasized not to disclose this.

"My mouth is tight." Chen Qian promised with a smile ~www.readwn.com~ Dao Ye used Chen Qian to get the material from the Duanye Cemetery to help him increase the basic attacks of [Yuhui] and [Chou Xin]. After a while, for Dao Ye, this process takes only three to five minutes.

   But this weapon, a scalpel, is directly up to level 30 or higher of similar weapons or props.

   Dao Ye made a shot, and as expected, he was more powerful than Chen Qian himself.

   After doing this, Chen Qian took Ye Yun's mechanical key and left Daoye to go to the north gate of Jingmuyuan.

   At this time, there are already many teams at the north gate of Jingmuyuan, and they are all ready to go to Broye Cemetery.

   Chen Qian listened to them chatting...

   "The Life Devouring Wilderness Hunter said that the next wave must pass the No. 4 Boss. Damn, they are amazing, I haven't even seen the Boss."

   "What about it? Isn't it beaten by the trajectory?"

"You still said this... Isn't there a master named Blood in their regiment? That violent temper was sprayed on the track's face, so I asked the track master if he dared to take up a challenge, and said this No. 4 Boss, who loses? Delete number!"

   Chen Qian had walked well, but stopped.

   Ears cocked.

   "Hahaha, did the trajectory **** pick it up? Delete the account as soon as the account is deleted. Anyway, it is all a small account..."

   "The two first kill numbers are reluctant to delete, right? Anyway, there is no response yet."

   "The trajectory **** doesn't respond, that's a confession. This Blood is good. I heard that it was specially dug from another game? It's a bit of face for Zhiming."

   Chen Qian listened to the chat of passers-by and stood still for a moment thoughtfully.

   Then, with a smile, he slapped the track over with a voice...

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