What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

Chapter 60. Macho Los Angeles (7)

You father-in-law, what’s the matter with you?

Something's wrong with you!

I just came back from the European branch, escaping from the fucking old father-in-law Casimir who was busy changing Li Yexing's sheets every morning and taking the old sheets back to the laboratory. Now you have to tell me, Mu Qing's father is too. A dishonest old man?

Seeing the subtle smile on Bai Zhengyan's face, Li Yexing didn't dare to reply for a moment. He didn't know if his father-in-law was testing him.

Oh, it seems you still don't understand, so young people are young people. He glanced at the kitchen furtively, and heard the laughter of a family of old and young coming from inside. Bai Zhengyan moved his buttocks and leaned against Li Yexing. Next to Li Yexing, he whispered to Li Yexing: Come on, Uncle Bai will tell you the truth. Falling in love, getting married, and having children is the same as doing business or selling. During love, you are actually selling yourself. , your goal is to sell you to your customer. When the thing is sold, that is, you get married, you don’t need to look too much at the customer’s face. As for having a child, that means the after-sales service is over, and the customer thinks you How about it, it has nothing to do with you anymore, now, do you understand?

No, I don’t understand. My father-in-law said how dare this son-in-law understand? !

Just like the professional commentators sitting on both sides who dared not answer the question when famous guests were judging professional players, Li Yexing's face turned green with fright. After a long time, he hesitated and said: Uncle Bai, this is your experience. talk?

This is not my experience, this is the experience of my grandfather, my father and me. Bai Zhengyan shook his head with a proud look, patted Li Yexing on the shoulder and said: Now, I will teach it to You, take it with you and pamper my daughter. Remember, you are still in the process of selling it.

Wait, that’s not right! Something must be wrong! What is this father-in-law hinting at?

Uncle Bai, I think Mu Qing is a rare girl. She is great, great, very, very great. This was what he said from his heart. Li Yexing said with a subtle expression: However, looking at your attitude, it seems like you are worried. It’s like she can’t get married.”

Yes, I'm just worried that she won't get married. To Li Yexing's expectation, Bai Zhengyan admitted openly. He nodded and said: Qingqing is very good, even better than me back then, but Ye Xing, I guess you can tell that Qingqing has such a strong character. This character is okay for a man, but for a woman, she might not be able to get married. Plus, Qingqing was a child. He was not well-liked by the people around him, and he got into fights with his classmates more than once. As a result, he had few friends and was not very good at getting along with others.

I heard her say this. Li Yexing nodded and said, In order not to be bullied by the white classmates in the same class, I learned fighting skills.

Maybe it's because of my father that Qingqing has over-demonized white people. Bai Zhengyan sighed helplessly, and said with a wry smile: White people are human beings too. As long as they are willing to communicate well, it is actually not difficult to make friends and treat themselves as such. The reason why she looks like that is because she has such a strong personality.

After a slight pause, Bai Zhengyan continued: Of course, the problems with her first batch of classmates do have something to do with it.

So, you are worried that Mu Qing will not be able to get married? Li Yexing asked.

Yes, she has a strong and arrogant personality. She has always been smooth sailing. Although she is as beautiful as her mother, she doesn't look like a girl who can please boys, Bai Zhengyan said helplessly.

No, Mu Qing can please men. Li Yexing shook his head and said seriously: I love her to death.

That means you can tolerate Qingqing. Bai Zhengyan looked into Li Yexing's eyes and said, Whether it is Qingqing or the Bai family, you are very rare.

Eldest brother, not to mention second brother, we are also full of bad habits. Li Yexing scratched his head with a smile and said, Mu Qing is also very tolerant of me.

That's even more rare. Bai Zhengyan smiled and nodded: You know, that child can't tolerate sand in her eyes. If she can tolerate you, it means she really likes you.

Seemingly a little tired, Bai Zhengyan leaned on the back of the sofa. He raised his head and stared at the chandelier on the ceiling. He seemed to be sighing or recalling something and said softly: Actually, if you really want to It is not difficult for my Bai family to marry Qingqing out. After all, Qingqing has always had a lot of suitors, but Qingqing just doesn't like them. To be honest, I don't like them either, those messy people. , those with oily hair and pink faces are either here for Qingqing’s face, or they are here for the property of my Bai family. However, I personally feel that if Qingqing cannot be with the person she likes, it is better not to get married.”

There was a slight redness in his eyes, and Bai Zhengyan said softly: I, how I hope that one day, Qingqing will come back with a boy to see her parents and grandparents. She will hold the boy's hand and hold her hand. I held the boy's arm and acted as if I would not marry him unless I had him. The smile on my face was as if I had conquered the whole world. Now, my wish has finally come true.

As he said that, he seemed to realize that he had lost his composure. Bai Zhengyan sat up straight, with a trace of embarrassment on his face. He whispered to Li Yexing: Sorry, Yexing, this is the first time we have met. I shouldn't be with you. You said this, I may be a little anxious, after all, I just experienced the loss and recovery of my own daughter.

Uncle Bai suddenly turned his head and looked into Bai Zhengyan's eyes. Li Yexing looked serious and said word by word: I will definitely make Mu Qing happy!

I know. Nodding with relief to Li Yexing, Bai Zhengyan chuckled and said, The love in your eyes cannot lie.

But, to be honest, I'm really relieved. He seemed to be eager to cheer up.

Li Yexing changed the subject, smiled lightly and said to Bai Zhengyan: To be honest, Uncle Bai, I have been worried before, worried that you would not look good on me.

Don't you look good on me? Bai Zhengyan asked with some confusion, Why are you worried about this?

I heard that fathers who raise daughters will have this kind of complex. Li Yexing chuckled and said, It's similar to the feeling that cabbages raised at home must not be taken away by pigs from other families.

Actually, I feel this way. After all, I watched Qingqing grow up little by little. One day, she will leave with another boy. Of course I will be reluctant to let her go, but Qingqing is not a cabbage, and Ye Xing, you are not a pig. He said to Li Ye Xing shook his head, and Bai Zhengyan chuckled and said: In our circle, the Bai family's family style is quite open. Yumei and I also believe that children and grandchildren will have their own blessings.

Li Yexing's compliment You are a good father was sincere. He whispered to Bai Zhengyan in a low voice: I hope that if I have children in the future, I can be like you.

Haha, no need to compliment me. With a slight smile on his face, Bai Zhengyan nodded, then turned around, stretched his neck and looked towards the kitchen again. After a moment, he turned around and faced Li Yexinggui He asked furtively: By the way, Ye Xing, do you smoke?

No, I don't smoke. Li Yexing, who couldn't smoke a pack of cigarettes a day at his peak, replied subconsciously.

What about drinking?

I'm not very good at drinking either. Li Yexing, who always drinks out of a box, shook his head.

Hearing Li Yexing's answer, the smile on Bai Zhengyan's face suddenly fell, and there was a hint of contempt in his eyes when he looked at Li Yexing. Those eyes seemed to say: You can't smoke cigarettes, and you can't drink alcohol. I can’t drink it. What’s the use of my son-in-law? !

Second update.

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