The room is not big, even a little narrow. The bed is placed in the center of the room, which is suitable for two people to sleep together. Although the walls are slightly

It is mottled, but it is still clean. There is only one window, covered by cleanly washed white curtains, and the air is empty.

There seemed to be a faint smoke lingering through the darkness, carrying a somewhat choking smell.

He wears black short boots on his feet, and his legs are wrapped in black combat trousers. The combat trousers are slightly loose, and are covered with black pants at the waist.

The belt is tightly bound, and then upwards, you can see the naked upper body, covered with tight but not bloated muscles, and a series of slightly hideous muscles.

A hideous scar.

Leaning against the window, Li Yexing frowned slightly, sucking on the cigarette between his fingers, while listening to the noise coming from outside the window.

, while tapping the wall behind him gently with his fingers. After a moment, he spit out a mouthful of white mist, stretched out his hand and lifted the curtains.

There was a gap, and along that gap, he could clearly see the street downstairs. He saw that on that street, there were densely packed people.

It was full of pedestrians, and they seemed to be very excited. They were holding up the signs written in Russian and shouting something.

, but because the shouts were not uniform, they looked more like a mob than the demonstrators. Among them

, many beautiful girls took off their tops, exposing their bodies, and then raised their clothes like crazy

Come and wave.

Suddenly, a sudden gunshot accompanied by an exclamation temporarily pushed the street downstairs into silence, but then, the shouts

It was bigger, as if it was about to lift the sky. Vaguely, someone in the crowd seemed to be shouting in excessively standard Russian:

The police are shooting! The police are shooting!”

The accusations against the police spread like a virus through the crowd, and the crowds in the streets began to surge like crazy.

stand up.

Oh my god, are these guys finished? Sitting on the edge of the bed, he inserted his legs with well-proportioned muscles into his body slightly.

Loose khaki trousers, Kanan's face still had a faint flush, despite the thin layer of sweat covering his skin.

It didn't disperse, but she still put on a black sports bra, stepped into her military boots, and put on her slightly messy

With his black hair tied up, he stood up and walked towards Li Yexing.

As if the afterglow had not dissipated, Kanan put his arms around Li Yexing's waist and pressed his body against Li Yexing's chest.

She felt the wonderful touch of Li Yexing's scars squeezing her skin. She turned her head and met Li Yexing -

He looked out the window at the increasingly endless chaos. After a while, when he saw the demonstrators rushing towards the police lines trying to grab

When she grabbed the gun from the policeman's waist and was knocked to the ground by the police shield, her eyes finally showed a hint of disdain.

Stupid as hell, Kanan whispered.

If the number of people exceeds 10,000, the IQ will be reduced by half. Gently put the half cigarette in his hand between Kanan's lips, and then use Jiefang

The bracelet he took out was put on Kanan's tight and strong slender waist. Li Yexing, who raised the curtains, said in a deep voice: There are obviously so many people in the front row.

, can’t you see the police shooting? Obviously, the gun was not fired by the police, someone was shooting.

As he spoke, Li Yexing narrowed his eyes slightly. Although the street downstairs was already in chaos, he still keenly found a man with blond hair and wearing a brown trench coat among the Slavs. between, golden hair

It wasn't eye-catching. What really made Li Yexing notice him was his demeanor. Even though his expression looked very fanatical,

He was no different from the people around him, but his calm and gloomy eyes hidden under his fanaticism could not fool Li Yexing's eyes.

For ordinary people, this man's disguise may be subtle enough, but for those who have had sufficient dealings with certain groups,

For Li Yexing, this person's existence was too dazzling.

Did you notice? On the other side, Kanan, who seemed to have noticed Li Yexing's gaze, chuckled with a cigarette hanging from the corner of his mouth.


Of course. Li Yexing nodded, the corners of his mouth curled up slightly, and he said softly: How is it possible to bet on...

Unexpectedly? I can smell his stink from dozens of meters away.

Huh pursed his lips and gently blew a burst of choking white mist onto Li Yexing's face. The corners of Kanan's mouth curled up.

With a faint evil smile, she whispered: It's okay, boss, smell my scent and wash away his stink.

If it were normal, if someone dared to spit the smoke that was over his lungs into Li Yexing's face, Li Yexing would definitely let him

In this life I can only smoke with my nostrils, but when the person doing it is Kanan, the feeling is different. When the sight is caught by the white

When surrounded by smoke, the female gangster with a slightly flushed face, hidden in the choking white mist, looked particularly special in Li Yexing's eyes.

The beauty outside is stunning.

Seeing that the cigarette between Kanan's lips was about to burn out, Li Yexing stretched out his hand and pulled the cigarette butt from Kanan's lips with a chuckle.

The moment he threw it on the ground and raised his foot to stamp it out, he let go of the curtain and kissed Kanan's lips directly.

On the other side, Kanan, whose lips were blocked, chuckled as if he had anticipated Li Yexing's sudden attack.

She wrapped her arms around Li Yexing's neck, then jumped up slightly, and strangled him tightly with her legs as if she was performing a fighting skill.

Li Ye

From the waist up until there was a hint of charm in the choking air, Kanan, who was about to suffocate, let go of his lips and spoke with his companions.

Li Yexing, who was almost suffocating, gasped softly. After a moment, she raised the corners of her mouth and whispered: Boss, I seem to be a little

Got excited.

Really or not? His eyebrows were raised slightly, Li Yexing's expression became a little strange, and he whispered: Don't forget,

Kanan, we are not here to play, we are here to work.

I understand, boss, murder and arson. There is actually no difference between our work and entertainment, so don't take it so seriously.

Relax. Lowering his head, covering Li Yexing in his shadow, Kanan kept using his lips to touch

Li Yexing's lips rubbed and touched lightly, while whispering: Come on, boss, don't be shy, let's talk again

Have a shot

Listening to Kanan's words, Li Yexing felt a little ready to make a move, but he couldn't help but asked in a low voice: 'What if the employer

What should we do if there is an emergency over there? Not to mention whether we can get up or down, it will delay the opportunity.

What are you afraid of? I don't think the situation outside will deteriorate so quickly. The employer is also considerate.

The cute girl gently pushed the tips of each other's noses together, Kanan chuckled softly: Besides, if something really goes wrong...

Now, just hold me in your arms and rush out. The two of us will stay in this position. You hold me in your arms and run, and I will be responsible for opening the way.

I think you think we two can't die quickly enough. Li Ye nudged Kanan's nose hard with the tip of his nose.

Xing turned around suddenly, pushed Kanan against the wall, raised the corner of his mouth, chuckled and whispered: But, since you are all

For this reason, come on

Upstairs, something seemed to be making a noise in the dim room. Downstairs, the crowd on the street finally began to violently attack the police.

Defense line, in this turbulent crowd, the blond man who belongs to the secret service organization frowned slightly, wondering if it was wrong

From the beginning, he always felt like something was staring at him, so he pretended to have a tired look on his face and slowly

He walked to the side of the street, then raised his head vaguely and looked at the hotel across the street.

Naturally, the agent did not find the Peeper.

Having a soft breath, the agent took out a dirty knitted hat from his pocket and put it on his head.

After putting on the helmet, he pretended to have finished his rest and rejoined the demonstrators while maintaining his position.

While waving his arms, he roared: This government has become a lackey of country A! We will never collude with the people of country A!

Down with them! Down with them!”

Second update, call it a day.

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