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Li Yexing and Kanan followed the stairs surrounding the hall to the third floor. They left the hall and entered the corridor. The light in the corridor on the third floor was not abundant, even a little dark. I don't know if it was due to the problem of the backup power supply or because the lights were all broken. The reason, in short, a full half of the lights did not turn on. Li Yexing wanted to take Kanan directly to find the stairwell and leave the building, but he changed his mind halfway through. The reason is that he saw a file room. The iron door of the archive room was half-open, and following the dim light, Li Yexing could see several documents on the shelves of the archive room. Hey, Kanan. Li Yexing turned his head to look at Kanan behind him: Do you want to look at this? What? Kanan followed Li Yexing's line of sight in confusion, then raised his eyebrows and said Archives? Why, to see the archives? Nothing. I just want to satisfy my own curiosity. Li Yexing whispered, pushed open the door of the archives and walked in. Kanan, who was behind, thought about it. I thought it didn't matter, and she was very curious, so she followed in. At this time, the archive room was almost evacuated. It seems that someone wanted to transfer the archives here during the evacuation. Li Yexing grabbed it and opened it. All of them were cheap, and then a few HK-416s popped up out of nowhere, followed by a lot of bargains. The above instruction is to equip a large number of HK-416s according to the standard of the headquarters, but the purchase records show that they bought a lot of cheap goods. Li Youxing muttered to himself with a puzzled face: What does this mean? The department in charge of equipment procurement put the Is the money on it dirty? He casually threw the finished document on the ground, and Li Yexing grabbed the other--ben and looked at it. Most of the information on it was related to the purchase of living materials, and what did he do in the first building before? The format of the copy he saw in the room was basic, with no nutritious information. Just when he grabbed another copy and was about to read it, Kanan, who was standing in front, suddenly waved his hand: Hey! Li, you I have to look at this. Pikanan attracted his attention, Li Yexing walked to Kanan with the file already in his hand, only to see Kanan opened the file in his hand, handed it to Li Yexing and said, Look This. Li Yexing looked down at the file, and saw that it was filled with a lot of technical terms that he couldn't understand and long scary organic chemical equations. Do you think I understand? Li Youxing frowned at Kanan Road. Of course you don't understand this, but next. As if to show off, Kanan proudly flipped through the booklet in his hand, and after a while, a color photo that took up an entire page of the document appeared in Li Yexing In the photo, it's a parasite, it doesn't look too big, it's just a disgusting ball of meat, its body is covered with folds and blood vessels, and there are obvious cutting marks on its body, under the photo there is a- Small print: Stripped sample after one week of incubation. Looks like it was cut directly from the host.

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And this. Seeing that Li Yexing had finished reading it, Kanan turned the file again and pointed to the photo: Look at this guy. Codename LOM Big Rock Snake? Li Yexing frowned and said: This is not That damned lizard? The picture is exactly the damned lizard, but it doesn't look that big. Compared with the researcher next to him, it seems to be less than ten meters long. Based on the amphibian parasite BOW that appeared in Spain, a new project was developed based on reptiles, and the laboratory in Zone D on the second floor was placed. Rapidly becoming Dajing has a strong ability to climb bars, and his defense ability has also been greatly enhanced. He can resist the shooting of small-caliber ammunition. It is recommended to use new drugs to observe the effect of injection. Li Yexing guessed that the reason why this lizard escaped is very likely. It was the new drug that pushed it too far. Then, Kanan flipped through the document, which was accompanied by various photos, some black people who had cracked and created, and some black people who had Banelings. , a large mass of flesh and blood with tentacles tore the host's neck or simply crushed the host's head, and drilled out from the inside, looking very ferocious. My God. Kanan looked at the black people in the photo, his expression on his face. Gang Guo said with a hint of fear: Is it possible that I will become like this in the future? It should not be. Li Yexing told Kanan Road. This is not for comfort, but based on the existing situation, Kanan The parasitic infection on his body is unprecedented and peculiar. Li Yexing is almost certain that as an ordinary revolutionary army soldier, Kanan could not have been injected with the dominant species of parasite. Nanhou, not only did not make Kanan lose his mind, but also gave Kanan a power that is extremely similar to Clausa in Resident Evil 4 that can only be obtained by dominant species of parasites, and Kanan can even sense through his own parasites. other infected and forcefully neutralize their hostility. Kanan's relationship with Parasite is like Rita's relationship with the Goddess of Night's core, they fit together like a perfectly fitting puzzle. On the other hand, Kanan seemed to be very worried. She just took Li Yexing's words as comfort, and it seemed that she didn't even think about looking through the files. Seeing that Kanan was a little absent-minded, Li Yexing leaned on the file shelf, lifted the one he had just held in his hand with a face full of indifference, and when he saw the words on it, he suddenly

stunned. About the cooperation project with Sanlian Liyao, Li Youxing immediately opened the file in his hand. The amount of text in the file is very huge, but with the almost quantum speed reading ability that he used to be a student of the Celestial Dynasty in his previous life, Li Yexing was still very fast. has finished reading the file. This file details the purpose of the establishment of the facility and

and related cooperation projects with Sanlian Pharmaceutical, the organization where this facility is located obtained parasite samples from Spain from Sanlian Pharmaceutical, and then conducted a concurrent study with Sanlian Pharmaceutical. About - years ago, the organization and Sanlian Pharmaceutical The African branch of the drug reached an agreement and decided to conduct a large-scale test. They chose the site in Malvia, and the triple pharmaceutical supported the government army, while the organization was responsible for supporting the anti-ZF armed forces, and both sides simultaneously reported to their own supporters. The faction provides parasites, and then continuously improves their products according to the situation of the war. The entire document did not mention the name of this organization, but, on the last page of the document, Li Yexing saw a sign, that was Umbrella's sign, but the original red part had all become black, and the white one. Some of them are also densely painted with certain patterns, like the family crest of a certain noble. Black Umbrella! Just when Li Yexing was shocked by this conclusion, Kanan suddenly raised his head and said, Someone is here, above us! Hearing Kanan's words, Li Yexing immediately lightened the file in his hand. Putting it down lightly, he picked up the gun and tensed his nerves, but he didn't hear anything. Then, there may be only one kind left. The comer is a parasitic infection!

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