Remember it in one second

Li Yexing and Kanan rushed out of the power room, only to see a huge figure falling rapidly, and then slammed on the ground, - in an instant, even the ground was shaking and the monster seemed to have fallen heavily, its belly up on the ground On the frantic side, it seemed to be screaming and fluttering. Don't look at it, run! Li Yexing shouted, then took the original road of Kanan back and ran towards the gate of the facility. Behind him, the huge lizard finally rolled over and slapped it with a The speed of its bulky body was completely inconsistent with its shape, and it rushed towards Li Yexing and Hanan like a chariot with its bloody mouth wide open. Gritting his teeth, he turned his head and squeezed the trigger against the monster's mouth. The bullet shot out of his mouth and hit the huge parasite in the monster's throat, accompanied by a splash of red and yellow liquid. The monster was in pain, tilted his head and spun around in pain, taking this opportunity, Li Yexing quickly turned his head and chased Kanan who was already running ahead. On the other side, the big lizard that was hurt by Peter regained its posture. This time it seemed to have learned to be smart. I saw it tightly shut its mouth, and then charged towards the two again, without the monster's howl. 4. However, I could hear the footsteps of the behemoth running, and the strong sense of oppression squeezed Li Yexing's nerves crazily. The ghost was too fast, and it was impossible to run in along the big i. Time is fundamental. Before it was too late, Li Yexing was in a hurry. He raised his gun towards the window in front of Kanan that was no longer blocked by the rolling shutter, opened fire continuously, smashed the window glass, and then ran forward while facing the front. Kanan shouted: Jump in! Quick! Jump in!' Kanan understood, jumped up, grabbed the window sill with both hands, let her fingers be cut by the glass, and then suddenly turned in, ignoring the wound on her hand, she immediately Turning around and facing Li Yexing outside, he stretched out his hand and shouted, Jump! Li Yexing just wanted to jump, but the big lizard had already chased him. The moment he was about to hit Li Yexing, the big lizard suddenly opened up. The big mouth of Xuepen bit at Li Yexing. Li Yexing gritted his teeth and rolled one by one to the right. The big lizard seemed to have no idea that Li Yexing didn't jump up like Kanan, and his mouth snapped together. Taking advantage of the momentary stagnation of the big lizard, Li Yexing turned around abruptly, stepped on the big lizard's nose, jumped up, grabbed Kanan's hand and stretched out to him, Kanan Taking advantage of the situation, he dragged Li Yexing in, and the two of them fell together in the corridor with broken glass. Fuck! Li Youxing yelled and stood up, and pulled out a small piece of broken glass that had been inserted into his arm. , then stretched out his hand to Kanan, Kanan took Li Yexing's hand, and was dragged up by Li Yexing. Before the two could catch their breath, the monster rushed up again howling, its His head slammed into the outer wall of this building, and it slammed down like a battering ram. The skin and dust on the wall fell one after another by the high-frequency impact. The next second, only listening to With a bang, the monster smashed the solid outer wall! Accompanied by the splashing gravel and rubble, the monster's head squeezed hard into the corridor. Run! Run to the hall! Li Yexing hurriedly shouted , the two turned their heads and quickly ran to the first floor lobby of the facility. The monster was reluctant, howling and squeezing his entire body into the corridor, and then howling and chasing towards Li Yexing and Kanan. up. Although it barely squeezed into the corridor, the corridor was too narrow for this monster, which seriously slowed down its charge, and for a while it couldn't shorten the distance between Li Yexing and Kanan. We just let it run after him like this? Kanan, who was running beside Li Yexing, asked out of breath. Impossible, we can't run it! Li Yexing frowned and shouted Then think of a way! Kanan shouted anxiously. Female horse! I'm thinking! I'm thinking! Li Yexing responded irritably. Behind him, the sound like a tornado destroying the parking lot continued, and the monster howled and charged while squeezing the corridor. The hard body crushed all the walls and windows that passed along the way. After running like this for a few minutes, Kanan and Li Yexing finally entered the hall. The entire hall was very spacious, somewhat like a hospital, spanning the height of three floors, but the hall was in a mess, and there were everywhere. It's rubble, presumably the monster rushed out of the building in such a rambunctious manner. There are a lot of corpses piled up in the hall 1o. It seems that they sensed the arrival of visitors. These rotten corpses with almost bones left They moved, they seemed to want to get up, but their bodies were too fragile, and the bones of the corpses piled up together as if they were broken - making a continuous clicking sound.

My God, can't you just die honestly? Why do you have to get up and disgust me? Li Yexing cursed, but he wasn't worried. Right now, those zombies that were about to rot even moved. It was very reluctant and could not pose enough threats to himself and Kanan. The problem was that the monster lizard was about to catch up. The layout of the entire hall was very unfriendly to Li Yexing, and all the stairs were exposed to the outside. The circular staircase, maybe the corridors upstairs will be narrower, which can stop this monster, but they have absolutely no chance to run up, from that monster can drag its body more than ten meters long and silently climb on the bare rock wall Li Yexing can see that the monster's climbing ability is simply outrageous. The speed of him and Kanan's running up is definitely not as fast as that guy's climbing speed! Damn. Li Yexing whispered. Dao, he was still thinking of a way, ignoring Kanan, who was a little restless beside him, his eyes swept across the hall, followed the floor up, and finally settled on the dome. Female horse, let a dead horse be a living horse doctor! He frowned and said to Kanan: I need you to go to the third floor, or the second floor. The rumbling sound is gradually approaching, like a train Opened - generally, followed by a loud bang

The sound exploded, and the monster squeezed out of the corridor with a large pile of gravel and rubble. At this time, it looked a little embarrassed, and it was covered with all kinds of scratches, but there was no blood. The built-in shell is a rock-hard protection, which makes it invincible in the battle after freedom, ordinary firepower can't pierce its shell at all, and the two little things running in front of it are also No exception. I haven't eaten fresh human meat for a long time. Tonight, it decided to add food. In the center of the hall, Li Yexing took a deep breath, his nerves were tense, and he looked at the chariot-like monster in front of him, waiting for him.

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