What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

Chapter 40. Macho European Division (9)

Perhaps because of his status as a time traveler and the bonus of being a fan of the Resident Evil series, Li Yexing can always view everything that happens in this world from a rather special perspective. It is precisely because of this that he can easily Know the thoughts of the madman Casimir, and Casimir can always draw inspiration from his conversations with Li Yexing.

It seems you have understood! They have misunderstood the positioning of BOW! Ymir is indeed very strong, but the guys in the Eastern European Division are working in the wrong direction! Once the direction is wrong, the harder they work, the more outrageous the results will be. ! And Ymir, the monster that is infinitely close to the work of art, is the embodiment of this outrageous mistake! Seeing that Li Yexing understood his thoughts, Casimir said excitedly: BOW is only a flesh and blood body after all, excessive pursuit of Their combat effectiveness on the frontal battlefield is a fallacy! BOW should use their strengths and avoid their weaknesses! Their battlefield should be behind enemy lines! Their mission is not to resist aircraft and artillery with flesh and blood, but to spread fear behind enemy lines through extremely inhumane methods !Carry out sabotage!

So you want to specialize in studying what people are afraid of? Li Yexing asked with slightly raised eyebrows.

That's right! As expected of you! Just one click! Clapping his hands excitedly, Director Casimir spoke faster: Recently, I have been studying clown phobia and the uncanny valley effect. Two laboratories under the technology department have While shifting the focus of research to mass-produced anthropomorphic BOWs, other departments continue to specialize in humanoid latent BOWs. This type of BOW is currently being developed with the standards of polishing works of art regardless of cost, and has already achieved preliminary results.

Have you got preliminary results? Li Yexing tilted his head and asked in a low voice: Shouldn't your preliminary results be Tililith and Tililian?

Although I don't really want to say this about my daughters, to be honest, Tililith and Tililian do not meet our requirements. They are just conceptual products with low stability. They need frequent attention before meeting you. Sexual maintenance, you can even think that the birth of their sisters was only due to the selfish desires of me and Freeman. He spoke seriously, making Ti Lilian burst into tears, and the disdainful father Casimir, who had no regard for his daughter's emotions, said in a deep voice: What we need now are anthropomorphic latent BOWs that can act independently for a long time without Mr. Li's maintenance, and we also need to ensure that they can execute complex commands.

Caressing Ti Lilian's golden hair with one hand, and letting the pretty girl who was in a little mood lean into his arms, Li Yexing raised his head and said with a subtle expression: If this is the case, then why do we need to develop some kind of humanoid BOW? ? Isn’t it enough to just spend money to hire a spy who can drop viruses in the enemy’s sewers?”

Not enough! Far from enough! Humans have limits! And BOW can do many things that human spies cannot do! Snapping his fingers again, Director Casimir said excitedly: For example! Your secretary Miss Bai, she can penetrate almost any facility without using any equipment, right?! After the European branch civil war ended more than half a year ago, I checked the surveillance video, and Miss Bai opened it by herself. All the emergency gates used by the European branch to prevent the outbreak of biohazards, right? And that’s without damaging the gates!”

I don't know about this. Li Yexing shook his head and said, There were many details about that battle, but they were all vague, especially the part about how they entered the facility. They seemed reluctant to mention it.

Really? A glint flashed in his eyes, Casimir lowered his voice slightly, and chuckled as if he was bewitching Li Yexing: Actually, to tell you the truth, I have reserved them within the European branch. Some of the battle records, if you are interested.”

Before she could finish her words, Tililian, who was tired of being in Li Yexing's arms, suddenly turned her head. She gritted her teeth like a wolfhound that had not yet been weaned, and glared at Casimir fiercely.

Sorry, not interested. On the other side, noticing Ti Lilian's emotional changes, Li Yexing pressed Ti Lilian's little head into his arms again, and at the same time said to Casimir in a deep voice: Who doesn't have a few? What about the little secret? If my girls really don’t want me to know, then I won’t read it.”

It seems that Mr. Li, you really believe in them. Casimir narrowed his eyes slightly and whispered. For some reason, Li Yexing read an inexplicable emotion from his slightly narrowed eyes. At this moment, his look Xiang Li Yexing's eyes were more like looking at a monster than looking at a human being.

That's right. Facing Casimir's complicated eyes, Li Yexing nodded and said, I am more willing to believe in them than to believe in other human beings.

Okay. After a while, the solemnity in his expression disappeared. Casimir shrugged and said with an indifferent expression: It's better to live it up, it's better this way.

By the way, Director Casimir, are we off topic? As if he didn't want to keep the topic on his girls, Li Yexing adjusted his sitting position and straightened up, and then said to Casimir in a deep voice: I remember that I I’m not here to share your perverted ideas with you, but about the training of the security forces.”

And, is this really okay now? He was clearly in Casimir's office, but Li Yexing was sitting on Casimir's office chair with a big loli in his arms, while Casimir was standing opposite the desk with his secretary, just like Li Yexing. Ye Xing is his boss, and he is just a small employee reporting to Li Ye Xing.

Wait, there seems to be nothing wrong with it.

Oh! Yes! Things with the Security Department. In an instant, Director Casimir's face darkened at a speed visible to the naked eye. Out of etiquette, he forced a smile and said to Li Yexing: I'm sorry, Mr. Li, I was so happy chatting with you that I forgot about those idiotic wastes that cannot be recycled.

As he spoke, Director Casimir tilted his head.

He murmured: How nice it would be if I forgot.

Director Casimir! Her patience with her unscrupulous boss finally reached its limit. Secretary Jia Liya, who was watching coldly, finally couldn't help but said loudly: Mr. Li is one of the key decision-makers at the top of the Joint Committee! At the same time, I am also managing Asia International! I am very busy with my daily work! For the sake of future funding applications for the European branch, can you please be more mature and stop wasting Mr. Li’s precious time?!”

Being yelled at by Jia Liya as a reminder, a hint of helplessness appeared on Casimir's face. He blinked and winked at Li Yexing, while Li Yexing nodded, saying, I understand. I understand everything. On the other side, sitting in Li Yexing's arms, watching the two grown men showing off in the air and cherishing each other, Ti Lilian rolled her eyes vigorously.

Okay, actually, I would like to argue that the conversation just now cannot be completely off-topic. Under Jia Liya's piercing eyes, Casimir shrugged as if surrendering, and he chuckled at Li Yexing in a low voice. He said: Regarding the future personnel transfer of the security department, I have something I want to show Mr. Li, because there are some things that I need you to give some more professional suggestions, so next, please follow me. Go to the Nibelungen Laboratory.”

One update.

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