What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

3-36. The macho sister-in-law loves breast milk

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Under the pouring rain, Leon got out of the car, but he didn't get in front of the car immediately, and carefully hid behind the car, Leon pushed the safety of the gun, and looked around, only to see the narrow and muddy road in front of the car, faintly There was a large group of people standing, and the dim light combined with the pouring rain made it look unreal. Hey! Did you hear that! Speak! Erwin was still shouting in the communicator, his tone sounding a little panicked. I can hear you, stop talking. Lipin frowned, so Erwin who was sitting in the driver's seat immediately shut up, he wanted to turn his head and use his tongue on the front passenger's seat. I was shocked, and then there was a sharp pain in my neck. Ah, pity! Erwin's screams came from the communicator. What's wrong? Leon hurriedly said. I twisted my neck, female horse Yes! Erwin's irritated voice came from the communicator. Damn, you scared me... Hearing that Erwin just twisted his neck, Leon was relieved. Then he looked carefully at the people in front of him. , Those people seemed to be wearing black clothes and didn't speak. They were like sculptures standing motionless in the rain, and the atmosphere became a little weird for a while. Mr. Kennedy? What's going on outside? Rita, who was sitting in the carriage, asked in a low voice Dao. Leon shook his head, saying that he didn't know the situation. At this moment, those people in front moved!

I saw their movements spread out to both sides in a neat and uniform manner, freeing up space for one person, and then, from behind them, a short figure, carrying a big guy who couldn't see what it was, walked on short legs. At the front. Hello? Hello? Audition, audition, can you hear 0? A girl's voice came through the loudspeaker, and the voice sounded clear and childish, like a child

Looking at the little man and listening to the vertebral tender voice, Leon suspected that a little girl had been dispatched on the opposite side, but he did not let his guard down. The experience he had left behind in various prison-like battlefields for a long time told me He, underestimating her, may have a big problem. Did no one answer? That's not right. The childish voice came from the speaker again. She seemed to be a little puzzled. After speaking as if she was talking to herself for a few seconds, her voice came again: Hey! Speak! Isn't there someone in the cab? And the one hiding behind the car, why doesn't he speak? If I don't speak, I'll be angry! I'm really going to be angry! Cold sweat mixed with rain from Leon's head Leon stayed slowly, but Leon didn't expect that he would be discovered! But how did the little man find himself? It was such a dark day and such a heavy rain, even if it was me, I could barely see someone on the opposite side, and the little man could barely see him. He was tall, but directly found himself hiding behind the car. Erwin, hide. Leon commanded Erwin in the communicator, and at the same time, he stepped out from the back of the truck and said loudly: I'm asking you What's the matter? Leon's loud voice passed through the rain, and the little man opposite seemed to be in a good mood. She raised her horn and said loudly: Really, if you can talk, speak earlier, Ilin-sama has been waiting for so long. , do you want to die? Human? In the carriage, when she heard the girl reporting her family name, Tililith's nerves instantly tightened. She grabbed the minigun in the carriage and tied the bullet cone to her body with an unprecedented expression. of seriousness.

Miss. That person... Rita raised the scythe on the ground and asked with a serious expression. Tililith shook her head, expressing that she didn't know, but then whispered: - It must be sent by the fathers. Picking up Tillyris back.. Outside the carriage, the girl holding the la 0 is still chatting at Leon, Casimir's father said that the French are the stupidest, do you know why? Because their national flag, as long as Cut along the line.. Pffhaha 0 ha 0 ha 0 ha 0. To be honest, Leon is a little confused right now, this little girl, with a large group of people, blocked her truck, and then just wanted to talk about breastfeeding. French jokes? And also that Casimir father, why tell such jokes to children? And then, the Frenchman put his bread The girl in the rain was still talking jokes, and seems to be given by someone

Interrupted, Leon saw that the girl raised one hand and pressed it on her ear, as if she was using a communication device. Hey! Why! Lord Tillin is talking about something wonderful! How dare you interrupt me! Don't you... oh yes, Lord T-ilin seems to have forgotten. The girl muttered to herself, then He raised the loudspeaker again and said loudly, Hey! The human on the other side, for the sake of your serious jokes, Lord Ulin, Lord Ulin will spare your life. Now, hand over Lord Ben's sister! Where is Lord Ben's sister? ?

Your sister? Leon said at a loss: Who are you talking about? Hey! The little thing on the other side seems to be a fool. Erwin's strange voice came from Leon's communicator. The girl on the opposite side seemed to be still struggling, and she said loudly: Sister sister? He jumped angrily, and then, as if he had received another communication, the little man nodded his head Oh, oh, and then raised his head in a loud voice: Listen to my lord! Sir Tillin's Sister, she is the most powerful, successful, intelligent, and beautiful B0OW--tilith0Tuit. Leon silently recited the girl's name, then suddenly raised his head and said in surprise: Tilith? Yes! Although It's a French pronunciation! But it's already quite standard for you as a French! The little girl in front of her proudly raised her almost absent chest and said loudly: 'It's that Tililith! How did I become French? People? But then again, is that your sister? Leon thought that these two are quite sisters, - although one looks dumb and

The stupid ones are actually witty, and the other one looks quirky but actually has a problem with their IQ. In the other compartment, when she heard that the other side was looking for her, Ti Lili rolled over and got out of the truck without hesitation, and Rita held Holding the scythe, she followed the king worriedly. Stepping on the muddy ground and facing the heavy rain, the girl carrying the minigun crossed Lyon and stood opposite the little girl. The little girl opposite looked at the silver-haired girl in front of her, and seemed to be stunned. Yes, some soft cakes, and some scared voices came over.

I'm Tililith. The silver-haired girl said blankly. It's my elder sister! It's really my elder sister! Oh my god! The little girl jumped in excitement and followed her with the huge box in her hand. His movements swayed and made a rattling sound, and the little girl excitedly said: It turned out to be really a sister! Dads all say-ilin has a sister! But T-ilin has never seen it, I heard dads 1 Said that my sister was taken away by the bad guys! T_Tillin - I must take my sister home..

Yixing is not a bad person! Some rough and firm voices directly interrupted the little girl's words. Although the voice was not loud, it was powerful. Timothy Jingsi stared at the girl in front of her with scarlet eyes and shook her head. Shaking his head, he firmly believes that Tilly Jingsi will not go back with you!

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