Remember it in one second

Above the Great Rift Valley, on the edge of the cliff, the technical team from Black Umbrella is closely watching the battle under the Rift Valley. What the hell is... what? The observer on the upper part of the rift looked at the violent monster on the receiving screen in shock. At the very beginning of the battle, the monster started killing, tearing and crushing it with absolute power. with the entire scavenger force. Director Casimir, can you see that? That thing. The observer looked nervously at the communicator hall: 'It's the unidentified BOW that appeared in the first battle report, and I suspect that Sanlian Liyao also intervened in this operation! ..I can see it, of course I can see it. Casimir, who is far away in Europe, is sitting on the boss chair, leaning his chin and looking at the crazy monster girl on the screen. 1. Laughing It's really amazing. , as for those stupid pigs at Sanlian Pharmaceutical, they are incapable of making such a thing. He reached out to hold the mouse, scrolled the scroll wheel, and called up a document after a while. Rita Griffith, Ge The head maid of the head of the Refis family, the mad dog in the Middle East battlefield. Casimir whispered softly: Did he die in the Oriana incident in the end? After thinking about it, Casimir asked casually: Have you checked the reason for Lih's presence in Malvia? Sanlian declined to share details on this with us, reporting director. The voice of the frontline observers came out of the communicator. It seems that they also knew what the kid was, and they made a wrong idea, but ours got the news earlier than them, and they lost the main power, said After that, Casimir took a sip of coffee and sneered: If you grab something on your own site, you won't be able to grab us, so I haven't been able to.

Then Director, are we going to consider recycling that unknown B0W? the observer on the other side of the communication asked. B? Are you out of your mind? Casimir suddenly laughed, Tlin's performance was obviously inferior, Lih and I

Speaking of this, Casimir shook his head slightly and said, No, I was wrong, all the armed forces we brought in the past, even including -ili

n I'm afraid that you are not enough for that guy. Now, you tell me, you want to recycle it? Where did you get your confidence? There is some hesitation. There's nothing to hide, I know what you want to say, since the maid entered the field, our recovery mission husband was defeated. I thought that he was just a guy who is very good at using cold weapons, but I didn't expect his fighting style to be like this. Unrestrained.. Casimir waved his hand indifferently and said: Unlike those guys who are very happy, I am a pragmatic person. If I fail, I fail. This time it was my decision-making mistake, and you will not suffer. Punishment.. Speaking of which, Casimir said with a nonchalant smile: The Cleaner unit should be given away for nothing, it's not worth much anyway, just remember to bring the second princess back alive, I'm worried that it will be Its ruthless sister was beaten to death.

Temporarily shutting down the communication, Casimir looked relaxed, not like the mission failed at all, he opened his specially encrypted mobile phone in a happy mood, and dialed someone.

Said, Mr. Casimir, how are the things I said, how are you thinking?

I've never been good at rejecting beautiful women's requests, especially to you... Casimir scratched his head and responded with a smile: Your orange-red

Thank you for your tolerance. The blond woman responded with a polite smile to Casimir's compliment. No, no, you're wrong, miss, I've never been a tolerant Casimir and said with a smile:

Don't worry, this is what we said. The blonde woman squinted and smiled and said, A blood sample with a high concentration of T-Veronica virus will be delivered to you within a week. And it won't go through my stupid superior and directly into my own hands. Casimir added with a smile. Of course, we agreed. The blonde woman smiled.

Pretty lady, don't even think about playing with me. Casimir looked at the screen of the phone and said softly: If you play with me, that Idonian mercenary thing

Don't worry, I will do what I say. On the screen, the blonde woman smiled and said, Do you understand what I mean? Of course I do... Casimir smiled and said: 'If I breach the contract, you will It's killing me. You can understand that is really good.. The blond woman covered her mouth and chuckled: Then it's settled, to be honest, there are still things on my side - it might be possible will be busy. Then I won't bother you, beautiful lady. Casimir smiled: Just don't forget my things.

Less than half an hour after iTLllin and the liquidators left their European headquarters for South Africa, Casimir's encrypted mobile phone received a communication from the goddess, a beautiful woman with blond hair and tear moles at the corners of her eyes, but Casey What Mir cares most about is not her pretty face, but the pair of snakes

Those are the eyes of inhuman things. Next, the woman talked a lot with Casimir, and even told Casimir a lot of the secrets of Black Umbrella, and finally, this woman

Of course Casimir didn't want it. You told me to give up and I'd give up. Did you think I was the research director of the European branch of Black Umbrella? Until the woman took out the chips--T- Virus sample of Veronica virus.

Legend has it that the Black Umbrella headquarters seems to have a sample of the T-Veronica virus, but for some reason, everyone is secretive about this matter, like an urban legend circulating among the high-rises. So when that woman says she can provide

When a sample of T: Veronica virus was distributed, Casimir resolutely compromised. Although T-Lith is unique at present, the R\u0026D department keeps all the information of project development always- God can make another one, and things like T. Veronica, once missed, there will be no more. However, despite the agreement, there are still many things that Casimir doesn't know. In fact, he always thought Tith was dead.

For a new development project, its physical state is not stable. It needs to be soaked in nutrient solution most of the day, without professional maintenance. Within half a year, its body will inevitably collapse, but now, it is actually alive and well. Casimir guessed that it is likely that the huge force behind the mysterious woman helped TLilith carry out regular maintenance, otherwise it would not make sense. Thinking of this, Casimir took another sip of coffee, looked at the ceiling and said softly: . Where are you holy?

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