What Can Casual Players Be Bad-hearted

Chapter 91: You think you can do it again

"I won't jump anymore, I said I won't jump anymore," the life on the plane was like tea, holding the seat with his hands and feet together, shaking his head desperately amidst the wind noise coming from the parachute door, yelling, "self-herd. I believe you, even if you are a big **** like me without a small transparent in the team, it will not have any impact. I am just a dispensable little thief. I can’t produce much output and will not affect the task process. Jump Going down is also a hindrance to everyone..."

  The trail looked at him with a dull face.

   Chen Qian tried to pull him: "Hey, he's quite a big person, can't you be so embarrassed in front of children?"

   "Uncle, it's okay. We can call an ambulance for you."

   Life is like tea and the face is white as snow.

   This kind of fear of heights is not what he wants to have. He is born with meowing, and he is also very helpless.

   Repeatedly jumping the machine like this, it will really be dead!

   If it is only once or twice, it can be overcome, but this boss is obviously different from the previous world bosses-they will be too late for a while!

   die once, they will jump again.

   laughed wildly for money and said: "The boss of the world plot, the only first kill, there is only one chance for a server, and there are still a lot of treasure chests... treasure chests."

   Hearing that the life in the treasure chest was like tea, his expression was a little tangled.

   The boss of the world plot, after death, he will indeed drop a lot of treasure chests...

   It’s really hard to choose a treasure chest or death!

   But in the end he shook his head.

   He chose his life!

   "Come on, uncle, the best way to eliminate fear is to face fear. Let's do it together?" Trajectory glanced at Chen Qian and reached out to him.

   It is reasonable to say that life is like a person in his 30s, and he is encouraged by a teenage child. How can he force his way up for the sake of face?

   But this species of uncle doesn't need a face.

   Shameful, he doesn't care.

   As long as he doesn't let him skydive repeatedly, tell him to do anything!

   Everyone repeatedly persuaded.

   Uncle swears to death.

  Even, he also put forward the reason that "maybe there are special devices on the plane that can reduce the difficulty of the boss, and even directly control the behavior of the boss"...

   really almost convinced the trajectory.

   After all, the puzzle-solving ability of life like tea is not bad.

   When he was in the hut of Jing Muyuan, he casually asked the white paper to change clothes to unlock new clues. It was all right.

   The old room escaped the player.

   And when everyone was helpless, it seemed that Chen Qian, who had been missing for several minutes, suddenly appeared again.

   "Actually, I don't want you to jump either." He said sincerely.

   "Huh?" Life looks up like tea.

   "However, sometimes, it is necessary to sacrifice a teammate."

   "..." Life is like a tea alarm bell in my heart.

   Chen Qian smiled and raised the toolbox in his hand.

   Life is like tea and glanced down.

   He hasn't reacted yet, and the whole person has risen into the sky again!

   Only, this time, it was with his seat.

   "Ah ah ah **** duster..." His voice was stretched again.

   While Chen Qian threw it down to him, he also jumped down.

   did not forget to remind the uncle: "Open the umbrella early."

   Otherwise, the uncle floated in the air for too short time and landed earlier than him. Ye Yun's first attack target was him, not Chen Qian.

   It’s just that they looked at each other — no, you just took down the seats just to throw the uncle off the plane. Isn’t it too cruel? !

   "I want to pass it." The blank paper said blankly, and waved at them and jumped down.

   "Well, my uncle is going crazy..." It's a bit unbearable to be crazy about money.

   "We must pass!" Track secretly made up his mind.


   Chen Qian smiled and pressed against the woods before opening his umbrella.

   Whether they can survive this wave, in fact, they are not in life like tea, nor are they tracking them, but mainly depends on whether his ability to act can be controlled well!

"My reaction could be faster." He silently replayed in his brain-when the pursuit of Ye Yun stopped behind him, he hadn't seen the new Ye Yun appear to block the road before this time, he mostly In fact, it is enough to fold it right away.

After    turns, there is no need to rush a distance in the second jump, and the triple jump does not need to be used frequently.

   If this detail can be controlled well, and if the skills are not released throughout the process, his mobility should be able to sustain him for a while.

   The first health bar of Boss shouldn't be a big problem.

   "Come on, come on!!" Chen Qian was the first to land, "Assemble at me speed after landing."

   "Come on..." The teammates' response came from the sky.

  Jinmu Forest, there has never been such a hustle and bustle.



   go to war.

In the bright and quiet forest, Chen Qian dragged the Boss to change repeatedly. Behind him, he controlled the mechanical body to be crazy for money. The lightsaber was shining and the output trajectory was shining. The life of explosive breakthrough was like tea...Everyone was there. Do your best to burst out to the greatest potential.

  For the NPCs of Jingmuyuan?

  For a teammate who is afraid of heights?

  For the truth?

   No one can tell, but from the beginning, they were a few people hitting an unconscious mechanical body, and then two people at the back. The more they hit it, the more smoothly, and the faster and faster...



   Each mechanical body was disassembled.

   The health of the boss is also continuously decreasing.

Life is like a cup of tea. Seeing that this wave should be hopeful, the mood finally relaxes: "This Boss is too hard. The first time I saw this woman, I was quite amazing to tell the truth. I didn't expect it. ...So hard to chew!"

   Chen Qian said hehe.

   "Huh? Amazing? When I first saw it, I was so scared to death." Track said.

   "Hahaha, are you okay now?" Life is like tea and laughs.

   "Uh...still a little bit." Locus replied.

"Hahaha, the best way to eliminate fear is to face fear." Life is like tea. You can say anything at this time. "You are still young. You will know when you grow up. Woman, just watch too much. That's it."

   "It's sunny, the rain has stopped, do you think you are all right again, right?" Chen Qian shouted, "Three quenches to change the temperature!"

   "Hey, here comes." Life is like a red energy gushing out of a tea knife.

   "The trajectory needs to retain skills, and the control of Brother Crazy should not be able to continue running immediately." Chen Qian said.

   "Okay! I have a deadly rhythm." Track quickly replied.

   The fatal rhythm is to inflict damage equal to 120% of its own attack on the target, and repeat it up to 3 times. Each repeated damage is halved and it immediately makes an invalid counterattack. The repeat frequency is the previous 3 attack rhythms.

   He immediately made a counterattack, and the judgment that the counterattack was invalid can be used as an unstable control.

As long as Chen Qian doesn’t make a mistake, the battle will enter a virtuous cycle. He is mad for money and asks: “Speaking of it. If this boss’s mechanism is another team, how would you fight it? There is no agility that has been added to 11. ?"

   "Other teams? There will be no other teams." Chen Qian replied strangely, "The bosses of the world plot are the only bosses. Asking this can't sell the strategy..."

   "Purely curiosity." Said madly for money.

   "Oh, that's simple..." Chen Qian said.

   "Easy again?" He laughed wildly at the money.

   "Well, fill it with human life." Chen Qian replied.

   The money-crazy smile solidified for a moment-is this called simple?

   The life that has been thrown off the plane four times is like tea, and the emotions that have just eased down suddenly tighten again-your kid did it on purpose, right?

   However, after the tension is over, it is indescribable fortunate, because they don't need to use such a cruel and inhumane play.

If Chen Qian’s agility is not up to 11, his body skills are not good enough, and his reaction is not fast enough to be able to detect and turn immediately when the Boss’s consciousness switches his body, then... he may die, he If you die, you need the next person to do the same thing.

  The people who died back jumped down, and those who died back jumped down again, and continued this way. As long as there are more than two people on the ground, this boss can be beaten!

   Yes, a life-filling style of play, but it is indeed possible to play.

   requires a team of players with strong execution ability to do it.

   "The first health bar is empty!" Crazy for Money suddenly reminded Chen Qian.

   "Well, the Boss is about to open the second form, pay attention." Chen Qian also heard it, and a click suddenly sounded behind him.

   He took a look at his mobility...

   Then, I took a faint look at life like tea.

   Life is like tea shaking all over: "What's wrong?"

   It’s nothing, it’s just that my mobility is only 12 points left, which shouldn’t be enough to support the second form... Chen Qian hasn’t said this yet, but he feels a coolness hitting the back of his head!

   Immediately after, he saw that he just wanted to say that he had 12 points of action left, and there was only 6 points left in an instant.

   Another second, 3 o'clock.

   Another second... 1 o'clock.

   Then ~www.readwn.com~ cleared!

   "...Is this boss a bit smarter?" Chen Qian's face went dark.

   He now has a total of 27 points of mobility. In the process of finishing the first health bar, he sprinted at high speed and constantly turned. Sometimes he needed to use the double jump and triple jump, which cost a total of 15 points.

   I don’t even know how long the second form of Boss is, and will it make any killer moves, so as to immediately empty his remaining action power?

   In their style of play, his mobility is the core element!

   And the Boss of the second stage form directly targeted this core element.

   "Rely on the trust, self-herd...self-herd can't move?" Life like tea was the first to notice this horrible fact.

   You can’t stay still!

   You will die if you don’t move.

   "The mobility has been cleared." Chen Qian has been overtaken by the Boss, and with a 5-point physique, he was directly beaten by the second without any suspense.

   "Boss's control?" asked frantically for money.

   "Then this control field is a bit of a draw from the bottom." Chen Qian has never seen such a control method that directly clears the player's mobility...

   "But no matter what, we are sure we can pass the first health bar." Said crazy for money.

   "Well, come again." Chen Qian has disappeared in place.

   Mobility is empty, he can't play happily.

   Then, the whole team will not be able to play happily...

"Uh, the difficulty of the boss in this world plot is a bit difficult to push the rhythm." Back on the plane again, the track may be realized that they will be able to leave the woods forest for a while, probably impossible, and said worriedly. "I don't know what happened to the instructor, have anyone been saved?"

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