Who is PB22?

   Chen Qian thought about it very much.

   It seems that I heard such a sentence madly mentioned for money...

   The leader of the Life-Eater Hunter Group?

   The boss of the "combining great god"?

   So, what Chen Qian imagined was that PB22 immediately blocked the water grapefruit in a room with closed doors and windows, pinched her neck, and forced her to hand over Dao Ye.

   Grapefruit is dangerous.

   One hundred thousand hot!

   But, the actual picture is...

   "Sister Yuzi, I have folded my clothes in the cabinet." PB22 said to Shui Yuzi as he worked.

   The light is very dark in the small room where all the curtains are closed.

  PB22 is busy before and after busy.

As a "passing enthusiastic player", under the command of Shui Yuzi, he cleaned the interior and exterior of the hut, wiped the windows, helped Dao Ye change the clean sheets and quilts, and went to wash Dao Ye coughed. Threw up clothes all over.

   I can’t be more enthusiastic.

   He completely followed the plan of Hebi and acted as a good person who cares about the daily life of NPC like grapefruit.

   is not just a good person.

   He acted like Dao Ye and his grandson.

   "Okay, nothing more. Just leave it to me here, grapefruit, you go to the level." PB22 sweated profusely and washed his hands and sat down on the chair in front of Daoye's desk.

   He is a full-level player, and some have time to hang out and take care of NPCs, which is very reasonable.

   And grapefruit still needs leveling.

   Mix well first, then gain trust, and finally distract her...

   This is PB22's own script.

   don't have to pretend to go out to buy medicine as He Lin said.

   Anyway, everyone is good-hearted people, all passing by, with the same heart of the Virgin, who will take care of the NPC is not the same? He believed that grapefruit would not refuse.

   "Huh?" His elbows were on the table, as if something was wrong.

   When I came in, there were a lot of drawings on the desk.

   has been put away?

   "It's okay, I'm waiting for the sisters to come online," Shui Yuzi twisted her sleeves, bowed her head sideways, and said timidly, "I can't do the task by myself."

   "Hahaha, got stuck in the mission of the ecologically dense area of ​​Bhikkhu Mountain?" PB22's doubts were suppressed by the girl's pitiful look, "Then when will your sister go online?"

"Then I'm not sure, at least finish the homework." Shui Yuzi replied in a low voice, and said indifferently, "It's okay, anyway, I'm not in a hurry to level up. Otherwise, I won't be here to take care of the old man, right? ?"

   "That's that..." PB22's eyes flickered.

   Are all the games now played in this way? Don't level up, don't play equipment, and don't practice skills or something. Are you bored here to take care of NPCs?

   I'm so annoying.

   However, the young lady looks really good-looking.

   It’s easy to talk a few dollars more...


   Suddenly, there was a loud noise at the door, which suddenly interrupted PB22's appreciation of the young lady!

   Chen Qian brought the wind in, and the cold rain behind him covered PB22's face. Before they could see each other clearly, a prompt sounded!

   "Ding, trigger the reverse plot."

   "Starting the level correction mode..."

  His name and the name of PB22 on the opposite side are directly red.

  Jingmuyuan is a safe area.

Normally, all battles between players do not cause harm. However, there are a few situations, such as participating in a NPC battle, or two people like this with a reverse story. There will be a short PK opportunity!

   Otherwise, PB22 will be able to complete the task by killing grapefruit, so you don't have to be exhausted to play the grandson.

"Grapefruit, sorry. I just went to the Shangmin Medical Center and took off my watch. I didn't see your news..." As Chen Qian spoke, the gun in his hand had reached the PB22's forehead, and he pulled it directly. trigger.

   PB22's face suddenly turned black!

What does it mean?

   Shui Yuzu is already calling for foreign aid while dealing with him?

   Moreover, his foreign aid is aimed at killing people-because of the reverse plot!

  PB22 didn't care too much about Chen Qian.

   Because he thought it was Shui Yuzi who knew that he was carrying a plot mission. Then, she found her friend and took a mission that was contrary to his plot, just to kill him in the safe zone.

   A gunshot sounded.

With the curtains in the whole room closed, PB22 didn’t see clearly that the person or ghost came from the backlight, so he fell backwards. The huge impact and the high amount of damage made him stupid. ——He didn't see the person clearly, but he saw the gun clearly...Is it a pistol?

   Deputy weapon?

   An off-hand weapon, do you have the right amount of damage?

   But PB22 held his arm firmly, a long knife pierced the air with one hand, violent red energy surged, and directly used explosive skills to take the lead...

   However, the blurry figure in front of him disappeared before the sword light at the moment the skill was shot!

   After half a second...

  His skills have been released!

   But what is cut at high temperature is air?

   And Chen Qian's muzzle shone with the same red energy as the PB22, directly hitting the PB22 after the empty knife, revealing obvious weaknesses.

   The spear is already a spear.

   His tactical magazine has an additional 100% radiation damage, superimposed on a weak point attack, so that PB22 completely fails to predict the amount of damage.

   PB22 was continuously injured, instinctively it was a defensive posture...

   However, 0.5 seconds before his defensive posture took shape, Chen Qian had already seen the next weakness.

   is another weakness damage.

   "You...the level is not enough, how can you see so many weaknesses?" PB22's defense was only half a step late.

   The failure of PB22's defensive posture created another big flaw.

   Chen Qian’s third weakness, damage has already followed!

   Weaknesses, weaknesses, weaknesses...

   The strong attack that came up first dealt a lot of damage, and coupled with such a dense continuous weakness, the PB22 blood volume had already dropped by half.

   But before his blood was finished, people gave up first.


   has no mobility!

   I did half-day housework under the command of Shui Yuzi, which was also very laborious.

   Moreover, he was completely crushed mentally-he was an explosive career, but he was half-blooded by a deputy weapon. Not everyone has enough psychological quality to carry on the battle!

   "You lost." Shui Yuzi saw that PB22's next attack had been deformed, and when his eyes were more focused on finding the opponent's position, he knew that the overall situation was set.

   "Actually, you have seen it a long time ago, I have a mission on me!! You know, I'm here to kill this old man!" PB22 angered.

"Of course, your typical performance is too hard. Using overly exaggerated techniques and too many technical elements to play this role, it has caused the distortion of the role." Water grapefruit replied like a spring breeze. .

   "So, while you secretly called your helper, and deliberately went to take a reverse mission to kill me, you still made me tired into a dog without changing my face?!!!" PB22 said.

   His anger has broken through the Tianling Gai.

   Sure enough, women can lie, and the more beautiful women are, the more they lie.

   Shui Yuzu stood up slowly, patted the dust on his body, and said in a soft voice with a smile: "Yes. Introduce myself, my name is Shui Yuzu, 17 years old, freshman in theater, acting department."


  PB22 became light.

To his death, he was not in the rainy room, seeing clearly what the reinforcements invited by the water grapefruit looked like. In retrospect of the battle, apart from the completely unpredictable body and the almost perfect fighting rhythm, there was only one left. An indescribable sense of oppression...

   Forget it, that's not important.

   "Water grapefruit!"

   He remembered the name.

   "Woman, you don't even know what you are doing!"

   "The NPC you are protecting is one of the sinners in this world. Your stupidity will make this world fall into even greater disaster."


   Chen Qian did not pay attention to what the PB22 was.

   Everyone is killed.

   The raindrops on his body are still hanging.

   is not an opponent of the same level at all.

As for why PB22 feels that he deliberately took on a reverse mission to help Shui Yuzi kill people, and he does not understand this brain circuit-hey, I don’t seem worthy to have a reverse plot of my own ?

"Master Dao's situation is very bad." Shui Yuzi watched the whole battle with pretense and calm. After PB22 disappeared in the hut, she pulled Chen Qian over. "The PB22 was very strange when it came in. Talking to me, but my eyes are on Master Dao."

   "Thanks~www.readwn.com~ It has dragged him so long. Isn't it easy?"

"It's okay," Shui Yuzi said softly, "At first I wanted to persuade him, but he never left, and he was always trying to get close to Master Dao. I didn't think it was right, so I gave it to you. Sent a message."

   "Well, if you can't contact me again next time, you can directly find Brother Mad." Chen Qian reached out and probed Dao Ye's forehead, it was really hot.

   is burning again.

   Moreover, they made such a big noise in the hut, Dao Ye didn't react at all.

   This is not a good sign.

   "Puff, I hope there is no next time." Water grapefruit patted his chest lightly.

   "You have to train your psychological quality." Chen Qian said.

   "Hmm..." The water grapefruit was "comforted", "Where is the ventilator? Did you get it?"

   Chen Qian squatted down and took out the ventilator from his backpack, and assembled them in order.

   Then, pick up the oxygen cylinder, connect the airbag, and then start it, choose to use it on the rice master, and the system automatically completes the following complicated operations such as disinfection, sputum suction, and pillow transfer.

"Whew. Keke Keke Keke ......" weak almost to the rice **** only a trace of gas, with the help of a ventilator, chest finally began to appear normal ups and downs!

   "I'm coughing again." Grapefruit hurriedly went to get the towels-they were all cleaned by PB22.

   "It's a good thing to be able to cough up now," Chen Qian said.

   If you don’t even have the strength to cough, you won’t be able to cough out...

   What emerged in Chen Qian's mind was the old man who was pushed out of the ambulance at the door of the Shangmin Medical Center.

   may be dead now.

   "Master Dao, come on." He silently said to Master Dao who was still unconscious.

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