For Ukraine, 2014 was definitely a topsy-turvy year.

On the streets at the end of April, the icy cold air has not yet dissipated. Citizens of Odessa took to the streets. They crowded shoulder to shoulder and stood tall.

Holding the sign in their hands, they angrily denounced the illegal and pro-A actions of the Ukrainian government. As time went by, the protests began to escalate.

, instigated by certain forces, gradually evolved in the direction of riots, and the protesters began to lose their minds.

Blocks, firecrackers and even homemade Molotov cocktails began to be thrown into the police team trying to control the situation.

Bloody incidents continued to occur. Finally, the nerves of both sides were tense to a critical point, and complete loss of control was possible at any time.

control and turned into a civil war.

As outsiders, Li Yexing and Kanan, hiding in the room of a small hotel on the street, enjoying the gentle aftertaste, watched with cold eyes.

With all this.

Speaking of which, the noise outside seems to be much quieter. Lying on Li Yexing's chest, with a blanket wrapped on his back, Kanan leaned on

He looked at the window covered by curtains with his chin, and said with a hint of ridicule: They seem to have stopped shouting.

Maybe they are tired. After all, they have been shouting all afternoon. Li Yexing knew when the light through the curtains dimmed.

He said, it’s already getting late outside, and I’m afraid it will get completely dark soon. I hope those protesters outside will stop shouting.

As a result, the melodious Russian songs on the distant streets could finally be heard in the room. Listening to the slightly sad tone, Li

Ye Xing subconsciously followed the rhythm and patted Kanan's waist gently.

The boss felt the warmth in Li Yexing's palm that lingered on his waist again and again, and saw Li Yexing looking at him blankly

The window was a little lost in thought, and Kanan asked softly: What are you thinking about?

It's quite strange. Obviously, the only impression left by the Soviet Union to the world is the high-spirited Maozi soldiers and the steel that swallowed the sky and the earth.

Iron torrent, but the Russian ditties that have survived from that exciting era are all quite sad. He said with an inexplicable feeling in his heart

, Li Yexing frowned slightly, and he murmured softly: Speaking of which, was Ukraine so chaotic in the previous life?

Have you not forgotten your setting of being a person from another world? Kanan's expression became a little subtle, and he rubbed his body against Li Yexing.

He rubbed it, making the two of them stick closer to each other, and then asked with a chuckle as if joking: Then let's talk about it.

, Boss, what is Ukraine like over there?

I don't know, how could I be in the mood to pay attention to the international situation in my previous life? Li Yexing shook his head, and then whispered

But if I remember correctly, the Ukrainian side seems to be quite troublesome. There are a lot of messy things.

Haha, that's too miserable. Kanan chuckled and mocked: Both sides have no time to relax. Where did this unlucky guy come from?


You are a stupid, unlucky country. Perhaps you were infected by that sad Russian tune. Li Yexing frowned subconsciously.

He frowned, but then his brows relaxed again. He shrugged, chuckled and said to Kanan:

However, this and

What do we have to do with each other?

Yes! He squirmed until he was level with Li Yexing, pressing Li Yexing's Kanan side and stroking it gently.

Li Yexing's short hair - said with a smile: The messier they are, the easier it is for us to make money, right? Boss?

Why do you have such no bottom line? Pretending to be angry, Li Yexing slightly raised his eyebrows and said, This is about making war fortune.

Wow! Really or not?! Kanan pretended to be angry while gently poking Li Yexing with his index finger.

I can't believe it, these words actually came from the mouth of a mercenary leader!

Staring at each other in the darkness, the two couldn't help laughing at the same time after a moment.

Boss, don't tell cold jokes in the future. Kanan said softly, putting his forehead against Li Yexing's.

You have no talent at all for making people laugh.

Aren't you laughing? Li Yexing asked.

I'm laughing at you for being stupid. Kanan retorted in a low voice.

Then my goal has been achieved. Li Yexing said with a proud look on his face.

Oh, you have a tough mouth, look at me. Songsong narrowed his eyes slightly, with a trace of water mist. Kanan licked his lips lightly.

About to kiss, suddenly, a series of shaking sounds broke the silence of the office.

Yours? Kanan asked softly.

Yours. Li Yexing said expressionlessly.

Ah, he can't be our employer. There was a hint of displeasure in Li Yexing's surprised gaze.

In the middle, Kanan kissed Li Yexing fiercely on the lips, and while attacking, he stretched out his long wheat-colored legs from under the blanket.

Going out, she tapped her toes on the floor tiles, as if groping for something. Until she touched the familiar fabric, she picked up a piece of fabric with her toes.

Jiao Jiao, pulled her pants on the bed, took out her mobile phone from her pocket, she looked at the caller ID, and then

Reluctantly, he let go of Li Yexing's lips and answered the phone at the same time:

Hello, Miss Hekmadia.

Hey! Miss Mafal! It's me! Immediately, a light and cheerful voice came from the other side of the phone.

A pleasant female voice.

Excuse me, Miss Hekmedia, do you have any instructions? Ignoring the overly cheerful tone on the other side of the phone

, Kanan asked in a deep voice.

Don't be like this, don't be like this! The relationship between Lisa and I is pretty good! He said like a child withdrawing from his coquettish words.

Angry, the woman on the other side of the phone smiled and said, Miss Mafal is Lisa's good friend, right? Lisa's friend is mine.

Friends! So stop calling each other by last name, it’s too foreign!”

No, Miss Hekmedia, I just want to get straight to the point. He glanced at the person under him with a strange expression on his face.

Li Yexing smiled, Kanan said with an indifferent expression: After all, I still have things to do here.

Ah ah, really, there is nothing I can do about a serious and cold girl like Miss Mafal.

As if she had given up on herself, the woman's voice on the other side of the phone immediately dropped, as if she had been defeated. The loss in her words could be clearly felt even on this phone call.

I'll come. Seeing Kanan's face, Li Yexing chuckled and stretched out his hand to Kanan, while on the other side

After a moment's hesitation, Kanan handed the phone to Li Yexing, and at the same time lowered his voice and whispered: Boss, please don't

I was deceived by that woman's appearance. Although she looked innocent on the surface, she actually had many evil intentions.

Don't worry, I know it. He took the phone from Kanan and moved it to his ear. Li Yexing raised the corner of his mouth and said:

Hello, Miss Hekmadia.

Ah. You heard Li Yexing's voice. The woman on the other side of the phone seemed to be stunned. Then, it was a happy time.

Her tone darkened, and she asked softly: Mr. Li?

Who else could it be besides me? Li Yexing asked with a chuckle: You claim to be Lisa's best friend, you wouldn't even think of me.

You don’t even know him?’

Of course I know you. After all, Lisa was showing off when she showed me your photos. The woman on the other side of the phone

He whispered: He is indeed the strongest mercenary in the northern hemisphere. He is as ferocious and cruel as a wolf, and as unscrupulous as a mad dog.

Even a photo can't suppress the look in his eyes.

Since you know me, why do you need to ask again? Li Yexing asked, tilting his head slightly and raising his eyebrows.

Because I don't remember that I have ever hired a dangerous monster like you from Huanya without overestimating my capabilities. It seems to be coming.

With a bad temper, the woman on the other side of the phone raised her voice and said: So, I only pay Miss Mafal's commission!


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