Remember it in one second

In the heavy rain, a truck with the logo of Sanlian Pharmaceutical was speeding through the rift valley. On the driver's seat of the truck, Mr. Erwin sat stiffly on the driver's seat in an almost sitting position. Whenever he subconsciously wanted to move his neck, he would feel a piercing pain in his neck. In the rift valley It seemed like a bone was injured when he was dropped. The female horse, the female horse's female horse's female horse's female horse's! He contorted his face and cursed loudly: Why does this uncle have to drive a truck for people in this rainy day?! Female horse of

After a long time, Tililith said in a low voice: Mr. Erwin, it's so noisy, I really want to kill. When the rest of the trucks in the convoy were on the rift, they left for the original destination. Only the one carrying the crowd was left, and under Leon's guidance, about an hour ago, this truck finally entered the interior of the rift.

I don't know what happened to the night. After complaining about the noisy Erwin, Tililith whispered, It's so bad... Don't worry, Miss, Mr. is a person who is shrouded in fortune, is he not? will fall so easily. Rita, who was sitting next to Tililith, put her arms around Tililith's shoulders and comforted her in a soft voice, but the worried expression on her face seemed unconvincing to Leon. After clearing her throat, Leon said softly. He comforted: Don't worry, that guy is just as tough as me. Rita on the opposite side raised her head and glanced at Leon with a faint smile on her face, but for some reason, Leon always felt that she was looking at the smiling maid's face. Selling the words It's none of your business. This made Leon feel very embarrassed, as if to break the oppressive atmosphere and forcibly ignore the low pressure on the black silk maid, Leon smiled and said: This opportunity, tell me a little bit, how did you know Li? The unease and worry that had been suppressed in your heart for a long time were tearing apart Rita's reason and cultivation, just when she couldn't help but face the pretentious A in front of her. When the agent attacked, Tililith gently held her hand. Mr. Leon, he is a wonderful person. Tililith whispered to Rita: Mr. Leon thinks Yexing is a friend, Mr. Leon I am also worried about night travel.

Miss. Rita's expression was a little surprised at Tililith's words, because as early as in the Middle East battlefield, Rita knew how much rubbish those entrenched in the local CA had done, so I am very concerned about this man from country A. Agent IA, Rita has always been unfavorable, she was even a little worried, and felt that Li Yexing and this agent were a little too close, but the quality of the perfect maid suppressed her dissatisfaction with this matter, in her opinion, even if Li Yexing was too close Yexing did something wrong, and she didn't need to correct it. As a perfect maid, she only needed to clean up the aftermath for Li Yexing after he messed up. But now it seems that it is herself who is superficial. No one can pretend to be in front of Tililith. If Tililith says that this man treats Li Yexing as a friend from the bottom of his heart, then he must not be malicious to Li Yexing. Presumably the husband also understands this, so he dares to approach the agent so boldly? Thinking of this, Rita feels a little guilty for not being able to keep up with the thoughts of the husband, and the direct result of this guilt is, Rita's expression on Leon's face was obviously much better. I was rude before, please see Mr. Kennedy. Rita bowed her head slightly and apologized: As you can see, Mr. is our backbone, and now Mr. is missing, I have some Panicked and almost angered Mr. Kennedy, it's my job as a maid No, it's nothing, I can understand. Leon smiled vigorously and said: Then. Can we continue the topic just now? How did you and that guy know each other? Then he said in a low voice: Boom! Dadadadadada! Boom! Aw! Dadadadadada! Boom! Then I met..

Miss said that she and her husband met during a war. Seeing Leon's white question mark face, Rita hurriedly explained. Oh, that's how it is... Leon nodded, thinking that the maid could It's amazing that such an abstract language can be translated, and then she asks What kind of war is that? Tililith organizes the language, and then says, Da da da da da, bang, ow! Da da da da! Boom! Ouch! Miss said that the two sides fought very fiercely, using heavy firepower, and there were 80w on the battlefield. - Rita, who was next to him, translated with a smile.

There is a BOW involved in the battlefield.. Leon thought about it, and then slightly - - startled (Could it be the Loples incident four years ago? Rita smiled and said: Come to think of it, it's really romantic. Leon felt that his understanding of romance and the maid's understanding of romance seemed to be different, but when he thought that he and King Ada first met in the world of Raccoon City Hell, I felt that it was really romantic in my heart. What about later? At this time, Leon asked with great interest like an uncle 1 \\ Gua, as if he wanted to avenge Li Yexing's previous / \\ Gua behavior one

Kati Lilith said with an expressionless face. Rita hurriedly covered Ti Lilith's mouth and whispered: Miss, you can't say this. Then she turned her head and said to Leon: Sorry, Mr. Miss is a little lacking in social interaction. Aspect Chang... It's okay, I can understand this. Leon said with a reluctant smile on his face, thinking that Li Yexing would not deceive me, he is really brave, and what kind of courage is this? After arranging some confused thoughts, Leon turned his head to Rita and said, What about this maid? How did you know Li? I heard Li said that he brought you down from the Orianna. Kennedy Sir, can Rita keep silent? Thinking of her first meeting with Li Yexing, Rita's face turned red.

.Lion looked at the blush on Miss 1's face, which was more like estrus than shyness, so he wisely chose to shut up. Next, the relationship between Leon and Li Yexing's harem group has eased a lot, and he has the intention to fight 0 Hear some details of the Lopres Affair 1 and the Orianna Affair

But Tililith only spoke onomatopoeia with a blank face, and Rita always spoke to him from left to right. After some inquiries, she found no useful information. The maid was fine, at least Lipin could feel it. She simply didn't want to tell herself anything. As for Leon, the little silver-haired girl who looked a little dumbfounded, she wondered if she had been tricked. While Lyon was still struggling with this ultimate problem, he heard a screeching brake sound, and the truck came to a stop with a jolt of the carriage. Outside the car, the rain was still beating on the truck, the rock wall and the muddy ground. Inside the car, Erwin's voice came from the communicator: Hey! Behind! Can you hear? We are blocked! Get out--the big crowd blocked us!

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