What Can Casual Players Be Bad-hearted

Chapter 90: Some people are dead, but she is still alive

   "Address?" PB22 had already given up the task after losing the quest prop-the medicine bottle, but He Lin insisted on the address of his quest NPC.

  PB22 is actually not a very rooted person.

   What is not done, just put it aside.

   After all, he is also the head of a wild hunting group with such a large number of people. There are many things every day, so after returning, he did not continue to struggle with the success or failure of this task.

   There is only one thing to worry about-that water grapefruit is indeed so angry that he is not light!

   He has established the Life Devouring Wilderness Hunting Group for more than nine years, and he has never been so tricked by a woman.

   So, he directly called the Blood brothers who had just left the cemetery of Broken Night and were in a bad mood, and sent them to do something!

   is a very brain-dead, but highly efficient thing.


   This is something that neither kills, but is more disgusting than killing.

  Especially, when dealing with a superb beauty like Shui Yuzu, Blood can not only help him out of this bad breath, but they can also alleviate the bad mood of breaking the night cemetery and almost being forced to delete the number.

   kills two birds with one stone.

As soon as he explained the affairs of Shuiyuzi, Heyi came to him to review the task-these players are good at everything, but the habit of replaying is really terrible. If such a small task has failed, they have to do it. Replay?

   Then, after listening to him and talking about the whole mission, Heying asked him for the address of the mission NPC!

   "What's wrong? You are also interested in that big beauty?" PB22 showed a playful smile on his face.

"..." He Lin squeezed out a smile, shook his head, and said, "I read the text again in detail. The NPC you came into contact with is probably related to a... team mission of the lighthouse quicksand hunting group, lighthouse quicksand To **** an NPC named Mithail from the remote dark track refuge to our Jingmuyuan bunker. That NPC may know Mithail."

   "So?" PB22 was puzzled.

"I have evaluated, if I can get a handwritten note from your NPC, I can make the NPC of the team task of the lighthouse quicksand, Mitashur, no longer trust the lighthouse quicksand, and follow us." Lin said, "In other words, after the lighthouse quicksand connects the NPC from the dark track to the source of the wood, we only need a handwritten note to cut this task."

   "I... fuck!" PB22 took another breath.

Team missions. In the past nine years, their life-saving hunting group has only won four times and only completed once, because this kind of team mission requires the hunting group itself to be very strong and can deal with all kinds of things. "Condition", so they don't have too many opportunities to receive it, and there is not much possibility to complete it.

   But He Lin proposed this is a plan!

   They can't be regarded as the recipients of the team task, so they can be regarded as the "condition".

   "Just see if you dare." Heying always only makes suggestions, and will not make decisions in place of PB22, and will remind him of potential risks before he makes a decision.

   After all, it was the lighthouse quicksand-a desert hunting group with a name and a surname in Asian clothing, not a cat or a dog.

   snatched their large-scale team **** mission, and regardless of success or failure, they will be retaliated against!

  PB22 thought for a while, and said very honestly: "I don't dare."

   "Forget it then." He Lin chuckled lightly.

   "Don't, I know you can think of a way to get the best of both worlds..." PB22 grabbed him.


  Clean wood forest.

   Chen Qian is still running fast.

   The sound of chasing behind him disappeared again, and there must be a new Ye Yun blocking him in front of him. Turn around!

   Come again.

   turn again.

   11 o'clock sensitive and absolute hearing, experience and reaction ability, support him every time he hits the new Ye Yun in front, he can immediately turn away.

   After a while, all the teammates have found his place.

   Fortunately, they have positioning on the watch. Their skydiving skills are not far away. Without Ye Yun's troubles, they completed their first assembly in the Jingmu Forest!

   The group was destroyed twice before the collection was completed.

   "It's not easy..." Especially when everyone sees Chen Qian in an area, constantly running in a broken line, it feels even more difficult.

   "Come on, hit it!" Life is like a hot long knife in the hand of a tea, bringing up a layer of water vapor in the wet woods.

   But, one cut is...

   can't catch up.


He couldn’t run away when he was chased by Ye Yun, and he couldn’t beat him when he was chasing Ye Yun... Chen Qian and Ye Yun’s speed far exceeded his speed, unless they waited on their route in advance to beat him. Ye Yun, who was chasing behind Chen Qian, how many times could he bump into that?

   What wonderful Boss is this?

  His agility has also increased to 8 o'clock, look down on his short legs, right?

   "Puff." The blank paper looked at life like a cup of tea, swiping a knife, and laughed out loud without being stretched.

   "..." Life is like tea and wants to delete and re-record the previous paragraph.

   However, the output of the blank paper itself has not fallen on the spot.

   It's not that her shot was inaccurate.

   Ye Yun was moving at such a high speed, but she was able to hit with a shot, without any bullets...

   But, every shot that pops out is a gray damage.

   "Invincible." The trajectory saw the four characters "will resist" on the gray damage!

  Boss is invincible?

   The track's face is white, how can I fight this?

   And Chen Qian did not show any expression on his face.

   After years of painstaking efforts and rigorous training, the more difficult it is, the less likely it is for him to leak a muddy horse to his face.

   No matter how rushing in my heart, my face is still as motionless as a mountain.

In the past, when he was in the first team of Sirius, he did not believe that someone would really affect the performance of the battle because of the stability of the group leader, because everyone in Sirius was an elite, but he knew the trajectory before he believed it. , It is really there!

   Trajectory looked flustered when he saw that Boss was invincible.

   After all, I have died twice in a row.

In the pure wood forest where the NPCs and players in the full spirit cage are extremely strange, facing an invincible Boss, he will definitely be a little at a loss, but when he sees that Chen Qian has no response to this, he is against the sky. The body style, the second and third stages, in this verdant jungle, like a wearing Lin Yan, dealing with the ubiquitous "Ye Yun"...

   He is calming down slowly-the expression in his eyes and breath are all calmed down!

   "As long as it's the Ye Yun behind me, don't hit it." Although Chen Qian didn't see it, he heard the sound of life like tea swinging a knife in vain.

   "If you don't fight Boss, what do you fight?" Life is like a magical tea face.

"I'll just say two points...Well, we wiped out twice, and I only saw two points," Chen Qian laughed as he moved and pulled quickly, "First, Ye Yun I am afraid it is already dead."

   "Ah?!" Track couldn't help shouting, so what did they tell them to kill? How to complete the world plot? How did they leave the Joki Forest?

   "Don't panic. Ye Yun made a lot of her own mechanical bodies according to her favorite image, and left them in the forest of pure wood-the ones that are constantly refreshing in front of us."

   "Mechanical body? In other words, none of us in front of us are real people..."

   "Yes. But Ye Yun also uploaded her own consciousness into the machine body. Moreover, her consciousness cannot be divided or copied, and can only be transmitted wirelessly between her machines."

   "Heaven..." The trajectory is now clear.

  Why does Ye Yun appear here for a while, and there for a while, but never both appear at the same time.

   There are many mechanical bodies in her.

   However, there is only one consciousness.

   Locus couldn't help but ask one more sentence: "But, how did you know?"

   "Guess." Chen Qian smiled.

   "..." The admiration that traced to my heart hadn't warmed for a second.



   On the guitar mad for money, a syllable sounded.

   Others did not stand behind the Ye Yun chasing Chen Qian, but the head of Ye Yun chasing Chen Qian lit up with two familiar things...

   "Bright blood bars!" Locus shouted.

   "Master Qian is awesome!" Life is like a tea and hurriedly moved towards the madness for money.

   It was not Ye Yun who chased Chen Qian for money, but Ye Yun's mechanical body that was left in place after the transmission of consciousness was gone!

   There was no conscious mechanical body, and a disc appeared under his feet.

   If you are crazy for money and fail to find out in time, and a control skill can control it ~www.readwn.com~ Maybe, it has already shrunk underground now.

   Then, waiting for the next injection of Ye Yun's consciousness, the time to suddenly appear in front of them...

   Chen Qian just thought of this way.

  Since the mechanical body injected with Ye Yun's consciousness is invincible, then one can only control the unconscious mechanical body and kill them all!


   Until Ye Yun's consciousness, there is no longer her mechanical body to hold her.

   Then she, even if she really died.

   "Try this first." Chen Qian agreed.

   So, the four of them didn't have any skills, and tentatively opened fire first.

The passionate rhythm stepped on the killing pace and rushed to the woman who was accused of staying in place. The light of the knife shone, and the three-tempered red light cut the woman's dark red skirt and the covered imitation skin, and wiped out the innermost steel The dazzling sparks and the turbulent energy of the lightsaber illuminate the woman's brown sunglasses, layer by layer, and in the distance, the bullet shot from the pure white barrel penetrates the jungle and pierces the woman's chest...

   Although they were all equipped with skills, it took them forty seconds to get rid of this Ye Yun's body.

   "Blood bar?" Chen Qian was concerned about this issue-he couldn't see the blood bar on the head of Ye Yun he was chased by, and he didn't bother to look at his watch.

   "...1%." He answered frantically for money, his voice was a little low, because he knew this was not the answer Chen Qian wanted to hear.


   There was another shot at the head.

   "Huh?!" Locus yelled.

   "Why did Zimu die?" asked frantically for money.

   "I'm running out of power..." Chen Qian replied.

   "So, jumping off the plane again?!!!" Life is like a tea, desperately howling.

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