What Can Casual Players Be Bad-hearted

Chapter 85: Grab with 2 hands, both hands must be hard

   "Found it!" In the hut not far away, life like tea also made the same sound.

   A light, from a spotlight above their heads, suddenly hit the seemingly blank wall!

   Just because one of the three vacancies on the wall was pasted with a piece of paper...

   Now, that piece of paper quickly merged with the wall.

   There is no way to take it down again!

   "Ah, yes, we got the right one!!" The trajectory was originally awakened by this light in the process of numbly handing paper sheets one by one, "The wall is bright!"

   The white paper is right.

   On the wall, there is a map—a big map that occupies a whole wall.

   In other words, the special light can be triggered only when the posted A4 paper is exactly correct, and then the entire map can be displayed under the special light.

   But, where is this map?

   "Jing Mu Yuan? It doesn't look like..." Life was like tea and went up. After a long time he recognized it and didn't see anything.

   "It's not a lighthouse either. The area of ​​a lighthouse isn't that big." Crazy looked carefully for money, and said, "Dark track? It's not..."

   "A few newbie areas are not." The blank paper said dazedly.

   "..." Looking at her sitting quietly on the ground because of the money, she quickly said, "Okay, the map is displayed, and there is no need to look at the picture to talk. The girl quickly put on her clothes."

   "Ah hello..." Life is like a tea staring madly for money.

   "Well, remember to stay away from this strange creature." Crazy for money added.

   The blank paper was an attempt to meet the needs of the mission. There is no way, but it has already passed the map. Of course, there is no reason to let the girl continue to play like this.

  Don’t say anything else, it’s really cold!

   White paper changed for a second, by the way... She put the red velvet into her own backpack.

   Although life is like tea, I still think that white paper is also cute in combat uniforms, but compared with the previous one, it suddenly doesn't fragrant.

   "Sure enough, the spirit cage should be a dress-up game..." Life is like tea, muttering silently, asking for a sense of eschatological reality. Isn't it profitable to dress up? I don’t know how those planning brains grew up...

The spotlight’s light is very concentrated, and the reflection on the off-white wall is a bit dazzling. The back of the paper that they put on the wall looks the same color as the wall. At this time, it’s also in the light. Under irradiation, a pattern is displayed.

   Although there is no further response from the map, no matter what, the first paper is posted correctly. This is always exciting news.

   The stupid way is indeed the stupid way. But it works!

"So, the next step is simple," said Shengrucha. "This spotlight was triggered. We now turn over the paper of all sizes, colors, and meet the requirements, turn it over to the back, and place it under the light to see which ones can be illuminated. Which ones are right after the patterns come out."

   Any puzzle solving in the world of spirit cage, there will be many different solutions.

   And the map on the wall they saw was about to be unlocked-no off-site support was needed.

   "Well, let me tell Zimu." Crazy raised his wrist for money, and prepared to contact Chen Qian to tell him this major breakthrough...

   However, the message cannot be sent.

   It’s not that I failed to sneak into the Shangmin Medical Center and I was caught, right?


   Chen Qian was not arrested, but he was indeed blocked by an acquaintance.

   Just when he had found the ventilator and was about to take it away, Elsa appeared at the door of the ward!

   Seeing Chen Qian here, she was immediately stunned.

   Strangers may not know that Chen Qian is a duster, but Elsa knows it very well!

  How could a duster appear in the Shangmin Medical Center?

   Besides, wearing such strange clothes...

   Elsa and him looked at each other for a few seconds.

   doubt, hesitate.

   The air seemed to freeze.

   A few seconds later, she turned around, as if she was going to call someone over.

   "Uh, it's too late to explain." Chen Qian stretched out his hand to cover Elsa's mouth, and quickly closed the door of the ward with his eyesight and hands.

   Then, he ignored Elsa and came back and quickly disassembled the ventilator.

   one by one stuffed into the backpack.

   Watching a machine helplessly, it disappeared in place, Elsa frowned coldly.

   Her indifferent gaze swept Chen Qian up and down, fiercely and inquisitively.

   is like a sharp blade that can cut him open.

   However, another few seconds later...

   What she said was: "Follow me."

   "OK!" Chen Qian squeezed his fist secretly.

   Elsa was in the Shangmin Medical Center, brushing her face along the road, unobstructed.

Because, in the spirit cage world, she is not only an instructor for many players, but also an instructor for many NPCs. There are many people who know her in the Shangmin Medical Clinic, and Chen Qian next to her is directly ignored, Ai No one would doubt that Ersa brought anyone in and out.

   "How did you plan to go out before?" Elsa took Chen Qian all the way and out of the door of Shangmin Medical Clinic.

   "...jump the window." Chen Qian answered truthfully.

   Elsa stopped abruptly, and all the clothes she was wearing shook off to the ground: "Naughty."

   Chen Qian coughed slightly to hide his embarrassment.

   "Didn't I tell you before, I have been very upset these days and nights, I always feel that something big will happen in Jingmuyuan, so you don't want to mess around?"

   "Uh..." Chen Qian can't say, the thing that is disturbing in your heart may be the story of the world I picked up?

   "When you went deep into Bhikkhu Mountain last time, I said, don't handle things by yourself, come to me in time," Elsa emphasized again seriously, "I'm not kidding you!"

Although instructor Elsa is a bit stricter and usually has a wrong mouth, he is really nothing to say to him... Chen Qian sighed: "No, I have a friend who is sick... Well, I am a duster. "

   "So, can't you come to the Shangmin Medical Center?" Elsa understood at a glance, "It's just a duster, if you get sick..."

   She was halfway talking, probably because she remembered that the man in front of her was also a duster.

   The phrase "If you are sick, you will be sick, and if you die, you will die", but I still haven't said it.

   Chen Qian nodded: "It's okay. Give him a ventilator. It should be fine in a few days."

   Elsa paused, a trace of confusion spread across her face: "Ventilator?"

"Well, two days ago, I had a good cold, a fever, and then a cough. It all got better. I suddenly started coughing up blood yesterday. Later I took the medicine and got better, but today it got worse." Chen Qian said "Now it’s a bit difficult to breathe, and I often cough out of breath. I’m afraid that when he can’t breathe, it will pass..."

   "That friend you are talking about is also an old man, right?" Elsa's indifferent eyes showed obvious alertness.

   "...how do you know?" Chen Qian asked.

   "Isn't he also a scholar? An engineer? A scientist? No, he is a duster..." Elsa shook her head and said to herself.

   "Although he is a duster, he is a mechanical engineer who can surpass Ye Yun." Chen Qian answered Elsa affirmatively.

   Elsa's dark blue hair trembled violently, like a violent tsunami bursting from the dark seabed.

  Because she heard Ye Yun's name.

   "Where did you know Ye Yun?" Elsa's voice seemed to tremble.

   "..." Chen Qian suddenly didn't know how to explain the ins and outs.

   is too long.

Too complicated.

   The Boss who directly talked about the world plot, the NPC may not be able to understand it.

"Forget it," Elsa saw that he didn't answer, thinking that he didn't know much, so she said, "Anyway, everything related to Ye Yun is very dangerous. Don't get involved in anything. This kind of thing. During the special period...Even Dr. Gale went to the bunker to take shelter."

   "Dr. Gale... to avoid the limelight?" Chen Qianxin said how can the task NPC run around? This is obviously involved in this world plot.

   Also, according to the information Chen Qian has, Ye Yun is the third graduate student of Dr. Gail, and he is also one of his special care and preference. The implications are definitely involved.

   I just don’t know how deeply involved.

  Dr. Gale left in order to avoid misfortune, but Elsa actually told him where the doctor was hiding.

   This kind of trust, Chen Qian really doesn't know what to say.

"Self-mud~www.readwn.com~ I advise you, at this time, don't care about anyone. Your dustmen friends have the same disease as those scientists, I understand you are sad, but... birth, old age, sickness and death, just Irreversible." Elsa didn't want him to control Dao Ye again.

   Chen Qian and Elsa were chatting, but thought this matter was a bit weird.

   He can understand that viruses have a special effect on a certain age group, but have never heard that a virus can attack a certain occupation?

   Has the scientist eaten some rice?

   But regardless of those things, he took the watch out of his backpack, put it on, and sent a message to the team: "I have got the ventilator."

  Almost at the same time, he also received a message from the team: "Self-grazing, we have cracked the map! After saving the friend, come back!"

   Two-pronged approach, two ways to blossom!

   Chen Qian let out a long sigh of relief...

  Although everyone is persuading him, if Dao Ye is involved in the plot, he cannot be saved. The world plot is irreversible, and the dust is not worth saving.

   But he just wants to save!

   Isn't this?

   Both his side and his teammates have made major breakthroughs-he got the ventilator, and his teammates cracked the map of Ye Yun's location.

   Therefore, in his cognition, there is no plot to kill.

   does not exist for players or NPCs.

He was about to say goodbye to Elsa, and he was going to send the ventilator to Dao Ye first, and then go back to visit her. Who knows, the next message that pops up on the watch is: "Self-herd. PB22 is here Dao Ye. "

   is very brief.

   looks like it finally found the opportunity to send it out.

   The sender of the message is Shui Yuzu.

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