What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

After-14.Macho Man Hokkaido (Fourteen)

The eldest lady of Sancheng Financial Group?

Hearing Li Yexing's words, Qiandao Hitomi was stunned.

Don't take it seriously, I just guessed it. Seeing Hitomi Qiandao seeming a little confused, Li Yexing explained with a chuckle:

Although I am sure she is not an ordinary hotel receptionist, I can only guess at her specific identity.

Even if Ye Xingjun's guess is correct, why? Although I don't know much about the forces in Hokkaido, but

I have heard about the Samsei Foundation. You know, even if you look at the whole of Japan, the Samsei Foundation is slightly smaller.

Tilting her head, there was still a trace of confusion between her brows, but before she could finish her words, Chishima Hitomi suddenly realized something. Her little

She exclaimed: Is it because of Miss Ashford?

I think it can only be because of this, right? He put one hand around Mijishima Hitomi's slender waist, with a hint of joking in the corner of his lips, Li

Ye Xing chuckled and said:

After all, in their eyes, I'm just a useful tool.

I have a bit of money, but I won’t be taken seriously by them. Think about it when we were downstairs just now, the old man said something about a certain person.

Mr. Mitsunari is willing to be our tour guide.

As he spoke, Li Yexing squinted his eyes slightly and said, How can a person who is directly connected to Japan's leading chaebol family condescend to such a high position?

Besides the Ashford family, what else could he be serving as our tour guide for? Obviously, Mr. Sancheng hopes to pass the

I talked to Lisa, and the female receptionist who showed us the way was their insurance, because they knew I was very trustworthy.

Can refuse them.

If Yakou-kun is right about everything, then this insurance seems to be quite dangerous in itself, Hitomi Chishima muttered in a low voice.

This shows that when Lisa asked them to do things, she did not tell them what the relationship between Lisa and I was.

Li Yexing shrugged and said: If they had known in advance, they wouldn't have dared to play this trick if they had the courage to do so. If Lisa

Knowing this, Lisa still has to skin them alive?'

Then Mr. Ye Xing is going to tell Miss Ashford about the little tricks of the Sancheng family? There was a hint of mischief in his eyes.

Chijima Hitomi chuckled and asked in a low voice.

Okay, but it's not necessary. I'm not a primary school student. It seems that I'm here to punish Hitomi Chishima for showing up occasionally.

Out of evil intentions, Li Yexing lightly pinched the soft flesh of Chishima Hitomi's waist, and then shook his head under Chishima Hitomi's dissatisfied eyes.

Shaking his head, he said: Moreover, no matter what I say or not, they may not be able to achieve their goal. After all, if you want to be a dog for Lisa,

But it requires a threshold.

That's amazing, Ms. Ashford, Hitomi Chishima muttered in a low voice.

To be precise, it's the Ashford family. Although Lisa is indeed very powerful, she seems to be thinking about something. Li Yexing's

His eyes were a little out of focus, and he whispered softly:

The old European aristocrats once controlled the lifeline of oil, and their subordinate forces had their own rights in Africa.

He owns his own diamond mine and operates a variety of industries. Even if it is somewhat in decline, the modern family owner has produced several scientists in succession. As the largest financial backer in the early stages of Umbrella's development, he can use the banner of Umbrella in Locke. Large-scale breeding on Ford Island

The private army, if it weren't for the behemoth Umbrella, which fell directly before it developed to the expected scale, and was also implicated by the way.

The Ashford family, it is estimated that the Ashford family will directly return to the ranks of the Transcendent family.

Thankfully, I used to think that my family background was very good. The Qiandao family is one of the best in Changye. Chao Chao

Shrinking in Li Yexing's arms, Qiandao Hitomi whispered: Sure enough, the outside world is really scary.

Forget it, let's not talk about this. To be honest, I really don't care how much money Lisa has in her pocket.

With Hitomi's slender arms, Li Yexing ended the topic. He turned his head, looked into Chishima Hitomi's eyes, and then chuckled and whispered

Asked: Madam, it's getting late, shall we go to bed?

Go to bed? Hearing Li Yexing's words, Qiandao Hitomi was slightly stunned, and then whispered: Ye Xingjun, you can't go to bed now.

Nine o'clock.

I know, that's why I said, we have to go early. Li Yexing slightly curled his lips and said, After all, I have to go to Zha tomorrow.

It’s a romantic Sapporo, right?”

That's too much. Hitomi Chishima was about to say something, but before she could finish speaking, all the words were swallowed back into her stomach.

Li Yexing's eyes met, and she seemed to understand something, so she nodded, dodged her eyes, raised her hand and touched the

She pushed her hair behind her ears and said softly with a shy face: No, it's really late. It's time to go to bed.

Seeing Hitomi Chishima's shy look, Li Yexing couldn't help laughing after all. In Hitomi Chishima's exclamation,

He turned around suddenly, hugged Hitomi Chishima into his arms, and then pressed him hard on the bed. With Hitomi Chishima's charming smile, he-

While holding Chishima Hitomi and rolling around on the bed repeatedly, he pressed his lips hard on Chishima Hitomi's neck and blew air.

There was a sound like farting.

Night travel, haha, no, no! It was like riding a roller coaster, rolling on the soft big bed.

, Qiandao Hitomi gently pushed Li Yexing, who was hugging her tightly, and said with a smile: And what kind of sound is this, hahaha

What a disgusting night exam

Huh? Li Yexing suddenly stopped, pressing Qiandao Hitomi, frowning, pretending to be angry: How dare you say I'm evil?


It's just disgusting! With a flushed face, Hitomi Qiandao gasped softly and took her arms out of Li Yexing's arms.

Pulling it out, she lightly hit Li Yexing on the shoulder. She pushed Li Yexing on her body, and then said with a chuckle: Go

Take a shower, night trip

Okay, wait for me! Li Yexing suddenly released his arms holding Qiandao Hitomi, climbed up, and was about to get out of bed, but saw Qiandao Hitomi.

Shima Hitomi moved her body, stretched out her hand and gently grabbed Li Yexing's belt. When Li Yexing turned around, Qian Dahitong narrowed his eyes slightly.

With misty eyes, her cherry lips parted softly and said, Ye Xingjun, wait for me, let's go together.

His eyebrows were raised slightly, and Li Yexing smiled as he looked at Hitomi Qiandao, who was lying on the bed and pulling him. He turned around and sat down on his knees.

On the bed, he took off his shirt in front of Hitomi Chishima, revealing his tight but not swollen muscles and

With the scars all over his body, Qiandao Hitomi, who was lying on the bed, gently raised the corners of her lips. She gently lifted the warm jade-white body wrapped in black pantyhose, hooked it around Li Yexing's waist, and then lifted it up With both hands, he slowly took off the white sweater along with the lining.

The pale skin and the ferocious but fine red lines on the skin were exposed, with strange and alluring red lines.

Like pulling an old tree, Chishima Hitomi tightened her slender waist, allowing the mermaid line to become deeper, her legs exerted strength, and she straightened.

He stood up straight and sat cross-legged on Li Yexing's lap. When the completely different skin colors used the ravines squeezing each other as separation,

When they were passing warmth to each other, Qiandao Hitomi, who put her arm around Li Yexing's neck, gently twisted a strand of hair and gently

He tickled Li Yexing's ear holes while pouring hot air into Li Yexing's ears and said: Ye Xingjun, please carry me.

You haven't finished taking off your clothes yet. Li Yexing patted Qiandao Hitomi's back and said softly.

Yakou-kun, help me take it off, Hitomi Chishima responded in a low voice.

Okay. Shrugging, Li Yexing turned around, hugged Hitomi Qiandao and got out of bed, and then walked toward the bathroom in the hotel room.

Walking to the bathroom, after a while, pieces of clothing were randomly thrown out of the bathroom and fell on the spotless floor.

Immediately afterwards, the sound of water from the shower came from the bathroom, but there seemed to be some other sound hidden among the sound of water.

The sound was as beautiful as music, echoing in the bathroom and faintly reaching the hotel room.

It seems that the night before the trip to Sapporo will be particularly long for both Li Yexing and Hitomi Chishima.

First update, 2k5+.

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