What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

3-47. Hunk gets beat on the other side

Remember it in one second

On the stormy tarmac, the battle continued. The two battlefields opened the second round at the same time. How? This kind of appearance is full of murderous weapons? In Capone's shocked eyes, the alienated Kanan smiled and grinned, revealing a shark-like mouth. The tooth said: I call this form 'human-devouring beast'. I have only used it once before. To be honest, even I hate this inhuman appearance. Today, thanks to you, I I have to show people this monster-like appearance. You... stole the authority of God! There was a trace of anger in his cloudy eyes, and Capone snarled like a furious gorilla: This is What a blasphemous gesture! You mother-in-law! Look what you've done?! Hehe, I don't want to talk to you old bastard anymore, it's just a few words over and over again, now, go to hell! Saying that, a red light flashed in Kanan's eyes. She moved violently and moved towards Kapen. This speed far exceeded the limit that Kapon could accept. He backed away in a panic, wanting to fight. He raised his right arm to resist the blow, but Kanan's speed was even faster. In less than a breath, the alienated blade transformed from Kanan's right arm pierced Capone's chest, and Capone gritted his teeth. The moment the blade was about to touch the body of the parasite, he suddenly raised his right arm and hit Kanan's right arm. With this push, Kanan's alienated blade suddenly rose and ripped open Capone's chest. , the red and yellow liquid spewed out of the wound. Although the fatal blow was resolved, Capone was still seriously injured. He was burning with anger, clenched his teeth and swung his giant axe to swept across Kanan's He wanted to force Kanan back, but Kanan jumped up sharply, stepping on Capone's alienated giant axe with both feet, and then took advantage of his strength to jump again and slashed at Capone's head. Capone saw that the blow could not be avoided and had no time to parry. In desperation, his scar that had penetrated his entire face beyond his left eye was torn apart, and a tentacle with bone spurs protruded from it. , to stand up Kanan's blow, Kanan - missed the hit, the left arm that turned into a blade slammed into Capone's neck, and Capone gritted his teeth and raised his alienated right arm. , Although it failed to hit the neck because it was suddenly raised, this blow still cut off the tentacles that grew out of Capone's head and parried Kanan. With the sound of the sword piercing the flesh,- The tentacles of bone spurs rose into the sky, and the broken tentacles twitched painfully in the air while spraying yellow liquid, and retracted Capone's head, Capone retreated in pain as if he had suffered huge damage, - - She screamed and waved her mutated right arm frantically. Kanan, who stepped on Capone's right arm, saw that she had no place to stand. She threw up in the air and landed steadily on the ground. . While Capone was still covering his face and howling in pain, Kanan bowed his body, then rushed up with a stride, his alienated right arm pointed directly at Capone's chest. You are courting death! Capone roared and waved his right arm. To meet him, Kanan jumped up suddenly, wanting to repeat the old trick, but saw the serrated axe blade on Capone's alienated right arm suddenly spinning, and it was spinning faster and faster, as if stepping on it. It is estimated that the lower leg may be directly smashed. Kanan gritted his teeth, changed his posture in the air, and attacked with a long left knife arm. With the sound of gold and iron, the strong torque directly threw Kanan out. She controlled her posture diligently, and landed on both hands and feet at the same time, piercing the sharp bone blades growing out of her body and making scratches on the ground. Just as she stabilized her body, Kanan looked up and saw Capone waving and turning into a The right arm of the circular saw rushed over like a chariot. Accept the trial! Capone roared, the alienated right arm that had turned into a circular saw slammed down towards Kanan, only to see Kanan dodged the blow that was enough to smash people into meat sauce, Then he sprinted to Capone's back, and before Capone turned around, he jumped on Capone's back with a stride, his left arm instantly pierced Capone's lute bone to stabilize his body, and his right arm was raised high. The alienated sharp blade, mixed with flesh and blood, pierced the skin and muscles behind Capone's back like cutting butter, and then plunged into Capone's body entrenched near the spine. The parasite body, along with this fatal blow, Capone let out a heart-piercing scream, he turned around frantically, waving his arms to throw Kanan off, but Kanan's left arm knocked Kanan off. It was firmly fixed on Capone's back, allowing Capone's crazy twisting and shaking of his body, Kanan stayed still. Now, let's see how your god will save you! Kanan gritted his teeth and stabbed the parasite's right arm, twisting frantically, tearing, red blood mixed with yellow mucus from the wound It spewed out and splashed on Kanan's face like a mad beast. Finally, along with Kanan's sudden force, a knife tip with yellow mucus came out from Capone's chest. Ahhhhhhh! Capone screamed, his head snapped open, and large groups of tiny tentacles with blood came out of the cracks, as if to escape this dying flesh , but Kanan didn't care at all, she just stabbed herself into the alienated right arm behind Capone's back and stirred frantically. With Kanan's actions, Capone's resistance finally weakened, and the cracked head made him unable to make a sound. He staggered forward, and finally fell to his knees and lay straight on the ground.

Although Capone has fallen, Kanan is still frantically stirring and piercing the right arm behind Capone's back. The small tentacles that have emerged from Capone's head are getting weaker and weaker, and finally they are all soft and heavy. It wasn't until this moment that Kanan suddenly exerted strength and pulled out her alienated right arm. With her movements, red blood mixed with yellow parasite body fluids splashed out instantly. Sitting on the ground, watching Looking at Capone's smoking white corpse, bleeding with blood and parasite body fluids, Kanan panted heavily, and she moved her gaze to Li Yexing's eyes, where the battle continued and she couldn't rest. , she had to help Li Yexing kill the man wearing sunglasses. Reluctantly support the body Kanan

Just as she was about to walk over, she saw bursts of white smoke from her body, the bone spurs and bone blades all over her body were slowly retracting into her body, and the exposed scarlet muscles gradually rotted and fell off, turning into white smoke. Nothingness, revealing the skin that originally belonged to Kanan, Kanan raised his arms, only to see two huge blades retracting into his body little by little, returning to their original appearance. Hell...it's going to the limit. Kanan muttered to herself, raised her head and looked at Li Yexing, who was in a hard fight. She gritted her teeth, walked over step by step, and suddenly her eyes darkened. Kanan, who was exhausted, was covered in white smoke, and collapsed on the ground. on the ground.

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