Remember it in one second

Li Yexing, waiting for the opportunity, before the opportunity comes, he must delay enough time to let Kanan do what she should do, and what he has to do is to wait as long as possible for the moment when the monster opens his mouth. After the big lizard rushed out of the corridor, he was slightly taken aback when he saw Li Yexing who was alone and the zombies wriggling on the ground. Why is there one less? But the rest seems to be the one with more meat, so it doesn't matter. At this time, the big lizard had obviously learned to behave, and its cloudy eyes looked at the gun in Ruo Li Yexing's hand with some fear, and did not intend to open its mouth at all, thinking for a while with its brain that had been completely dominated by parasites After that, its four legs moved at the same time, and it rushed towards Li Yexing at an extremely fast speed without making a sound.

It was going to kill Li Yexing directly! Is this thing so smart? Li Yexing frowned, ignoring the zombies that were gradually approaching him, staring at the one in front of him like a bullfighter. It was like a monster like a small truck coming over. When there was only about ten meters of distance between the two, Li Yexing suddenly turned a tactical R to the side, and avoided the impact of the monster dangerously and dangerously. The monster could not control the inertia of the body, and slammed into the wall just behind Li Yexing. The wall collapsed with the impact of the monster, and the monster's head was firmly stuck in the guard room on the other side of the wall. He also crushed the few zombies who had just crawled towards Li Yexing. Going beyond the monster's head and getting stuck in the guard room, Li Yexing stood up, raised his gun and aimed a burst of fire at the monster's neck. With the gunshot, bullets shot out and hit the monster's neck. , made a tinkling sound, and only hit some small fragments, as if shooting on a stone. It really wasn't that easy. Li Yexing frowned, cold sweat fell from his forehead, and he threw out the empty magazine. Li Yexing took advantage of the monster's inability to reload while reloading - he stepped back and opened the distance for a few seconds. Then, along with the rubble, the holy object finally pulled its head out. It seemed to want to roar loudly to express its anger. But under pressure, it didn't dare to open its mouth, and just turned around silently. Then he rushed towards Li Yexing again. This one is too iron... Li Yexing muttered to himself, but this time his pressure was a lot less, he somewhat understood that although the guy in front of him was big, he ran fast, and he was able to fight hard. , but it is not flexible, and when it does not dare to open its mouth and bite Li Yexing, its attack method seems to be only rushing.

Dodging the monster's impact again, Li Yexing even began to contemplate whether he could trick the monster into directly crashing to death here. The two attacks failed to kill Li Yexing, which made the monster very impatient. There was a muffled sound from its mouth, and white air was sprayed out of its nose. The sound, accompanied by this sound, the rock-like skin of the monster actually cracked! Small pieces kept falling on the ground, and the cracks on the monster continued to spread. With a sound, the carapace of its entire body was completely torn apart, as if it had been torn apart, and a mixture of red and yellow liquids flowed out from the broken carapace, and between the large pieces of broken carapace, The scarlet muscles were directly exposed to the outside, with the slightest white air. As the carapace split open and the muscles were exposed, the monster's body actually grew larger out of thin air, and the carapace on the tail fell off directly, becoming There was - a huge blood-red flesh x whip, - lumps of proliferating bone pierced the flesh on the tail and grew out, which made its tail look like - a giant mace. Without any sound, the monster rushed straight towards Li Yexing again. Li Yexing repeated his old tricks and tried to avoid the monster's impact, but the monster suddenly stopped at the moment he opened up. , then turned around in an extremely unnatural posture by inertia, and slapped his tail directly at Li Yexing. Li Yexing was caught off guard and was slapped firmly, accompanied by a sharp pain in his waist, Li Yexing was like a He was hit by a truck and flew straight out, then fell heavily to the ground and rolled into the wall behind him. I... Li Yexing gritted his teeth, frowned, and covered his hot side ribs. He could not get up for a while. He suspected that his ribs were broken, but there was no obvious pain in his internal organs. Seeing Li Yexing fall to the ground, the monster rushed up again. Li Yexing tried to open inwards, but saw the monster. The old trick was repeated, and the tail was slapped again. Li Yexing had already expected this move. He gritted his teeth and the ninja was in severe pain. The action almost killed Li Yexing. If it goes on like this, it will be gone. Li Yexing couldn't help shouting: Kana! Are you okay? On the steps of the third floor, Kanan frowned, took out two MP7s, aimed at the connection between the huge chandelier and the dome, and pulled the trigger with both hands. In an instant, a bullet hit the chandelier and the dome, and the sparks and gravel scattered in all directions. Under the continuous fire, the dome was finally overwhelmed and made a light sound, followed by a beeping sound, The huge chandelier fell in response, and then slammed into the back of the big lizard in the hall. The spikes under the chandelier pressed into the fragile muscles of the broken armor with a huge weight. The monster was in pain and couldn't help but opened its mouth and let out a piercing scream.

That's what I'm waiting for, go to the street! Give it to the claw! Li Yexing shouted, endured the severe pain on his body and stood up, grabbing the only one left by his waist.

Ray, tore off the pull ring, and threw it directly into the monster's mouth, then rolled over and lay down. Feeling that something was thrown into its mouth, the monster subconsciously closed its mouth for a second. With a loud bang, the grenade exploded directly against the parasite in the monster's mouth, and the monster emitted a sorrow

Ming, with his mouth open, the parasite stuck in the throat kept splashing out with yellow and red liquid, and then quickly shriveled. With the death of the parasite, the huge lizard monster finally couldn't bear it anymore. It fell to the ground limp, kicked and kicked its limbs weakly a few times, and then was completely angry, and blood was constantly flowing from its half-open mouth. . He sat up and looked at the corpse of the big lizard in front of him. After confirming that it was completely dead, Li Yexing looked at the zombies on the other side of the hall. Those zombies were either pressed by other zombies and corpses, unable to move, or rotten. He couldn't move at all, and could only open and close his mouth in Li Yexing's direction, like a fish thrown on the shore. Seeing that there was no threat around him, Li Yexing gasped, lying directly on the ground full of gravel and rubble, and gave a thumbs up to Kanan, who was looking at him on the stairs of the third floor, with a smile on his face. A relieved smile.

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