What Can Casual Players Be Bad-hearted

Chapter 89: The first meeting with Ye Yun



   Osiris watch alarm sounds long!

   Chen Qian feels that if he wants to talk about the game career of Lingcang World with his wandering children and grandchildren in many, many years, he should be able to talk for two hours in these two seconds.

   The first thing he saw was a tall and charming woman. She was thinner than the average woman. She wore a dark red skirt. The style was extremely simple but impeccably tailored.

   She wears a black wide-brimmed hat on her head, the brim can almost cover half of her face, her eyes are brown sunglasses, and the small cherry mouth underneath is extraordinarily bright red.

   She has red high heels on her feet, with a heel height of ten centimeters, and visually measuring 35 feet, the sound of walking is light and rhythmic.

   looks like a very harmless woman, just a little bit sexy.

   But Osiris Watch obviously doesn't think so!

   The long prickly sound made an echo in Chen Qian's eardrum, reminding him that the person in front of him was extremely dangerous.

   Even if it is a five-meter-high Polar Devourer, or a full-level player walking towards him without correction, the Osiris watch might not make such a sharp noise.

   Chen Qian thought that he would jump down and mad them for money, and they had been killed directly. So, after these two seconds, he was very careful...turned around and ran!

   He heard a lot of voices.

Behind him, the woman’s high-heeled shoes stepped on the mud, shallowly plunged into the mud and pulled out with the mud, the sound of mud pips being thrown on the trunk nearby, the sound of the broad brim of the wind moving forward, the sound of the branches and leaves breaking along the road ...

  Only, there is no sound of breathing.

Normal people would have obvious gasping when running, but she didn't. She didn't say a word, but the pace of chasing was getting faster and faster... Chen Qian didn't even think about it, and immediately set Ling Min to 10 o'clock on the spot-in the Cemetery of Broken Night Li has been upgraded from level 16 to level 19. He didn't add the 3 new attribute points, just in case.

   Women move very fast.

Chen Qian is already 9 points agile, and he feels a little bit about to be caught up by her. Only by turning the agility to 10, there is a tendency to narrow the distance. You must know that the level of the world plot is limited to 20 or less. Which player below level 20 can have such a high agility?

  Life is like tea. They die in minutes, and they are not wronged.

   After all, they might have tried two tricks with this woman. They didn't like Chen Qian... they knew how to run as soon as they got up.

   "According to this speed, if you can reach 11, you should be able to get rid of her." She was mad with Chen Qian's perspective and said.


   Chen Qian believes in calculating madly for money.

   When the basic attribute is at 1-10 points, it will cost 1 free point for each upgrade, but at 11-15 points, it will cost 2 free points for each upgrade.

   If Chen Qian sets his sensitivity to 11, his movement speed will undergo a qualitative change, and he will start a triple jump at the same time.

   It is indeed possible to escape the pursuit like this.

   However, this also means that he is a player who is faster than level 20, and his body can be brittle to an incredible degree...

   When he was about to manipulate attributes on the watch, a cold finger hit his forehead head-on!

   He was forced to stop!

   What are you kidding?

   He just bowed his head just now, the woman stepping on high heels, but the head appeared in front of him?

   The woman’s thumb is raised, her index finger is pointed forward, and the other three fingers are folded into the palm of her hand, forming a gun shape, just like a child's play.

   But Chen Qian didn't even laugh. The next second, her index finger was disconnected from the first finger.


   A burst of red energy blasted out!

   is in the center of Chen Qian's eyebrows.


   At the same time as the killing, an ID-Ye Yun appeared on the woman's head.


   Mission is gone.

  , without warning, happened within a minute of their landing!

   "It's too fast, right?" Life twitched like a tea mouth.

   Each of them met Ye Yun.

  Some people have encountered more than one Ye Yun...such as Chen Qian.

   Moreover, the place of their resurrection after the destruction of the group was not the source of the wood next to the woods, but on the plane.

   There is an obvious question-what if they can't make it through the plot? Will it be possible that they will not be able to get out of the Pure Wood Forest, just like the others who come in...

   Invisible pressure and panic shrouded the heads of five people.

   Below the parachute gate, the clean wood forest with fresh air and quiet mountains and water, at this time, in their eyes, it was like a big green net.

   They are insects that have nowhere to escape on the Internet!

   The light spot flashes on the watch.

   The plane approached Ye Yun's location once again.

   looked down blankly, and the trace sat on the side without saying a word...

   "Do you not jump?" asked Chen Qian frantically for money.

   "Jump." A smile appeared at the corner of Chen Qian's mouth.

   Crazy for money was the first to jump down, then the blank paper, and then the trajectory.

   Life is like tea, once again grabbing the cabin door.

   Chen Qian kicked him from behind him...

   Then, he jumped down!

   "It's a spike in one go, how can this be done?" Life is like tea when there is no time to ask when you are on an airplane, you can only hurry up in the air to ask.

   "I don't know." Chen Qian responded with three words.

   "...I don't know if you told us to dance?" Life is like a tea roaring loudly.

   "How can I know if I don't jump? Can I break the game with my brain while sitting on the plane?" Chen Qian replied.

  Don't talk about tracing them...

   Even Chen Qian is facing this situation for the first time!

   But for the player in the spirit cage, there is something almost cheating.

   That is the third perspective.

   Chen Qian was unprepared for the previous trip. As soon as he landed, his teammates were already dead. I don't know what happened. But the second time, he could see from the perspective of his landing teammates.

   The first person to land was crazy for money.

   Two seconds after landing, Ye Yun appeared in front of him.

   "Run." Chen Qian did not name or surname, but gave this word.

   mad for money, immediately turned around and ran!

   Then, the second and third landings were white paper and trajectories. When Chen Qian cut the angle of view, he found that Ye Yun did not appear beside them...

   Until a few seconds later, Ye Yun was chased by Ye Yun for money and killed.

   Then, in front of the white paper, the figure of Ye Yun appeared...

   "Run." Chen Qian is still the same word.

   The white paper [Aries] is a modified assault rifle. She always emphasizes that it is not too heavy. In fact, it is very slow, and she was quickly overtaken by Ye Yun...

Chen Qian looked at the white paper and Ye Yun for a round of guns, and directly cut the angle of view to the trajectory. Sure enough, as he expected, at the same time that the white paper was killed in action, Ye appeared in the vision of the trajectory. cloud!

   No need to keep watching.

   Chen Qian remembered that he was the same just now. When Ye Yun appeared in front of him, the Ye Yun chasing him behind was gone.

   "It's impossible to really disappear." He tried to recall in his mind, what details were missing.

   A big living person, or a big dead person, can’t move between them for no reason...

   He hadn't come up with a conclusion yet, and the woman wearing a black wide-brimmed hat appeared in front of him again on high heels.

   The second group annihilation is already here!


   The gun in his hand rang first.

   After the gunshot, when Ye Yun was about to challenge, he turned around and ran!

   He kept staring straight ahead, and at the same time, listening more closely to the voice behind him, the moment the sound of the high heels behind him disappeared...reversed!

   Another Ye Yun that drilled out from behind a tree in front of him was obviously sluggish in place.

   But after such a short sluggishness, she chased Chen Qian again!

   "Isn't self-herding dead yet?" Looking at the time madly for money, he was the first to die again from Chen Qian's perspective, "Huh?"

   "Hush." ​​Chen Qian listened to the voice behind him.

   Crazy for money immediately tapped on the watch twice, and the headset microphone was muted.

   With such a group of teammates, it's actually quite comfortable to play the boss...

   One word, run, you know you want to run, you know how to run.

   One word, shhh, knowing he needs a quiet environment.

   Chen Qian smiled.

   He heard Ye Yun chasing him behind him, his voice disappeared, and he suddenly turned and ran again!

   The remaining 2 points of free attributes ~www.readwn.com~ he also added all of them to the agility.

   He is now sensitive, perceives Double 11, and feels cute...

After running for twenty steps again, the sound of the high heels chasing behind him disappeared again. When a new Ye Yun appeared in front of him, Chen Qian had already flipped his head, sprinted, double jumped, and then started a triple jump. Fei opened the distance with this new Ye Yun likewise!

   "I understand." After several attempts, Chen Qian has figured out the Boss refresh pattern, "You can jump."

   "Uh, how do you fight?" The trajectory also secretly hung his perspective, squatting next to Crazy for money and watching, why didn't he understand?

   "There are many Ye Yun in the Jingmu Forest, but there is only one Ye Yun." Chen Qian said, "Oh, before the crazy brother jumps, remember to kick the uncle down first..."

   The trajectory is still on the plane.

   What does it mean that there are many Ye Yun but only one Ye Yun?

"Hey, you should not be so ...... ah ah ah ah ah ah." Life is like a tea would also like to refute two, but has been mad for money killing the throne.

   Chen Qian said with a smile: "Just jumping and jumping, I'm used to it."

   Life is like tea that is about to die: "I beg you, this Boss will be killed once, and a few more times, it will really be dead! What I said is the kind of three-dimensional death!!"

   "Address." White paper said nervously.

   "Address?" Life is like a tea heart pounding, "Miss White Paper wants my address?"

   "Well, if something happens, you can call an ambulance only if you have your address." Blank paper said seriously.

   Life is like tea and fell on the spot.

   It's not too bad, I still play games with an ambulance, right? How can I do that?

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