What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

Chapter 61. Macho Los Angeles (8)

There were only a few words in the conversation, and the atmosphere became awkward several times. Li Yexing once again did not dare to answer the conversation.

damned! What's going on with Mu Qing's father? !

Now, Li Yexing was extremely confused. He was worried that his father-in-law was defrauding him!

Um, smoking, drinking, etc. are all things in the past. After a while, Li Yexing thought about it and let it go. He hesitated and said: After I met Mu Qing, I quit. Mu Qing doesn't care about this. It’s quite strict.”

The first half of the sentence is bullshit and the second half is the truth.

Oh he nodded solemnly. Bai Zhengyan raised his head slightly and leaned his back against the back of the sofa. Then, in front of Li Yexing, he took out a package of squeezed wrinkles from the back of the sofa cushion. cigarette, he skillfully shook the cigarette case, and held a slightly bent cigarette in his mouth. He slightly raised the corners of his mouth and said with a proud face: We, the men of the Bai family, must not be afraid of our wives.

But, Mu Qing won't let me smoke, don't you want us to pamper Mu Qing a little bit? Li Yexing asked tentatively, with a slightly loose tone: In your words, I am still in the sales period.

So, young people are young people. As if he was mocking Li Yexing for his lack of spirituality, Bai Zhengyan bent down, took out an ashtray from under the sofa, placed it at his feet, then held the lighter in the ashtray and smiled softly. Li Yexing said: Promotion does not necessarily only target the customers themselves. You can also target the customers' elders. If you can persuade the customers' elders to buy things, isn't that also a successful promotion?

Suddenly, Li Yexing finally understood Bai Zhengyan's subtext: You only care about pleasing my daughter, but don't want to please her father?

Bending down, he took out a lighter from the middle of his trousers and lit it. Li Yexing approached Bai Zhengyan and said respectfully, Uncle Bai, I'll give you some.

Well, I'm on the road. Although I'm a little stupid, I'm not hopeless yet. He smiled, lit the cigarette between his lips, and took a nice puff. Bai Zhengyan sprayed the white mist from his nostrils and started to smoke. He took out a cigarette from the cigarette case and handed it to Li Yexing. At the same time, he said with a smile: You have a lighter with you and you said you don't know how to smoke?

Thank you, Uncle Bai. Taking the cigarette from Bai Zhengyan, Li Yexing lit the lighter, and then took a deep puff. After a long time, he asked in a low voice: Uncle Bai, should we go out and smoke more? Okay? After a while, there was a smell of cigarette smoke in the living room. Didn’t you reveal your secret?

It doesn't matter, the doors and windows are open. Bai Zhengyan, the father-in-law who has no plans, said with a smile: The kitchen will be busy for a while. By the time they finish their work, the smell of smoke will have dissipated.

Giving a thumbs up to Bai Zhengyan, Li Yexing's eyes were filled with compliments and admiration.

But didn't you say that the men of the Bai family are never afraid of their wives?

After puffing for a while, Bai Zhengyan came over again. He chuckled and said to Li Yexing: Okay, boy, stop pretending. How much can you drink?

Li Yexing thought for a while and raised an index finger.

One bottle? Bai Zhengyan suddenly felt a little disappointed.

Li Yexing shook his head, still holding up a finger.

Can you drink a whole cup? Bai Zhengyan's eyes were a little bright, and he became interested.

Li Yexing shook his head again, slightly curling up the corners of his mouth in a coquettish manner.

How much is that? Bai Zhengyan was a little confused.

With a proud smile on his face, Li Yexing raised his index finger and boasted: Keep drinking.

Oh, aren't you bragging? Although there was still some disbelief in his tone, his face was already happy. Bai Zhengyan smiled and said: No, I have to meet you today. We Bai The men in the family are all massive!”

Okay, as long as Uncle Bai can drink, I will definitely accompany you. Seeing his father-in-law being so open-minded, Li Yexing also became excited. Just when he wanted to have a good conversation with this middle-aged handsome man who was funny and down-to-earth, Suddenly, the sound of slippers hitting the floor hurriedly came from the direction of the kitchen and went straight to the living room.

Oops! As Bai Zhengyan shouted, Li Yexing and his father-in-law looked at each other, then bent down at the same time, strangled half of the cigarette butt in the ashtray, and on the other hand, Li Yexing quickly pushed the ashtray to the sofa. On the other hand, Bai Zhengyan held the cigarette box tightly and stuffed it under the sofa cushion. Just because the action was too rough, suddenly, the cigarette box cracked, and the tobacco scattered out of the cigarette. Scattered all over the floor.

Holy shit! Facing his father-in-law who suddenly lost his temper, Li Yexing exclaimed subconsciously. He subconsciously raised his head and looked at Bai Zhengyan, only to see Bai Zhengyan staring straight at him. As if he was thinking about something, Bai Zhengyan suddenly straightened up and stuffed the cigarette case into his hand with a serious look. At the same time, Bai Zhengyan lit up with a serious look. Nodding, as if giving it to Li Yexing is not a cigarette case, but an important mission, and those eyes seem to be saying to Li Yexing: Take it, and then die generously!

Ruined! The yellow mud falling down the crotch is either shit or shit! I can’t have this father-in-law anymore!

The next second, footsteps arrived in the living room. The visitors were Bai Muqing, whose hands were still stained with flour, Bai Muqing's mother who looked very similar to Bai Muqing, the beautiful woman whom Bai Zhengyan called Yumei, and Li Yexing's Mother-in-law, at this moment, there was still a trace of suspicion on the mother-in-law's face. After gently rubbing her nose, she immediately changed her expression and fixed her eyes on the two grown men on the sofa.

Zhengyan, her tone was gentle, as warm as spring flowers in March, but the corners of her mouth were as cold as a cold spring. The beautiful woman smiled softly and asked the middle-aged man: What did we say last time?

Ye Ye Xing! How can you be at home?

smokes! Compared to her mother who could still talk so pleasantly (?), Bai Muqing looked like she was going to be furious. She stared and said anxiously: I just praised you to my mother and grandparents! How could you? How could you do this to me? !

It doesn't matter. Xiao Li is still young. It doesn't hurt to smoke and drink a little bit when he was young. After all, men have to socialize. I understand. He nodded at Li Yexing while staring at that scary smile. Nodding, she patted Bai Muqing's back gently to comfort the frightened Bai Muqing. The beautiful woman turned her head, narrowed her eyes slightly and said to Bai Zhengyan: On the other hand, you, Zhengyan, still think you are in your twenties. A young man?

Oh! That's why I told him to stop smoking! After patting Li Yexing on the shoulder, Bai Zhengyan looked at his wife and said uprightly: What's wrong with youth?! Youth is capital. ?! Is it okay to spend your body wantonly when you are young?!

After saying that, Bai Zhengyan turned his head and said seriously to Bai Muqing: Ye Xing is a rare good boy, I like him very much! Qingqing, you have to take good care of him, don't let Ye Xing go astray. !”

Really? Zhengyan? Don't you smoke? the beautiful woman asked with a smile.

I didn't smoke it! Bai Zhengyan patted his prospective son-in-law on the shoulder and said nonsense without changing his expression: He smoked it!

Looking at her father's sworn face, Bai Muqing's face evoked a sneer that Li Yexing missed so much. Then, Bai Muqing stepped forward and took away the hand that Xu was holding in Li Yexing's hand. She glanced at the packaging of the cigarette box, then handed it directly to her mother's hand without saying a word.

Taking the cigarette case from Bai Muqing, her mother-in-law lowered her head to take a look, then smiled and said to Bai Zhengyan: What a coincidence, Zhengyan, the cigarettes that Xiao Li smokes are the same as those that you always hide in the toilet. It seems to be from the same brand.”

In addition to the free family tradition and paranoid personality, the Bai family members also seem to be afraid of their wives.

First update, I forgot to finish it yesterday. Now I am in a hurry no matter what I do. I have to go to an internship at the end of the year. The instructor said that students are not allowed to find their own places. They must find them from the school selection. I can open a new book in the Year of the Monkey and the Horse. , it’s so simple, closed management, designated internships, and fired the aunt who collected the garbage. The school is too stingy.

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