What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

3-48. The macho doesn't fall

Remember it in one second

Li Yexing saw Kanan fall, but he had no time to take it into account, Wesker's offensive was getting more and more rapid. He raised his left arm and ate Wesker hard - with a heavy punch, Li Yexing staggered and took two steps back. When Wesker chased after him, he gritted his teeth and slammed his forehead on the bridge of Wesker's nose. Li Yexing had already taken a heavy punch, which knocked Wesker out of a nosebleed again. Wesker covered his nose and staggered back two steps to distance himself from Li Yexing. He pushed on the sunglasses that had fallen off, and then suddenly took out a silver-colored desert eagle from his arms and aimed it at it. Li Yexing, Li Yexing's subconscious tactical roll, the desert eagle roared, passing through the place where Li Yexing had stood, Wesker fired reluctantly, only to see Li Yexing's tactical roll and turned sharply towards Wesker was a sliding shovel. Wesker was caught off guard and was shoveled straight. Seeing that Wesker's center of gravity was unstable, Li Yexing suddenly turned over and grabbed the wrist of Wesker holding the gun. He couldn't avoid it, and his elbow slammed into Li Yexing's mandible. Li Yexing only felt that his eyes darkened for a moment, his head was tilted to the side, and Li Yexing was dizzy. Wesker suddenly raised the gun. Aiming at Li Yexing's temple, Li Yexing's nerves were instantly tense, he subconsciously grabbed Wesker's hand and lifted it up one by one, the gun rang, and Li Yexing, whose ears were sore, gritted his teeth and yanked him over Wei. Skipping held the gun in his hand, he lifted the cover and slammed it into Wesker's wrist. Wesker only felt his right hand go numb and the gun fell to the ground. Li Yexing saw that Wesker's gun fell on the ground, and bent over to pick it up, but saw Wesker kick the gun far away, his head began to become chaotic, unable to distinguish the current situation, Li Yexing was a little dazed He raised his head, but met Wesker's heavy punch. This punch hit Li Yexing's lower collar bone again. Li Yexing only felt top-heavy and fell down. Seeing Li Yexing falling to the ground, Wesker's face showed a cruel smile. He raised his right leg high, and then slammed it down on Li Yexing. Li Yexing, who was still conscious, tumbled awkwardly. This fatal blow was dodged, but in the next second, Wesker kicked Li Yexing's head up. Li Yexing on the ground had no time to dodge, so he had to cross his arms and resist, accompanied by his arms. The pain seemed to be broken, Li Youxing was kicked out again, and then fell heavily to the ground. You're great. Wesker, who was tired from fighting, moved his wrists and said coldly, I have to admit, you caused me a lot of trouble, but it was only an annoyance. Wesker walked towards Li Yexing, At this time, Li Yexing squinted his eyes, his mind was blurred, his face was covered in blood, and he seemed to be dead at every turn. Only the eyeballs that followed Wesker's figure were telling others that he was still alive. You could have survived, but You wasted too much of my time, which made me very low.. Wesker said coldly, So, now you'd better tell me, where is that silver-haired BOW? Li Yexing lay on the ground, motionless. Yes, without speaking.

Spray. I'm going to die. I can't even say a word... Wesker shook his head in dissatisfaction and said: Forget it, if you can't get it, you can't get it, after all, it will be a few more days. In a few months, the world will be different. I will lead the change and lead mankind to a new era, but it is a pity that you can't see it

Li Yexing thought to himself, in a few months, you will be soaking in lava and eating rocket chili.

Seeing that Li Yexing didn't respond to his words, Wesker was a little disappointed. He turned his head and looked at Capone who was lying on the ground. As a subordinate he is weak and stupid, but as a touchstone, he is qualified

Looking at Li Yexing lying on the ground, Wesker said with a slight smile: This trip can't be said to be-nothing, although I didn't get a sample of that new-style tyrant, but I found something more to me. Important things. Saying that, Wesker turned his head to look at Kanandao, who was also on the ground: I never thought that such a perfect Las Plagas parasite body could exist in this world, so freely retractable, I am afraid that only the leader of the Light Religion can do it? If this body can be recovered, it will definitely be of great help to the next plan..

Li Yexing's fingers moved slightly, his lips moved slightly, as if he wanted to say something, but Wesker didn't care, he walked straight to the unconscious Kanan. Suddenly, his ankle was firmly grasped by a hand. With a face full of disdain, Wesker turned around and looked at Li Yexing lying on the ground. His posture did not change, he just stretched out a hand and grabbed his ankle, that's all. ..' Wesker snorted coldly and broke free from Li Yexing's hand, but Li Yexing did not give up. After being freed, he reached out and grabbed Wesker's feet again.

His lips were squirming lightly, and the weak Li Ye was like a gossamer, and said softly: If you shake hands, you can trust each other. Brother, Li Ye moved. Spinning around, then stretched out his hands, hugged Wesker's legs tightly, grabbed Wesker's waistband, and stood up trembling like a walking corpse. This is shocking.. Wesker's face flashed a playful taste: Even if you stand up, what can you do? Can you stop me? As long as I'm alive, I can... Li Ye Xing stared at Wesker, said softly, and then suddenly threw a punch at a speed that was not like a dying person, and smashed it into Wesker's face. Yexing lost his balance in an instant and almost fell to the ground. You remind me of an old friend of mine... Covering his hurt face, Wesker stumbled two steps, looked up at Li Yexing and said: The same stubborn, - it goes on and on, and

. The same do not know whether to live or die. After all, Wesker smashed Li Yexing's face with a backhand. Li Yexing staggered back, but did not fall down. He arched his body sharply, and then punched Wesk in the face again. This punch He directly knocked the sunglasses off Wesker's face. Staring at snake-like red eyes, Wesker wiped his nosebleed, and reached into his coat pocket, but couldn't touch what he wanted to touch. His sunglasses were exhausted. Where are your sunglasses? The weak Li Yexing asked with a smile, with a hint of sarcasm on his face. You bastard... Looking at Li Yexing's smug smile, Wesker whispered angrily. R\u0026F, with just one blow, it can penetrate Li Yexing's chest, shatter his heart, and take his life. Just let it go. Wesker said coldly. Just when he was about to kill Li Yexing, there was a burst of sound from above the big hole. With the strong wind pressure, the sound became louder and louder until it spread throughout the big hole, and a beam of light shot from the sky. After coming down, Wesker turned his head to look at the sky, and saw a huge transport helicopter hovering over the abandoned mine pit and slowly descending towards the apron of the big hole. When the helicopter was still dozens of meters away from the apron, the cabin of the helicopter suddenly opened, and then, a figure in black fell from the cabin, and then slammed into the middle of the apron. Under the searchlight of the helicopter, the figure turned around, and through the somewhat blurred vision, Li Yexing could see that it was a blond woman in a long black dress. He let go of Li Yexing who was almost incapacitated, Wesker turned around, stared at the woman who had fallen from the sky, and said coldly: 'Who are you?' The woman smiled slightly, raised her head and looked at Wesker and said, 'What? You haven't seen me for so many years, can't you recognize me? Wesker carefully looked at the woman in front of her, with a slender and full figure, a long black dress and a long skirt. The two beautiful legs looming, with black high-heeled shoes on their feet, white skin like the first snow in winter, but the blond hair is like a scorching sun, those orange-red eyes like snakes, and the tiny tear at the corner of the eye. sick

Wesker's expression gradually became horrified. “Alec Lisa Ashford?!”

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