What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

3-50. Under the macho, sisters fight in chaos

Remember it in one second

Li Yexing sat in the large transport helicopter, watching the helicopter gradually fly out of the big hole along the window. Mr. don't worry about Miss. An old and twisted voice came from the helicopter's cockpit, Miss is invincible. Wesker alone can't compete with Miss's Tianwei. Tianwei? Li Yexing Wei-Chen , and then the corners of his mouth crossed - a smile, according to Li Yexing's understanding of the Resident Evil series, that Alai who eats Lisa is most likely to be infected with the T-Veronica virus, and it is very likely that It has been planted in the refrigerator for fifteen years, and it has already achieved great achievements, but no matter how strong it is, it is basically the same. The ability to burn blood when it comes into contact with the air is estimated to be in the \u003cDark Chronicles\u003e. Manuela

At that level, you can directly burn the giant spider legs of your mutant father to ashes in an instant, which can already be said to be a strong critic, but to say Tianwei is a bit too ridiculous.

Just when Li Yexing was thinking about it, he saw a golden light suddenly appear in the abandoned mine that was far away from him. Then, with the roar and the vibration of the air, a huge fire column shot up into the sky, like a volcanic eruption. Fuck! Li Yexing almost fell off his chair in fright, looking at the abandoned mine that was spewing fire, he said with horror, What is that?!

As I said, no one can compete with the majesty of the young lady, not even Wesker. The twisted and old voice came again, and Li Yexing swallowed. He was suddenly curious about what was in front of him. While flying the plane but considering the fire pillar just now, Li Yexing felt that sometimes it is better to restrain people's curiosity. Turning his head and looking at Kanan, who was lying on the chair in a drowsy state, there was a trace of melancholy on Li Yexing's face, - I'm afraid I'll have to face Sanlian Liyao when I go back, how can I explain it? Directly take Kanan and forcibly kill him? But wouldn't Tililith and Rita accompany him for nothing?

Headache... Li Yexing said with a gloomy expression as he tapped his head.

The rain gradually stopped, and the dark clouds dispersed, revealing the bright moonlight. In the rift lit by the moonlight, the battle was drawing to a close. All the liquidators were killed in action. Their stumps, broken arms and bullet casings were thrown into the rift, blood mixed with rain, and the whole muddy mud was dyed red.

Heisi's legs fell from the side, and the rain washed away the blood on her skin, but couldn't wash her maid outfit full of bullet holes. At this time, she had an elegant and charming smile on her face, quietly Waiting for the outcome of the battle on the other side. I said, can't those two dwarfs finish the fight soon? I'm going to freeze to death. Beside Rita, Erwin leaning on the carriage said impatiently, hearing Erwin's complaint With a smile on her face, Rita gently kicked Erwin's head with her high heels. With the severe pain in her neck, Erwin immediately let out a pig-like scream.

Leon leaned on the front of the car and didn't speak. He opened his blue eyes, and the gun was casually slung around his waist. At this time, he was watching the top 5 battles quietly like Rita. On the muddy soil full of bloody smells, Tililith, who had a bruised nose and blood on her face, rode on iLlin's body and beat her sister with fist after fist. Tillian held her hands in front of her and tried her best to resist But Tlilith's fist was heavier with each punch. Finally, with the sound of bones shattering, Tlilin groaned in pain and let go of his hands subconsciously, but this moment of slackening was enough for Tilly to control the slightest bit. Relentlessly put his fist in her face.

Following Tiillis's heavy punch, Tillin's blindfold protecting her left eye slipped down instantly. Looking at iillan's left eye, Tiillis was stunned. Under the blindfold was a piece of flesh without skin, and the flesh and the skin were rudely bound together with a skin gripper, like - the staples of a stapler - in the blurred patch. Between the flesh and blood is a cloudy eyeball. Illian, who had her blindfold removed, was also stunned. She stared at Tilly Liss, then suddenly screamed and stretched out her broken bones.

Covering her face with her arms, she cried out loudly: 'Don't look! Don't look at T-ilianl like this! Looking at Ilian crying like this, Tililith's heart suddenly felt a pain, like a heart Being held, the girl in front of her who claimed to be her own sister was actually a monster and a weapon just like herself, but she met Ye Xing, so she naturally lived in her lover's house and ate her lover's food. Playing games and watching movies in the arms of my lover, and then hugging each other to sleep, but what about her? What about this girl named -Llian?

Maybe it was because she got happiness that she thought about misfortune. Tiillis didn't want to recall the past. The days in the institute were like hell. Now she has escaped from hell, and this girl is still inside. Just at the moment when Tililith hesitated, Lillian, who was under Tililith, suddenly spit out a large mouthful of blood, which splashed on Tililith's clothes. Lilith, staggering to her feet, covered her head and cried, Don't...- Queen Biancang retreats. Along with the girl's painful cry, the girl's back suddenly spurted red and yellow liquid, tight. Then, a few tiny tentacles pierced the girl's flesh and emerged from her back. Don't look at it! Don't look at such an illian sister! Don't look at it! The girl covered her face and cried- Tiliris, who was staggering back, looked at CTllin, hesitating whether she should take the opportunity to kill her directly, and she didn't even realize that she was always there.

There was a faint struggle on his expressionless face. Captain! Captain! Your mood is unstable! The son is coming out! Hurry up and evacuate as planned! Tillian was crying, and a man's voice came from the communicator hidden in his ear. No! I can't go! It's hard to see my sister, but she can see me like this.. TLillian was still crying, as if he had lost his mind, at this moment, his communicator The man's voice came from inside: This is your father's order! Dad is father's. The girl Wei Yizheng then gritted her teeth and said, Yes, it is father's order, and father's order cannot be disobeyed, Tlin wants to get away..to press away..

Resisting the severe pain in her body, Tillin struggled to pull out a rope hook gun and aimed it at the top of the rift valley. After fixing the gun on her hand, the girl pulled towards the top of the rift valley with a painful expression. the trigger.

With a whooshing sound, the hook gun was fired, and the hook of the cable shot out, stuck on the edge of the rift, Tillian's body trembled with pain, and she covered her face, turned her head, and faced Tilly. Si showed a smile as if she was about to cry: Then.. Big sister. Next time, I must get up and go home with -illian-. With the sound of the hook gun, Illian rose into the air and disappeared. in the public eye.

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