Pure Wood Forest?

   When Chen Qian did not come back, his life was like tea, and they had been studying for a long time. This is a map of what horrible place is.

  Unexpectedly, it turned out to be the Joki Forest...

The existence of the entire source of pure wood depends on the pure wood forest. It seems to have some power against the ecology of Mana, so that the land within a radius of ten kilometers cannot be eroded by the ecology of Mana, and most polar-chewing beasts will not easily approach it. this place.

   But it's not just that the Extreme Devouring Beast cannot invade.

   Humans are the same.

  Jimu Forest’s refusal is indistinguishable, just like in its world, the polar beast and human are actually the same thing...

Countless scientists at the Jingmuyuan have tried to break into the Jingmu Forest and explore the reasons why it resists the Mana ecology, but those who have entered have never come out again. Therefore, generations of Jingmu people still have not figured it out. Why is there such a power in a seemingly ordinary wood?

   It's like they didn't understand how the Mana ecology came into being.

   But those are not important.

  The most important thing is that Jingmuyuan, this refuge built around the Jingmu forest, is the safest place in the entire spirit cage world.

   "So, Ye Yun actually finished exploring the entire Jingmu Forest?" At least from the map, the Jingmu Forest was much larger than Chen Qian had imagined.

  There are foothills, rivers, high and low woods and shrubs.

Chen Qian remembered that Ye Yun’s material stated that her biggest idea was "the clean wood forest bionic experiment". She had a big heart. She wanted to crack the principle of the clean wood forest and create a portable oxygen tank like a portable oxygen tank. The "Jinmu Forest" system allows every human with this system to freely shuttle through the polar-chewing beasts without being attacked.

   She will step directly on the ecology of Mana and rebuild the human city.

   "Uh, fortunately, we don't need to start exploring from the edge." Life is like tea and knocked on the watch.

"Hmm..." Chen Qian looked at his watch-crazy for money. After they cracked the map, this map has been synchronized to their watch. As the team leader, Chen Qian can directly click on the points on the map. Enter the plot.

   is the same as when they entered the Cemetery of Broken Night!

   Elsa frowned as she listened to their conversation.

   And life is like tea and immediately said to the instructor Elsa: "The matter of saving people, please ask the instructor, we go directly to Ye Yun. Kill Ye Yun one step later, I don’t know how many people are still killed."

   Well, in the words of the players, it is to find Ye Yun one step later. I don't know how many players she can issue to kill.

   Elsa did not move.

   She glanced at Chen Qian quietly and indifferently.

   seems to be looking at a corpse.

   and Chen Qian smiled at her.

  Elsa should be very upset, right? What did she say before? Let him not get involved with things related to Ye Yun.

   As a result, it is now found that he is not only involved.

   And they are going to go deep into the Jingmu Forest to find Ye Yun!

   You must know that once you enter the pure wood forest, you can’t come back in the NPC's cognition.

   "Don't worry." Chen Qian thought for a long time to squeeze out such a sentence to Elsa.

   And Elsa was silent for a moment, but said to him: "To win!"


   want to win.

   For players like Chen Qian, this may be just a plot and a mission.

   Even if they lose, they return to their own world, they should eat, drink, and that is their life.

   But this is Elsa's world.

   They can't afford to lose.

   Chen Qian didn't say anything, and punched Elsa.

   "The life of your dustman friend is handed over to me." Elsa also said to him seriously.

   I will save your friend.

  Go and save the world.

   After she finished speaking, she didn't look at Chen Qian again, she held the medicine bottle tightly and turned around and left.

   Chen Qian looked at her back, feeling a trace of guilt in his heart.

   You are obviously worried, right?

  Mingming doesn’t want him to go to the Joki Forest, right?

   "Let's go in. Do you have any questions?" Chen Qian looked at it for three seconds, and then looked away.

   Originally, according to the correct way of play, Chen Qian and the others should repair the equipment, supplement the medicine, add points, and if necessary, bring one or two more skills to enter this Boss battle.

   But because of the large number of NPCs in Jingmuyuan, including Daoye, they are already on the verge of life and death.

   They can't play cards according to common sense.

   Everyone checked their equipment and shook their heads: "No problem."

   "Brother Kuang, the blackmail business on your side..." Chen Qian checked with the only position in the team that might have objections before operating on the watch and entering the plot.

"Oh, that..." He laughed wildly for the money, "A dark fire is going to kill an NPC named Siscaro. It's a big task for the hunting group. I gave them 8 hours. It's already It's over. There is also a lighthouse quicksand, which is also a large-scale mission at the level of a hunting group, escorting an NPC to clean the source of wood. I will give them 10 hours, and now there are three hours left..."

   "Then if we kill Ye Yun within three hours, the large mission of the lighthouse quicksand is cancelled?" Chen Qian said.

   "Short an appointment." For the money, Crazy replied quite skillfully.


   Does he dare to make an appointment?

   The lighthouse quicksand is not the existence of eighteen lines like life-saving, it is a waste hunting group with a very elite "team of players", a large group that can be named in the Asian server.

A server has only two wild hunting groups each year, and will be directly invited to the "Spirit Cage World Racing Conference" to compete with the top wild hunting groups of other servers. All remaining wild hunting groups will compete for non-direct invitations. In the past ten years, the lighthouse quicksand has entered the waste hunting group of the World Congress five times.

   "Brother Kuang, you don't look like a businessman. If you miss an appointment casually, there is no bottom line of a businessman?" Chen Qian said, and directly pressed the button on the watch.

   "Do you know what Hidden-scam is?" Crazy for Money said gently.

   "Just pat your chest and tell the lighthouse quicksand that you have passed the exam. If you fail, you will get a full refund?" Chen Qian also laughed, "You didn't plan to make this a scam in the first place, right?"

   "Your friend was not involved in the beginning. The situation is different. For specific issues, you must learn to analyze them in detail."

   "Karl Marx..." Chen Qian touched his forehead.


   Three system beeps.

   The whole team is ready to face off.


  Jinmu Forest is a map that Chen Qian hasn't explored from the previous number to level 50!

Compared with the world plot, he is quite interested in the virgin land itself, which has never been opened. Of course, the world plot must be completed, and it must be completed as soon as possible-Ye Yun must be given to the second player like PB22 Before releasing the mission to kill Dao Ye, kill her.

   "Reading the world story...Testing team qualifications..."

   "Self-grazing, level 19. Life is like tea, level 19. Trajectory, level 18. Crazy for money, level 18. White paper, level 19."

   "The test passed."


   After a white light, the five of them were born on a small passenger plane, each with a parachute on his back, the parachute door was open, and they could jump down at any time.

   "I rely on..." Life is like a tea and grabbed the chair next to him instantly.

   "Will you drop directly into the Pure Wood Forest?" Crazy thinking about money, "This is a way."

   "I'm at the point marked on the map soon, get ready." Chen Qian looked at his watch, the point on the map was right in front of him, "Jump!"

   swish, swish, swish.

   Crazy for money, blank paper and trajectory, the three of them jumped down one after another.

   There is no one in order or anything, and the tacit understanding is not like a passerby team.

   And Chen Qian was about to jump, but when he looked back, he saw life squatting aside like tea, still trembling...

   Afraid of heights?

   Chen Qian thinks of it. Uncle Chen seems to say that he has always been playing tomb robbers, ha, this tomb robber has come to the sky. It is probably the first time...

   But that also has to be jumped.

   "Uncle, come over, I'll tell you something." Chen Qian grabbed the edge of the parachute door, and shouted in the whistling wind, "Hurry up!"

"Ah? What are you talking about?" Life like tea didn't even hear what he was talking about~www.readwn.com~ and took two steps to his side with difficulty, and was about to ask him if he couldn't turn back to talk about it, and it turned out... I just felt a strong force pulling towards him.

   Life is like tea without even realizing what's going on, the body has been emptied.

   In front of his eyes, the plane is getting farther and farther, getting smaller and smaller...

   Three seconds later, when he saw Chen Qian waving on the plane, he realized that this cargo had thrown him down! !

   "I rely on rely on rely on rely on rely on..."

  The sound of life like tea is stretched in the air...

   Chen Qian knows that life is like a tea from the keyboard era to the mobile era, and then to the veteran player in the virtual era. Of course, he does not worry about the timing of his umbrella.

   He just doesn't adapt to the situation that is too real, so he doesn't dare to jump down.

   "No thanks." Chen Qian smiled and jumped down.

   The moment he jumped to a certain height, he noticed that there was something missing on the top of his head, and the salted fish rolled over and looked up...

   The plane that sent them just now is gone.

   There is only a clear sky above his head, and it is so clean that there is not a single bird.

   too late to think about it.

  Open the umbrella!

   He turned around again and opened the umbrella bag behind him over the woods. The huge pulling force made him shake his whole body. After breaking through the branches of the woods, he landed safely on the ground.

   "Are you all safe? Tell me about your position?" Chen Qian immediately called his teammate in the headset after he had fallen.

   "Dead." White paper said first.

   "I...dead too," Locus said.

   "+1." He said helplessly because of the money.

   "I have three-thirds left...oh, it's okay, I'm dead." Life is like tea, said.

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