What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

Chapter 39. Macho European Division (8)

Listening to the inquiry from the familiar voice outside the door, Li Yexing forced down the buzai, M that was already on his lips, and replied in a deep voice: I'm here.

Is it convenient for me to go in now? The familiar voice outside the door continued to ask in a mean tone.

This is your office. Li Yexing answered with raised eyebrows, casually pulling Tililian into his arms.

Then, I'm about to go in. He said these words that made Li Yexing feel inexplicably uncomfortable. The next second, the wooden door of the office was slowly pushed open, and then, the familiar figure hunched over from the crack in the door. squeezed in.

Wearing a white coat, there are faint dark circles under the eyes, and the brown hair is shiny and radiates in all directions like antennas. It seems that he has not washed his hair. Today, Director Casimir is still unkempt, and he is obviously back to himself. In the office, he was like a thief who had broken into a house. Every step he took revealed his wretchedness. When his eyes were fixed on Li Yexing and Ti Lilian behind the desk, he sniffed and twitched his nose in a vague way. He sniffed, then showed a stiff and twisted smile.

After almost a year without seeing him, this guy looks more like a psychopath.

With a squeaking sound, the wooden door of the office was completely pushed open. Standing outside the office door, Jia Liya held her long legs wrapped in black stockings with well-proportioned muscles together. She stood upright and looked at After seeing Casimir's stooped figure, she sighed softly, and then said in a deep voice: Director Casimir, Mr. Li is a distinguished guest on the Joint Committee, with power second only to the Speaker. Please pay attention. Your own appearance.”

Aha was reminded by Galliya. Director Casimir immediately stood up straight. He inserted his fingers into his hair and smoothed it back to make it look less disheveled. He pushed his eyes up the bridge of his nose and hid his eyes. Seeing that glimmer of light in his heart, he chuckled and said to Li Yexing: I'm sorry, I can't help but get a little excited when I think about meeting you.

With that said, Casimir opened his legs and strode towards Tililian who was held in Li Yexing's arms. As he moved forward, he opened his arms and said with a strange smile: Come on, my baby girl, let daddy see it. How are you doing recently? Have you grown taller? Have you gained weight? Have the parasites been stable recently? Have there been further changes in muscle strength and bone strength? Have the gene fragments been further edited? Have you interacted with other people through marital life? Have Mrs. Li exchanged genetic fragments? Is the married life still harmonious?

Seeing Casimir getting closer and closer, listening to Casimir asking questions one after another, Ti Lilian, whose face had not yet dissipated the redness, squeezed hard into Li Yexing's arms, winced in her eyes and said: Ka Simil’s father is so weird today”

Ah! Casimir's steps stopped instantly, as if he was struck by lightning. After a moment, he shrank up again and kept muttering: When you have a man, you forget your biological father. When you have a man, you forget your biological father. When you have a man, you forget that your biological father is so disdainful to your daughter. After all, it’s better to go back to the old age. Let’s go back to the old age. Dad is so sad, so sad, so sad.”

Suddenly, the weird and brainwashing thoughts stopped. Casimir stood up straight, groped his chin and muttered in a low voice: Wait a minute, it doesn't seem that sad.

Have you had enough fun? Looking coldly at Casimir's one-man show that was not only not funny, but also inexplicably mind-numbing, Li Yexing tightened his grip on the frightened Tillillian in his arms, and then asked in a deep voice: You What's going on? It's been less than a year, why are you so sick?

Ah ha, I'm sorry, I'm a little too deep into the drama because I've been studying psychology recently. The weird and stiff smile on his face disappeared instantly, Casimir waved to Li Yexing and Ti Lilian, and then chuckled He asked: By the way, since you just walked in, have my behavior patterns made you feel uncomfortable?

I've been feeling uncomfortable since you were standing outside the door. Li Yexing raised his eyebrows and asked, What tricks are you playing?

Mr. Li, don't worry. Casimir shook his finger at Li Yexing. Casimir was not in a hurry to answer Li Yexing's question. He put his hands on the desk and asked Li Yexing with a smile: Excuse me, have you heard of it? A phobia of clowns?”

What is that? Li Yexing asked subconsciously.

It's nothing, it's just a modern popular fear psychology. It's one of the topics I've been studying recently. Seeing Li Yexing and Ti Lilian's expressions of confusion, Casimir straightened up and straightened his white coat a little. Then he raised his index finger and explained with a smile: A sage once said that fear is one of the strongest and oldest emotions in human beings, and the thing that most arouses human fear is the unknown. Clowns are like this. When their faces are covered with exaggerated paint and fake smiles, it will be difficult for people to judge their true emotions, and this emotion will be transformed into fear in an intuitive way.

Why does Casimir's father want to study this? Although Casimir's appearance has returned to his usual appearance, Tililian still seems to be frightened. She shrinks into Li Yexing's arms, and her white catkin hugs Li Yexing. He clenched his big hands and said with a somewhat uneasy expression: I always feel that what Casimir's father studies is either very strange or very dangerous.

Based on what he knew about his idiot daughter, Casimir didn't want to explain, but after noticing Li Yexing's curious eyes, his mood immediately improved, as if he had been opened to talk, Cassimir Mir smiled and said: Do you still remember the monster that was thrown into Lopulus by the Eastern European Branch a few years ago?

The monster that was thrown into Lopulus? Li Yexing was slightly startled, and then said: You mean the steel tyrant?

That's right, Iron Tyrant Ymir, even if you look at the entire circle, its performance can still be ranked at the forefront, and it can be regarded as one of the best monsters. It's hard to imagine that this kind of thing that can be compared to a work of art is actually a

No, maybe only those with muscles and brains can produce such a thing. He gently snapped his fingers at Li Yexing. Director Casimir chuckled and said, However, after the initial surprise, I thought about it calmly, and then gave Ymir a slight score. Maybe in the eyes of mediocre people or idiots on the joint committee, that thing is great, but for me, it failed.

Why? Li Yexing asked subconsciously: According to my understanding of Umbrella and all the other messy things that followed, that monster's combat ability is considered top-notch, right?

If you don’t count the sweet, lovely and caring girls in my family,

Yes, in terms of individual combat effectiveness, it is difficult for a BOW to surpass Ymir, and it is estimated that it will be difficult to do so again in the future. Casimir shrugged and said, It's just that, as a battle-tested mercenary, you It should be clear that if a monster like Ymir, which was built with money, is put on a frontal battlefield, it will most likely be just a piece of scrap metal that can fire a cannon, and its ability to achieve results will definitely be worth its research and development expenses.

You can't say that, BOW is not meant for frontal battlefields. As a hardcore player of the Resident Evil series, Li Yexing subconsciously wanted to refute Director Casimir's words, but when the words came to his lips, he suddenly got stuck. He paused, and on the other side, looking at Li Yexing's open-mouthed look, Director Casimir clapped his hands excitedly and said, As expected of you! Mr. Li! You understood my thoughts right away! So I like to talk to you. You chat!”

Second update, call it a day.

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