What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

3-49. Above the macho, the queen descends!

Remember it in one second

Ashford? Hearing Wesker read out the woman's surname, Li Yexing only felt a shock, and even the drowsy head that was beaten was sobered up a lot.

Speaking of the surname Ashford, we have to go back to the last century. After the virus was extracted from the plants of the sun ladder, Oswell E Spencer, James Marcus and Edward Ashford Co-founded the international pharmaceutical company Umbrella. In the end, Marcus was betrayed by Spencer and his students and shot to death. Spencer, who survived to the end, was killed by his favorite student, Albert Wesker. Subordinates, as for Edward Ashford, he walked peacefully, but his son Alexander Ashford was not very comfortable, and it could even be said that he died miserably. He was made a monster by his own children.

At that time, the Ashford family was gradually declining. In order to revive the glory of the family, the mediocre Alexander Ashford threw out the tomb of his ancestors, extracted the genes of the first-generation patriarch Veronica Ashford, and used genetic engineering to manufacture them. They are brother Alfred Ashford and younger sister Alexia Ashford, and this pair of brothers and sisters can be regarded as living up to expectations. The older brother has a superior IQ and took over the military training affairs on Rockford Island. My sister's IQ has completely reached the level of a monster. She graduated from a famous university at the age of ten and took over the Antarctic research branch of Umbrella. William Birken, who claims to be a genius boy, almost bleeds out of his brain. This brother and sister, except for some It seems that there is no major problem except for German orthopedics. Mr. Alexander must be very pleased.

Until the siblings found out that they were the product of genetic engineering. The next development is very magical. The brothers and sisters felt that it was enough to revive the family or something. Hidden from the housekeeper who got along with each other day and night, the high IQ of this pair of siblings seems to be reflected in some inexplicable places. In a word, this family is serious - it's hard to describe, the father Guan who threw his ancestral grave with joy and the orthopedic brothers and sisters who blew the suona happily and sent off their father.

Of course, the ending of a character like this is generally not very good. Alexander, who turned into a monster, was slaughtered by Chris' sister Claire. Alexia was in the refrigerator + a few years after it came out of the refrigerator. The laser cannon left by the father was smashed, but the older brother who looked a little silly finally died in the arms of his sister. It was considered a good death? As a result, the Ashford family was completely cut off from descendants. But in this case, the question arises. Who is this blond royal lady in a black dress and full of rage? Weske seemed to call her Alec Lisa Ashford just now? There is no such person? Could it be a sideline of the Ashford family? Li Yexing was thinking, the helicopter landed behind the woman with a roar, and then stopped. In front of the helicopter, he seemed to feel Li With the doubts in Yexing's eyes, Yujie, who was wearing a black dress, gently moved her soft blonde hair, ignoring Wesker, who looked like he had eaten shit, turned his head to look at Li Yexing, and said with a bright smile on his face: Darling. Haven't seen me for so many years, do you miss me? Gan! Who are you? Of course, Li Yexing couldn't have said that, his thoughts flashed like lightning, and Li Yexing nodded without hesitation: Miss Ashford, I miss you so much! Oops, although I know you're lying to me, I'm still very open... The blonde-haired sister said with a smile, After all, you are the famous Lopp. Les

Dog, and I'm just a weak, pitiful and helpless girl who can only ask for your protection. How can someone like you remember every spring with you?

Leaving aside why this woman speaks so yin and yang, Li Yexing always felt that her words were a bit too informative, and tried to find the record of the violent mercenary Iz. Li

Ye Xing really couldn't remember this body rolling over the sheets with a girl who could jump vertically from dozens of meters high without getting hurt. Forget it, this is a man. It was such a pleasant night, but you turned your head and forgot about me. Seeing Li Yexing - with a confused face, the blond sister Yu complained, and then suddenly she looked like a young girl in her arms. Covering his blushing face, he said, Oh, what am I talking about, I'm so ashamed... Li Yexing looked at the blonde woman in front of him, yes, pretend, just pretend. Okay, no joke. The smiling blond woman waved her hand, and then her expression gradually became serious. She looked at Li Yexing and said, I know you may have many doubts, but the answer hasn't been revealed yet. Now, you just need to get on the plane and leave, and leave the rest to me. Can I trust you? Li Yexing asked. Do you have any other options? the blonde woman asked. Okay. , I really have no other choice. Li Yexing smiled helplessly and said, The rest will be left to you. After all, Li Yexing walked straight to Kanan, and Wesker wanted to reach out his hand to stop him, but the next second, it was as if he was being drenched from head to toe by a bucket of ice water. This feeling made him stop moving instantly and turned. When he turned his head, he saw that the blonde woman was staring at him with murderous eyes, as if if he dared to move, the woman would rip off his skin.

Although I didn't know the woman's way, and I didn't feel that the woman would definitely win the Superman-like self, this feeling still made Wesker very uncomfortable. So Wesker and the blond woman stood motionless, watching Li Yexing pick up Kanan who was lying on the ground, and then walked straight to the helicopter. Wesker wondered if it was his own delusion. The moment Li Yexing picked up Kanan, the blond woman seemed to smack her lips in annoyance. After placing Kanan on the transport plane, Li Yexing turned her head and said to the blond woman. : 'That guy is tough, he's beyond the limits of human beings, fast

Du Kuai can dodge bullets, are you sure you can get him?

For some unknown reason, Li Yexing felt a chill inexplicably looking at the bright smiling face of the blond royal sister. Finally, there is one more thing. Li Yexing hesitated and asked, The guy said just now, your name is 4 Alec Lisa Ashford. Is that right?

Yes, please remember that the name of the competition is Alec Lisa Ashford, and she is the descendant of the Ashford family. The blond woman was slightly startled, and then smiled. I will remember.. Looking at Ale Krissa's orange-red eyes like snake pupils, Li Youxing nodded solemnly and said. Li Yexing got on the plane and closed the cabin door, accompanied by a roar, the helicopter Take off slowly. Watching the helicopter fly up to the dome of the Abandoned Sun Mine, the smile on Aleklisa's face gradually changed, the bright tenderness turned into arrogance and mockery, she stared at Sk, how was the ice cold, surprised 0? I'm still alive . It's really surprising. Wesker looked at the blonde woman in front of him, his nerves gradually tense, as if he was facing a big enemy. Actually, it's not surprising. Alekelissa smiled and opened her arms in the storm: I am the queen of heaven, even if I no longer try to rule over all things, I still hold the authority of God. How could I be like this? Killed by you idiots? The blond queen began to burn with a raging fire, steaming the raindrops in the air into wisps of white, she sneered: Look at those idiots, they turned my black Umbrella into a What? An organization that pursues the principles of human evolution has become an arms dealer like the H.CF. alliance or even Sanlian Li Yao... With the rising flame, the blond queen raised her head and said: You guys Worm snow, it's so disgusting it makes me want to vomit!

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