What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

3-40. Online hand ripped by maid and maid

Remember it in one second

In the rift valley ravaged by torrential rain, the battle between monsters continues. At this time, Rita, without Li Yexing's attention, fought more and more recklessly. She let the bullets of the cleaners smash her body, and then stepped on the muddy ground to toss and move. She doesn't need a scythe or a firearm. Her own body is the most efficient killing machine. Knocking a scavenger to the ground, Rita lay on its body frantically biting at its neck, mixed with The blood of the minced meat splattered in all directions until its head was completely bitten off. Rita grabbed the corpse and pointed the blood-gushing wound at her face. She opened her mouth greedily, letting the blood of the cleaners spill over. On his face, on his body and in his mouth, and finally sucking crazily at the wound, the blood with a high concentration of viruses was quickly absorbed by this body that had completely turned into an efficient predation and digestive organ, along with the internal organs of the body. Her strength gradually became full, and the wound began to be filled and repaired by tiny blood-colored tentacles at a speed visible to the naked eye. She turned her head, covered in blood, and looked at the cleaners around who were still firing at her. smile. I saw her leaving the headless corpse that was almost sucked dry, turned over suddenly, and streaked a graceful curve in the air, and then her legs wrapped in broken black silk tensed and fell like a cannonball, ruthlessly. Violently kicked a scavenger who had fired at Self 2 to the ground, and before it could stand up, Rita, who had landed firmly on the ground, slammed up, choked its neck with both hands, and the upper and lower jaws were like The splinter opened in an instant, and then, a mixture of yellow and green liquid spewed out from Rita's splinter's mouth, pouring it on the face of the cleaner, accompanied by traces of white smoke, the cleaner The face beneath the mask rotted and shriveled at a speed visible to the naked eye and turned into a pool of liquid. Throwing away the corpse of the cleaner whose head had rotted into a hired hole in her hands, Rita stood up. She felt an unprecedented thrill impacting her. Ah, this is the feeling, the feeling of liberating her own strength, no longer being subjected to The feeling of being bound by yoke. The real feeling of fighting like a monster. This is the true power of the goddess of the night! Rita laughed, covering her face in the hail of bullets, laughing frantically, the flesh and blood behind her back squirmed frantically, and then two tentacles shot out, piercing two The scavengers who were firing from 2, the tentacles pierced their calves, and the barbs slammed out to grab their flesh and drag them towards themselves. The two scavengers lost their balance instantly and fell. On the ground, even if they fell to the ground, they just calmly fired at Rita, but Rita didn't care. She frantically dragged the bodies of the two cleaners, leaving them with blood mixed with blood on the muddy ground. trace. Seeing that the two cleaners were about to be dragged over, her snow-white back suddenly opened with a tearing sound of flesh and blood, like a piece of blood. The layers are densely arranged, and I saw tongue-like tentacles dragging the two cleaners, instantly pulling them into the crack. Aiming at the entry of the two cleaners, the crack opened and closed like a burp. Like a meat grinder, for a while, the flesh and blood of the cleaners splattered, and as the cracks closed, Rita's figure became a little bloated, and she stretched like a lady who just woke up from a nap. At the waist, the next second, the gap on the back opened again, and the body armor, black combat uniform, tactical helmet, and various small bits and pieces stained with mucus and flesh were spit out. That's right, this body is no longer a human body. Her body gradually changed after the collision with Li Yexing. She no longer has digestive organs, no need for excretion, and no longer even has a brain. In essence, it's just the core of the night goddess and the flesh that maintains the human shape that wraps the core, but even so, she still stubbornly retains her sense of taste, smell and the shape of this body, because only in this way can she always tell her. Only by presenting the most fragrant red glory can the husband continue to snuggle in his arms, and this body has already become the shape of the husband. The reason is simply because the gentleman likes it. Aside, Tillilith Tillian is still confronting, but Tllin's expression has changed from being full of confidence at the beginning to

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was shocked. What kind of monster is that?! It's a foul! Tillin looked at the almost invincible maid with a horrified face, and slammed the huge metal box in her hand to the ground in exasperation. She kicked the card on the box with one foot. Button, took out a minigun that was very similar to the gun in Tililith's hand, aimed it at Rita, and was about to fire, when Tililith's voice suddenly came from her ear. Your opponent is Tiliris. Huh? Tillian was stunned, and Tiliris, who had been ready, fired instantly. With the rotating barrel and a terrifying roar, the metal storm instantly engulfed Tllin's body. Ignoring the large-caliber machine gun ammunition, the body armor ripped open one by one on her body, T-llian was furious, turned his head and took the ninigun in his hand and aimed it at Tililith and roared: Don't underestimate TLllia. !Sister! The next second, gunshots roared.

At this extremely close distance, the roaring sounds of the two miniguns were added together, frantically washing each other's bodies, the bullets smashed the flesh and blood of the two girls' bodies, and Tillin's face was almost full of blood. Crazy smiles, while Tililith remained expressionless until each other's muscles were torn and bones began to break, until the two could no longer withstand each other's firepower. Tiillis caught the tiredness on illian's face, she dropped the gun and tore off the ammo chain from her body

. It may be the tacit understanding between the sisters, or it may be pure stubbornness. Seeing Tililith tore off the chain bound on her body, Tillin also threw away the gun in her hand, and they rushed towards each other dragging their broken bodies in the wind and rain. , and then punched the opponent's face at the same time. This punch seemed to shake the forehead of the rain in the air. Both sides were instantly stunned by the exaggerated power of the opponent's fist, but the next second, the faster When the boxing came, they did not dodge or dodge the attacking fist, they only used their bodies to resist, and then beat the opponent frantically with more powerful punches, trying to knock the opponent to the ground. In the storm, the blond girl and the silver-haired girl frantically hit each other's bodies. On the other hand, Leon just climbed out of the truck and looked stupid. This was the first time in his life that he watched the battle between monsters up close. He couldn't intervene in such a battle. The only thing he could do was not to Stop and shoot at the cleaners in the distance. Although those guys have no pain, they are essentially some kind of creatures. If they shoot a few shots at the head, they will always die, but Leon himself does not think that his firepower has any existence. It was necessary, because from the current situation, that maid was enough to take care of all the enemies by herself. Looking at the chaotic scene in front of him, Leon was a little desperate. He covered his forehead and said helplessly: Li, where are you?

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