Remember it in one second

At this moment, the air seemed to stop flowing. The pouring rain fell from the dark sky, hitting everything it could touch, making continuous noises, but the rift at this time seemed to be extremely quiet, and suddenly, a thunder flashed in the sky, Lighting everything in the darkness, Leon saw the little girl hidden in the rain, carrying a heavy metal box, wearing a black combat uniform, bowing her head, and letting the rain hit her golden twin tails, Can't see the expression on her face. On both sides of her, people wearing black combat uniforms, masked faces, helmets, and body armor, holding HK-416, were as motionless and silent as dead people. Leon could feel that the moment Tililith said that she did not want to leave with them, the atmosphere dropped to freezing point. Leon probably understood that these people were from the organization that created Tililith. He took a deep breath of -0. Without hesitation, he raised the gun in his hand, aimed it at the blond girl, and said sharply, Who are you? They are Black Umbrella's security force. Black Umbrella? Ta's words, and then displeased: Why is it Umbrella again? Why? Just when Leon was still struggling with the name of this organization, the little blond girl opposite suddenly raised her head, and she asked in a low voice: Why? ...Sister doesn't TUillian- get up and go back? Are you not happy with your family?' Although he couldn't see the girl's expression, Leon could hear mixed emotions from the girl's words, some puzzled, some begging, and even And despair. Ti Lilith's family is only Yexing and Rita. The silver-haired girl gently shook her head: The fathers of the organization are not Ti Lilith's relatives.

Then... what about illian? Tillin is the younger sister of the elder sister. The girl who called herself T-Lillian on the opposite side said a little flustered. Tiliris, I don't know any T-ilian. Tiliris whispered: Tillin, not Tiliris' home

With a loud bang, the box in the hand of the little blond girl smashed to the ground. She covered her face with her lost hands and muttered to herself: 'Why...why, is this happening. Isn't uih Tllin's elder sister. Why? After muttering to herself, the girl seemed to understand something, she suddenly raised her head and said, We said that the humans outside are bad and cunning, and the elder sister must have been deceived, yes! It must be so! It seems to have figured it out, The little girl in front of her cheered up and became confident again, she said loudly: It doesn't matter, my elder sister was just deceived by disgusting and dirty humans! As long as Lillin works hard, the family will definitely be reunited again! Let me, i-ilianD, the task of saving my elder sister! Saying that, the girl pointed at the group of people in front of her with high spirits and said, Go on, the Cleaner Unit! Kill all the humans except my elder sister!

Following the girl's words, the people in black combat uniforms beside the girl raised their guns in unison like a clone corps and aimed them at the crowd. Lipin saw that the person opposite seemed to be doing something, and he was very anxious. He shouted Hide! and then- a savage man got under the truck, and the next second, with the gunshots, the bullets were shot like rain, and Leon turned over under the truck and aimed at the row of men in black in the distance. The feet were shot in bursts, and the bullets hit their ankles precisely, exploding blood flowers, but they were completely unmoved as if there was no pain. Damn, what the hell is that? Leon scolded, frowning. On the other side, the blond girl pinched her waist and raised her chest in a high voice: 'What? Sister! This is the Cleaner Unit! Absolutely sincere! Absolutely efficient! Absolutely execute orders! Go home! Tililith stood in the rain, looking at the girl in front of her, without saying a word. Beside Tililith, the elegant maid let the bullets go through her body, she wore a smile, slightly She bowed and said, Miss, do you need me to receive your sister for you? No. Tililith said in a low voice: Just help Tililith get rid of those monkeys with guns. Ta, understood. Smiled and stood up, Rita gently used the hand with only three fingers left from the beating to lift up the half of her brain that was beaten, and the remaining half of her mouth curved up instantly. Strange arc, the next second, a large number of tiny tentacles burst out of the wound, like bloody flesh worms interspersed and condensed together, filling Rita's wounds, at this time Rita is like from a horror movie. The evil ghost that walked out, her legs that were constantly being filled up, bent slightly, and accumulated strength towards the cleaning troops in front of her. Anyway, that child is also Miss's sister, I hope Miss, don't teach too much. Rita said softly to Tililith. In the next second, his calf filled with tiny tentacles suddenly tensed up. Rita grabbed the scythe that had already been cut and rushed out like a mad vicious dog. With a hideous smile, she sprinted against the ground in a way that almost violated the laws of human mechanics and physics. The bullet hit her, but she didn't care at all. In an instant, she passed Lillian and aimed at the cleaner in front of her. The scythe in his hand swung around his neck. The tip of the scythe broke through the air, tore through the rain, and then pierced the cleanser's blue-gray neck. In an instant, the blood splattered everywhere, but the cleanser did nothing. Moved, he hugged Rita, and at the same time, the muzzle was against Rita's stomach and fired frantically. The bullet penetrated Rita's body with minced meat and blood, but Rita didn't care because of her body, There has long been no internal organs in the ordinary sense, and also lost the sense of pain in the ordinary sense, except for the sense of taste and the stimulation of the hand-to-hand fight with Li Yexing. The senses of this body have been severely dulled. The face

With a fanatical laugh, Rita pulled out the scythe that had been cut in the town long ago, and threw it on the ground, then stretched out her hand to grab the cleaner's helmet, her mouth snapped open, and a steel nail. The teeth pierced through the gums and grew out in an instant. The next second, she bit the cleaner's neck fiercely. With the sound of a vicious dog biting, blood splattered everywhere, and Rita grabbed the cleaner's neck. The hand suddenly exerted force, and in an instant, Rita ripped off the head of the cleaner with only half of the neck left. The blood of the neck of the headless corpse was pouring wine like a fountain, and it blindly pulled the trigger and shot randomly. , and then fell to the ground. Feeling the feeling of the bullets piercing her body, Rita threw away the head of the cleaners. With her mouth full of flesh and blood, she turned her head like a ghost in nine secluded places. A strange smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

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